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Sword Art Online: Lost Song Shares More Details On Its Three New Characters

Sword Art Online: Lost Song will have an original story along with its own new character, taking place in the VRMMORPG ALfheim Online after a recent update. Namco recently shared a look at some of the other characters you’ll come across.

After playing around in ALO, Kirito and his friends come across a certain guild called “Shamrock”. The guild leader happens to be a young girl, and she’s also the same genius scientist that has been on the news lately.

She graduated from MIT in America, and has been doing research with a virtual network company. If former development director of SAO, Kayaba Akihiko, was considered the darkness, this young girl is considered the light of virtual reality gaming.

The story of Sword Art Online: Lost Song starts out when Kirito and friends meet the young girl.



Seven is an original character for Lost Song, and plays as a Pooka race character. She’s a genius scientist from Russia in real life, and is metaphorically considered the light of virtual reality research. She’s the guild leader of Shamrock, and looks almost the same in-game and in real life.



Rain plays as a Leprechaun race in ALO, and she might look like a pretty girl, but she’s actually highly skilled, especially in her Hiding abilities. She’s also a dual-wielder. Rain follows around Kirito and the others for some reason, and not much else is known about her.



Sumeragi’s ALO avatar is one from the Undine race. He’s one of the leaders of the Shamrock guild, and can usually be seen around Seven to protect her. If you’re wondering how talented he is, he has defeated the Demonic Sword Gram wielder, General Eugene.

Sword Art Online: Lost Song is slated for release in Japan on March 26, 2015 for PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita.

Sword Art Online: Lost Song Shares More Details On Its Three New Characters

Sword Art Online: Lost Song will have an original story along with its own new character, taking place in the VRMMORPG ALfheim Online after a recent update. Namco recently shared a look at some of the other characters you’ll come across.

After playing around in ALO, Kirito and his friends come across a certain guild called “Shamrock”. The guild leader happens to be a young girl, and she’s also the same genius scientist that has been on the news lately.

She graduated from MIT in America, and has been doing research with a virtual network company. If former development director of SAO, Kayaba Akihiko, was considered the darkness, this young girl is considered the light of virtual reality gaming.

The story of Sword Art Online: Lost Song starts out when Kirito and friends meet the young girl.



Seven is an original character for Lost Song, and plays as a Pooka race character. She’s a genius scientist from Russia in real life, and is metaphorically considered the light of virtual reality research. She’s the guild leader of Shamrock, and looks almost the same in-game and in real life.



Rain plays as a Leprechaun race in ALO, and she might look like a pretty girl, but she’s actually highly skilled, especially in her Hiding abilities. She’s also a dual-wielder. Rain follows around Kirito and the others for some reason, and not much else is known about her.



Sumeragi’s ALO avatar is one from the Undine race. He’s one of the leaders of the Shamrock guild, and can usually be seen around Seven to protect her. If you’re wondering how talented he is, he has defeated the Demonic Sword Gram wielder, General Eugene.

Sword Art Online: Lost Song is slated for release in Japan on March 26, 2015 for PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita.

Tokyo Xanadu and Ys Next slated for September in Japan [Update]

Update: It’s come to our attention that this business report comes from a third-party stock and securities firm, rather than from Falcom itself. That said, the information within the report originates from what said firm has seen of Falcom’s financial reports. To put it bluntly, it is speculation and lacks hard facts outside of the Sen no Kiseki II figures. We regret the error. Thanks, Kirsten Miller from, for pointing this out to us.

Original Story: Tokyo Xanadu and the next Ys game are both expected to release in Japan this September, according to Falcom’s latest business report.

The document reports that Ys will be preceded by Tokyo Xanadu. Which makes sense, given that Tokyo Xanadu will be Falcom’s “first title of fiscal 2015.”

While it’s known that Ys will launch for PlayStation 4 and PS Vita, Tokyo Xanadu‘s platforms have yet to be announced. However, Falcom notes that the main platforms for its September titles are PlayStation 4 and PS Vita, suggesting either platform or both might be Tokyo Xanadu‘s supported hardware.

Falcom also mentions that PlayStation 4 is not yet popular enough in Japan, and that the platform’s sales means it must make conservative sales estimates internally for its own games.

Decisions have not yet been made about whether Ys or Tokyo Xanadu will be localized, but given Ys‘ success in foreign markets and the fact that localization is outsourced, Falcom says it would like to at least get the new Ys out overseas within the same quarter as its Japanese release. It is possible, however, that the company is referring to the Chinese and Korean markets, which has traditionally served it well. Falcom also remains open to releasing previous Kiseki games outside Japan.

Elsewhere in the report, Falcom announced that initial shipments of The Legend of Heroes: Sen no Kiseki II, which launched for PlayStation 3 and PS Vita in Japan on September 25, have surpassed 300,000. The Kiseki series has also officially shipped more units than the Ys series combined.

Thanks, Hachima Kikou.


Re: Digitize Decode’s Mirei and Rina join Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth

The latest issue of V-Jump magazine reveals two new characters set to join Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth, and they’re crossing over from Digimon World Re:Digitize Decode. There’s a new DNA digivolution Digimon, too.

Get the full details below.

Mystery Girl Who Travels Through Space and Time

Mirei Mikagura (voiced by Miyuki Sawashiro) – A cool girl who has traveled to various Digital Worlds. Her true home is a mystery.

A mysterious girl who understands the truth behind the crisis approaching the Digital World. She has a wide range of knowledge, and provides various information to the protagonist during the story.

Mirei becomes a “Data Body,” like the protagonist, by accident. She seems to be an acquaintance of Kyoko. While still shrouded in mystery, she is actually the manager of the Digi-Lab.

Mirei’s partner Digimon—Angewomon, a Vaccine type, and LadyDevimon, a Virus type—can DNA digivolve. Together they combine to form Mastimon, an angel-type Digimon with the powers of light and darkness, as well as the ability to cross space and time.

New Ally to Save the Hero in a Pinch

Rina Shinomiya (voiced by Haruka Tomatsu) – A vivacious girl who visited from another world. She conceals a strong faith within her heart.

A face-to-face confrontation with Rina in the real world? Join forces with Lina and friends and solve mysterious incidents. Of course, she’ll participate in battle, as well. Just how powerful is she…?

Her partner, Veemon, is a Digimon with a naughty and mischievous personality. But that’s just one side of him. The other also has a strong sense of justice.

Tower Records Collaboration

In Shibuya’s Tower Records, trouble and mischief are frequent occurrences. In cooperation with store clerk Reiko Towa (voiced by Ayana Taketatsu, read in its original Japanese format “Towa Reiko,” it is a play on “Tower Records”), players will investigate mysterious incidents.

Screenshot comment: Etemon seems to have appeared, but what is the truth of the matter…?

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth is due out for PS Vita in Japan on March 12.



Yakuza Zero: Special Edition für PS Vita und PS Vita TV

Sony wird in Japan spezielle Yakuza-Zero-Modelle für PlayStation Vita und PlayStation TV veröffentlichen. Ein wenig kurios ist das schon, denn das Spiel selbst erscheint nur für PlayStation 3 und PlayStation 4 in Japan. Wenn man eine PlayStation-4-Version kauft, kann man Yakuza Zero aber via Remote Play auf PlayStation Vita spielen.

Die “PlayStation Vita Yakuza Zero Edition” kostet 20.980 Yen (etwa 154 Euro) und die “PlayStation TV Value Pack Yakuza Zero Edition” kostet 16.280 Yen (etwa 119 Euro). Beide Editionen sind exklusiv im Sony Store erhältlich. Zusätzlich dazu wird es auch eine Begleit-App für PlayStation Vita geben, die ab dem 26. Februar im PlayStation Store erhältlich ist. Yakuza Zero erscheint am 12. März in Japan für PlayStation 4 und PlayStation 3.




Tokyo Ghoul Masquerader erscheint für PS Vita

In der Young Jump kündigt ein Artikel ein Videospiel für PlayStation Vita an, welches den Manga Tokyo Ghoul als Inspiration verwendet. Die Videospieladaption hat für die Veröffentlichung in Japan grünes Licht erhalten. Der Titel lautet Tokyo Ghoul Masquerader. Als Entwickler ist Bandai Namco tätig.

Derzeit gibt es keinen Termin für die Erscheinung oder Angaben zum Preis. Das dazugehörige Genre läuft unter Abenteuer-Rollenspiel. Gleichzeitig befindet sich ein Spiel für Smartphones in seiner Entwicklung. Der Service soll bereits im Sommer starten. Der Manga stammt von Sui Ishida. Die Publikation begann in der Weekly Young Jump im September 2011.

Die Geschichte des Manga dreht sich um Ken Kaneki, der ein tödliches Zusammentreffen mit der Frau Rize Kamishiro gerade so überlebt. Die Dame ist ein Ghoul. Dieser Begriff steht für Kreaturen, die wie Menschen aussehen, in Wahrheit jedoch diese jagen und sich von ihrem Fleisch ernähren. Ken Kaneki befindet sich in einer kritischen Situation und nur eine Notoperation in einem Krankenhaus bewahrt den jungen Mann vor seinem sichern Tod.

Nach seiner Erholung entdeckt der Protagonist, dass dieser Eingriff ihn in einen Halb-Ghoul verwandelt hat. Um zu überleben, muss er in diesem Zustand wie die anderen Ghouls menschliches Fleisch verzehren. Da ihm keine andere Wahl bleibt, wird er von den Ghouls aufgenommen, die das Café “Anteiku” betreiben.

An diesem Ort lernt er, wie er sein neues Leben beginnen und wie er innerhalb der Gesellschaft dieser Wesen sich anpassen soll. Ganz wichtig ist der Punkt, dass er seine wahre Identität vor anderen Menschen geheim halten muss.

Erste Bilder zu Hakuisei Aijou Izonjou für PS Vita

Vor wenigen Tagen kündigte Kogado Studio eine Version für PlayStation Vita von Hakuisei Aijou Izonjou (White Robe Love Addiction) an. Zu dieser Version gibt es heute die ersten Bilder. Die erweiterte Fassung der Visual Novel bietet neue Charaktere sowie weitere Episoden und CG-Events.

Die Hauptfigur Asuka Daiko hat gerade mit der Schule angefangen, in der sie zur Krankenschwester ausgebildet werden soll. Die Handlung beschäftigt sich vor allem mit Freundschaften und dem Ziel von Asuka, eine vollwertige Krankenschwester zu werden. Ein Problem auf ihrem Weg ist ihr schlechtes Gedächtnis.

Nao Daiko ist Asukas Schwester. Beide wurden im identischen Jahr geboren. Nao hegt eine große Liebe für ihre Schwester. Itsuki Tendo ist eine Klassenkameradin der Hauptfigur. Das Mädchen stammt aus einer angesehenen Familie, die aus traditionellen Tänzern besteht. Neben schmutzigen Witzen besitzt sie eine Vorliebe für sexuelle Belästigungen.

Auch Sakuya Takeda befindet sich in Asukas Klasse. Ihre Eltern sind Millionäre und sie selbst ist ein hartnäckiger Sturkopf. Kaede Ohara gehört zu den Lehrern an der Schule.




To Heart 2: Dungeon Travelers wird für PS Vita umgesetzt

20.01.15 - Aquaplus wird das Rollenspiel To Heart 2: Dungeon Travelers (PSP) für die PS Vita umsetzen, wie die aktuelle Famitsu schreibt. Die Steuerung und Grafik wurden überarbeitet, so dass die Dungeons jetzt in 3D sind. Release: 30.04.15 (Japan)


Sword Art Online: Lost Song ‘Teaser’ TV spot

Bandai Namco has released a new TV spot for Sword Art Online: Lost Song.

The commercial shows characters Alicia Rue and Sakuya as fighting alongside Klein. Neither character has been featured in previous media.

The game is due out for PlayStation 3 and PS Vita in Japan on March 26.


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On a Demon’s Souls live stream, the marketing manager for Bloodborne teased fans that more Bloodborne information is expected to hit next month but the stream also let something else out. During the stream, his co-host was said to have whispered on the mic that, “Soul Sacrifice Delta will get a PS4 remake.”

All of this should be taken with a pinch of salt but it’s not impossible to believe especially after the recent news of Toukiden making its first appearance on PS4 this year. Soul Sacrifice was a popular title on the Vita and Delta was a re-release that extended content and overall updated the experience. I was quite fond of Soul Sacrifice and I would most welcome a PS4 remake. What do you guys think? Buy it or sell it? Or don’t care? Sound off below.
Wenn man den kompletten Spielstand der Vita Version übernehmen kann, würde ich es vllt holen.
Muss ja noch die X Sidequests machen ^^
PlanetSide 2: Beta läuft in 1080p/30fps / Download 5GB groß

21.01.15 - Sony Online Entertainment gibt bekannt, dass die geschlossene Beta des Free-To-Play Online-Shooters PlanetSide 2 in einer Auflösung von 1080p laufen wird. Die Bildrate wird fest bei 30 fps liegen. Der Download der Beta hat eine Größe von 5GB.

Einladungen für die Beta werden seit gestern in den USA verschickt. Zunächst werden einige tausend Spieler eingeladen, dann will Sony die Daten dieser Spieler erst auswerten, bevor weitere Einladungen verschickt werden. Damit soll auch sichergestellt sein, dass die Server nicht überlastet werden.

Die Server werden werktags sechs Stunden (von 15:00 Uhr bis 21:00 Uhr) und am Wochenende für 24 Stunden online sein. Von den vier Kontinenten wird anfangs nur einer verfügbar sein. Im Laufe der Zeit sollen zwei weitere Kontinente hinzukommen. Ebenso soll die Beta später ein "Tutorial Bereich" erhalten.

Die Beta wird keine Share Funktion und Remote Play unterstützen. Ebenso lässt sich die Tastenbelegung des Joypads in der Beta nicht ändern.

In addition to BlackAgumon and BlackGabumon, first-print copies of Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth in Japan will include two custom PS Vita themes and a costumed Agumon/items set, Bandai Namco announced.

Get a look at the two themes below:

Suzuhito Yasuda Set



Royal Knights Set



The costumed Agumon/items set includes two Agumon wearing outfits matching the male and female protagonists. These Agumon have access to “special” abilities, as well as higher level caps than the standard Agumon. If allowed to Digivolve, they’ll lose their special costumes.

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth

The following items make up the item set:

Panic Barrier DX – Prevents “Confusion”
Noise Guard DX – Reduces the effect of non-attribute attacks
Consumable Items
HP Spray A (x3) – Recover a large amount of HP
SP Spray A (x3) – Recover a large amount of SP
Consumable Training Items
Power Pine (x2) – Digi-Farm feeding that increases attack power
Intelligen (x2) – Digi-Farm feeding that greatly increases intelligence

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth is due out for PS Vita in Japan on March 12.


Operation Abyss: New Tokyo Legacy release date set [Update]

Operation Abyss: New Tokyo Legacy will launch for PS Vita on April 14 in North America and April 17 in Europe, NIS America announced. The game will be available in both physical and digital formats.

The Experience-developed dungeon RPG is set in a near future Tokyo, where monsters known as Variants keep the city under constant threat, and portals that lead to a mysterious dimension known as the Abyss have emerged. To investigate these mysterious phenomena, the government has established the Code Physics Agency. Players join the Xth Squad, a unique group of teenagers modified by the Code Physics Agency’s Code technology, and must evade traps, defeat monsters, and investigate to discover the mystery behind the Abyss.

Catch the first trailer from NIS America and fact sheet below. View the game’s western box art at the gallery.


From the studio that made Demon Gaze comes Operation Abyss: New Tokyo Legacy, a sci-fi dungeon crawler RPG set in a near future Tokyo. With the city under the constant threat of Variants—genetically engineered monsters—and the emergence of portals leading to a mysterious dimension called the Abyss, the government has established the Code Physics Agency to investigate these mysterious phenomena. The Xth Squad—a unique group of teens modified by the CPA’s Code technology—must evade traps, face down powerful monsters, and investigate the mystery behind the Abyss.

Key Features

Robust Customization System - Recruit and train a unique group of six Xth members to venture into the Abyss. Customize each member from one of ten distinct Blood Codes. Each Xth member’s appearance, class, personality, morality, and stats may be molded to the player’s preference.
An Accessible, Yet Deep Dungeon Crawler - The labyrinthine dungeons of New Tokyo offer 40+ hours of dungeon crawling action with traps, secret doors, challenging enemies, and gorgeous art throughout.
A Unique Cyberpunk Story - Dive into the unique dungeon crawler setting of Operation Abyss and lose yourself in the gorgeous world, featuring real-life locations rendered by Tetsu Kurosawa and Oxijiyen. A gripping story blends heavy sci-fi elements with a setting to give the game a unique cyberpunk feel.

Update 7:40 p.m.: A limited edition including a copy of the game, Visual Fanbook, soundtrack CD, and special box is available for pre-order for $54.99 at the NIS


Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth details and screenshots: Real World, Royal Knights, and the Coliseum

The latest Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth media blast fully outlines the game’s voice cast, more of its story, and offers full profiles of five of the 13 Royal Knight Digimon.

Get the information below.

Voice Cast

Protagonist (Male) – Yoshitsugu Matsuoka
Protagonist (Female) – Rumi Okubo
Nokia Siromine – Megumi Han
Yuuko Kamishiro – Kanae Ito
Arata Sanada – Daisuke Kishio
Kyoko Kuremi – Maaya Sakamoto
Mysterious Boy – Ayumu Murase
Agumon – Chika Sakamoto
Gabumon – Mayumi Yamaguchi


The strange situation in the real world has an adverse effect on the Digital World. When the world’s crisis reaches its climax, the Royal Knights travel from the Digital World to the real world and make the real world their new stage for battle.

Royal Knights

The Royal Knights are a group of top-tier Holy Knight Digimon brought together by Yggdrasil, the host computer that oversees the entirety of the Digital World for the express purpose of network security. Though they’re prophesied to come together in times of great calamity, the Royal Knights themselves aren’t necessarily purely good beings in the strictest sense. One, for instance, swears absolute loyalty to Yggdrasil, while another pays heed to someone they’ve deemed their master, while still another possesses incomparable power, and so on. Each of the Knights lives by their own code of justice as they go about their own work. Indeed, so vigilante are their operations at times that they’re known to commit great atrocities if they deem such actions to ultimately be for the greater peace and order of the Digital World. Knowing that, including those who belong in the “Empty Seats,” Knights whose power is used as deterrence, there are 13 Knights in all.

Starting with the Omnimon, who awakens in response to Nokia’s Digimon, as well as Crusadermon, who stands in opposition to the protagonist, the Royal Knights start to appear one by one in the real world…. Let’s meet some of them below.



Gallantmon’s existence is a contradictory as a Virus attribute Digimon that’s nonetheless tasked with guarding the network. So precarious is the balance of power within him that he could very well be a supremely dangerous being if things ever went awry. Regardless, deep down he’s an honorable type and while he had previous operated on his own in an attempt to restore order within the world, he ends up working with Nokia and Omnimon, their cause resonating with him. Nevertheless, his trust in humans isn’t quite so absolute as Omniomon’s, as he’s all too willing to wipe out anything that holds views that are contradictory to his own.



Magnamon is an Armor Digimon who Digivolved thanks to the power of a miraculous Digi-Egg, which is believed to afford him the ability to come out on top of most any situation in one piece, no matter how dire things might get. His armor is made of Chrome Digizoid, making his defenses extremely tough. Uncertain as to whether he should leave the real world alone or destroy it to halt its negative influence upon the Digital World, he keeps on eye on the protagonist, Nokia, and the others from afar to better grasp what humans are all about.



Among his fellow knights, UlforceVeedramon is among the speediest of an already thoroughly fast bunch, his movements unable to be matched by most anything else. Even more astoundingly, his armor is made of the ultralight rare metal Blue Digizoid, making him a serious force to be reckoned with both on the skies and on the ground. The protagonist seeks him out in the hopes that the two can work together, but it seems that UlforceVeedramon has problems of his own to contend with….



Accompanied by Huckmon, who he’s chosen as his future successor, Gankoomon travels around the Digital World in search of any signs of potential trouble, undoing it before it can hopefully take root. Though he’s strict with his Huckmon, it’s for the sake of ensuring Huckmon develops properly for his pending role, as Gankoomon ultimately has a nice disposition. After seeing the real world for himself, he becomes even more obsessed with Huckmon’s training, ultimately entrusting him to the protagonist once progress has started to taper off.



Jesmon is the quickest among the Royal Knights to head for problem spots when he senses trouble brewing, able to sense when something bad might be coming most anywhere in the Digital World. He’s constantly following after Gankoomon and faces down any orders that befall him with the utmost composure. Possessing a solid service record in his own right, he strives to be on the level of Gankoomon as a Royal Knight one day, having begun to awaken to the potential within himself.

Battle in the Coliseum

Players can battle against other hackers with their trained Digimon in the Coliseum, which can be accessed from the in-game Game Center. By winning battles, you can raise your rank higher and higher. Additionally, you can battle against other players from the Digi-Lab in both ad-hoc and online modes.

Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth is due out for PS Vita in Japan on March 12. First-print copies include BlackAgumon and BlackGabumon, two custom themes and two costumed Agumon.


5 Bilder zu Night Cry

22.01.15 - Nude Maker zegt fünf erste Bilder zum Horrorspiel Night Cry, dem spirituellen Nachfolger zur Horror-Adventure-Serie Clock Tower (PS, 1996). Release: TBA (Japan)






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WRC 5 angekündigt
WRC 5 is coming, and it’s bringing with it a brand new engine.

The next generation of rally racer is bound for PlayStation Vita and other consoles this Fall, but it’s going to be looking a little different; WRC 5 has been announced, and it’s sporting a brand new engine and developer courtesy of Kylotonn Games.

Here’s the scoop on what their new engine – the Kt Engine HD – features;
  • A high end visual game engine supporting dynamic weather and dynamic day/night cycle, vehicle deformations, dirt, lens flare…
  • A level editor to create living, varied and realistic environments, alternating driving surfaces such as asphalt, gravel, snow…
  • A particles editor capable of simulating physics of dust volumes, smoke, dirt, water and snow projections…
  • A powerful physics engine providing detailed vehicle simulation allowing realistic handling, in any environment and on any driving surface.
  • Advanced damage model offering damage levels ranging from mild damage to complete destruction.
  • Replays mode with dynamic visualizations inspired by TV broadcasts.

In addition to the new engine, Kylotonn has been working with Sébastien Chardonnet (the 2013 FIA WRC 3 champion) during the concept and planning stages to deliver a game which combines driver, gamer and technical experience into something representative of the real thing.

Alain Jarniou (Game Director at Kylotonn Games) had this to say about the project;
“Our team of racing enthusiasts is developing new technical tools to offer a true rally simulator from scratch, […] [w]e are very proud and excited to work on a title dedicated to one of the most challenging and spectacular forms of motor sport.”

Sounding interesting so far? Take a look at some next-gen (likely PS4) teaser footage.



IA/VT Colorful erscheint Anfang Sommer in Japan

Following multiple delays, Marvelous announced that IA/VT Colorful, its PS Vita rhythm game based on the Vocaloid IA, will launch in Japan in early summer.

The game will be available in both standard and “Crystal Box” limited editions. The latter will cost 9,420 yen and include a pouch, PS Vita PCH-1000/2000 skin seal, decoration stickers, cleaning cloth, strap, charm strap, card case, and special box.


Juchu, dann jährt sich meine Vorbestellung. :cry:
PlayStation Vita: Neues Uncharted und Infamous-Ableger befanden sich in Entwicklung

Bei Sony Bend befand sich neben einem Infamous-Ableger auch ein weiterer Teil von Uncharted für die Vita in Arbeit. Das offenbarte ein ehemaliger Mitarbeiter des Studios, das mit Uncharted: Golden Abyss einen würdigen Ableger der Reihe für das Handheld erschuf und dessen technische Leistungsfähigkeit eindrucksvoll demonstrierte.

Doch auf Reddit gibt Athey Moravetz, ein ehemaliger Künstler bei Sony Bend, jetzt Einblicke, warum es nie eine Fortsetzung für die Vita gab - und das, obwohl Sony sich sogar ausdrücklich ein neues Handheld-Abenteuer von Nathan Drake gewünscht und eine entsprechend Unterstützung in Aussicht gestellt hatte. Allerdings scheiterte das Vorhaben laut Moravetz an Naughty Dog, weil die Väter der Reihe angesichts weiterer Spin-Offs einen potenziellen Burnout der Marke befürchteten.

Neben einem Vorschlag für ein mobiles Infamous scheiterte das Studio auch mit seinen Ideen für neue Marken, die für die Vita angedacht waren, wie Gamer Headlines in Anlehnung auf den Reddit-Beitrag weiter berichtet.

Mittlerweile arbeitet auch Sony Bend an einem PS4-Titel auf Basis der Unreal Engine 4 und hat seine Handheld-Ambitionen offenbar endgültig eingestellt.


Erster Blick auf ToHeart2: Dungeon Travelers für PS Vita

Der Dungeon-Crawler ToHeart2: Dungeon Travelers wird in Japan im April für PlayStation Vita erscheinen. Die Ankündigung der Portierung ist noch sehr frisch, dennoch gibt es heute schon die ersten Bilder der überarbeiteten Version. Das Original wurde in Japan 2011 für PlayStation Portable veröffentlicht.

Der Spieler begleitet eine Gruppe, die aus fünf Mitgliedern besteht und führt diese durch verschiedene Dungeons. Auf der Reise trifft man auf weitere Heldinnen. Jede von ihnen besitzt bedingt durch ihre Klasse individuelle Fähigkeiten. Erreichen die Kriegerinnen eine bestimmte Stufe, bietet sich die Möglichkeit, den Beruf zu wechseln.

Die Steuerung wurde überarbeitet, wodurch ein höherer Spielkomfort geboten wird. Ebenso wurden die grafische Darstellung verbessert und die Gestaltung der Verliese verändert. Die Gruppe erkundet die Umgebung in 3D-Arealen.




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Silence: The Whispered World II coming to PS4

Silence: The Whispered World II is coming to PlayStation 4 in addition to Xbox One, PC, and Mac, Daedalic Entertainment announced.

The adventure game uses 3D objects and characters in 3D environments, but projects 2D hand-drawn art on top of it all. Players will be tasked with exploring the enviroment, listening to dialogue, and talking to other characters to solve puzzles as 16-year old Noah and his six-year old sister Renie, each of whom have different abilities. Their sidekick caterpillar Spot will also play an important role.

A release date was not announced.

Read up more on The Whispered World II‘s gameplay at the PlayStation Blog.


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The Idolmaster: Cinderella Girls Gravure For You! Pack coming to PS3 [Update]

Though an official announcement is still pending, a retail source in Japan indicates that Bandai Namco intends to release a new Idolmaster bundle under the name The Idolmaster Cinderella Girls G4U! Pack.

The bundle brings together the Cinderella Girls anime adaptation on Blu-Ray with the PlayStation 3 game The Idolmaster: Gravure for You, which has been a series of photography-centric spin-offs that have previously been released in installments focusing on individual girls together with Blu-rays for the previous major Idolmaster anime.

While substantive information about what this incarnation of Gravure for You will entail remains elusive at this time, the package will come with a special download code for a limited edition idol in the Cinderella Girls mobile game.

The set itself will retail for 8,980 yen and is said to be slated for release in Japan on April 23.

Thanks, Games Talk and Hachima.

Update: And it’s confirmed. The package is up for pre-order on Amazon. First-print copies include a serial code for the Idolmaster: Cinderella Girls social game idol “[G4U] Uzuki Shimamura+.”

Watch a TV spot below.



Sony erneuert Markenschutz für Resistance in Europa

27.01.15 - Sony hat den Markenschutz für seine Shooter-Serie Resistance gestern in Europa erneuert, wie sich einem Datenbankeintrag beim HABM (Harmonisierungsamt für den Binnenmarkt) entnehmen lässt.

Vielleicht ist der Eintrag ein Hinweis darauf, dass sich ein neues Resistance, ein Remake, o.ä. in Arbeit befindet. Sony hat sich zu dem Markenschutz nicht geäußert.


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