PS4/PS5/Vita The Games of PLAYSTATION

frames60 schrieb:
Keine Bange, Ace Combat 6 wird auch noch Multi...

Geh ich auch von aus. Trotzdem versteh ich den Sinn CELLsius noch nicht ganz. Gemacht um Games mit Sony zu entwickeln, am Ende kommen Mutigames bei raus. Entweder Sony und Namco arbeiten an mehren PS3 Games o. irgendwie hab ich etwas falsches verstanden.
Krogan: Bayek hat das Forum verlassen.

Shadow of the Colossus läuft auf PS3 ohne bekannte Probleme.
Hat noch jemand seine Sig(von Bayek)?Wo soll ich jetzt meine Hände in den Sony Foren immer hinpacken? xD
Sony PS3 The Getaway Release Date.

Besides a teaser at 2005's E3. The Getaway for the ps3 has been under wraps for some time now. With dwindling thirdparty exclusives Sony needs to look for 1st party games for some footing in the Next Gen Race. Thats where the stable franchises are born. Gamestop has placed a release that for The Getaway. The first of July. The steady flow of games continues with games like Lair, Heavenly Sword, The Getaway.

So früh?

Glaube ich irgendwie nicht.
Turican schrieb:

stike,walte deines amtes :P


bloss weil man nix von getaway gehört hat heisst das ja net dass das game net riesen fortschritte in der entwicklung gemacht hat,und seit e3 2005 sind dann 2 jahre her,länger brauchen die westlichen entwickler ja meisst net für nen game(die japaner sind immer die die 3-4 jahre brauchen ^^)
PS3 Sunday Night Foldathon
PS3 community launches Sunday Night Foldathon

Over at the official U.S. community site of PlayStation, member Xenokai posted about the up and coming event this weekend that involves the Folding@Home feature. If you're not familiar with this, it's actually a joint project by Stanford University and Sony that aims to research protein folding and misfolding in order to gain an understanding of how these are related to disease.

Anyway, the said event is dubbed as Sunday Night Foldathon (SNF), and here's how it goes: This Sunday night, March 25, all PS3 users are encouraged to turn on their systems and run the folding program. It could be anytime you want, even right before you go to Dreamland and you can just let the program run until you wake up in the morning. And that's it.

According to Xenokai, the purpose of this event is to let Sony, or Stanford University for that matter, know that their work and project is being appreciated and that the PS3 community is willing to help out. In simple terms, it's a "show of force" on the part of the community. One important thing to note is that SNF was conceptualized and is now being implemented purely by members of the community. Both Sony and Stanford have no hand on this whatsoever. Regardless, we know the two would be very thankful if this turns out to be a success.

Folding@Home attempts to understand diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and many forms of cancer among others. It will be an optional feature bundled with the next PlayStation 3 (PS3) firmware update.

This is not a PR event from Sony. This is coming from the PS3 Community!

Also ich finds gut und mach mit^^
Hier gibts nun wein wenig mehr Bilder zur Fluch der Karibik 3.

Na ja, zu sehen ist eben, dass die PS3 besser aussieht, als die Wii Verson, jedoch sieht die Ps3 Version auch nicht wirklich fett aus.
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