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Wie schnell ist eigentlich im Durchschnitt?![]()
4-7 Tage kannst von ausgehen.
Also vpg ist echt 1A. Bei meiner letzten Bestellung hat pay pal etwas gezickt und deshalb hab ich denen ne Mail am Samstag geschrieben un 1 1/2 Std später war schon die Antwort da und die haben alles in die Wege geleitet. LBP hab ich für 45 auch schon da vorbestellt 8)
Importieren muss halt (wieder) sein - gut, dass der Euro so stark ist 8).
Wertungen aus der aktuellen OPM:
Little Big Planet: 10!
Yakuza 2 (PS2): 8
Afrika: 7
Wertungen aus der aktuellen OPM:
Little Big Planet: 10!
PES 2009: 9
TNA Impact: 7
Fracture: 6
Yakuza 2 (PS2): 8
Brother's In Arm's Hell's Highway: 7
NHL 2K9: 8
WipEout HD: 9
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed: 7
Afrika: 7
Pure: 7
Na ja, LBP ist einfach net mein Fall. PES nur ne 9. WipeOut scheint echt zu brunen. 1UP vergab ne A/A+. :o
Rumour Machine
- The PS3 2.5 Firmware will come with a screen-grab function so you can send game images to friends.
- Who wants to be the Daddy? The as yet still unannounced Bioshock 2 will have a multiplayer mode.
- The team at Rockstar Games responsible for the PSP version of The Warriors is working on Max Payne 3.
- EA will publish ex-Vivendi project, Jack Black's Brutal Legend.
- Pandemic's rumoured sandbox-style Batman game has been cancelled due to reasons of rubbishness.
- Like your gore in bite-sized chunks? The sequel to zombie basher Dead Rising will be episodic.
- Sci-fi shooter Crysis will be coming to PS3 in 2009, and it'll bring a whole load of new content with it.
Gut Reaction
- Not so long now: Sony's super-sexy secret game to be revealed at the Tokyo Games Show in October. We're ready with the big words.
- Smashing Idea: Smashing Pumpkins to début their new single called G.L.O.W. - as part of a three-song GH World Tour Download.
- Leading Edge: Mirror's Edge dev team confirms that PS3 is lead platform, and PSN will get exclusive content. We heart you too, Faith.
- Nuclear disaster?: A couple of fence-sitting previews (from people who've played it for half an hour) and the knives are out for Fallout 3. Ignore the haters - we still say it's astonishing.
the ps3 2.5 firmware will come with a screen-grab function so you can send game images to friends.
sehr schön, so ne funktion find ich klasse
who wants to be the daddy? The as yet still unannounced bioshock 2 will have a multiplayer mode.
keine ahnung was ich davon halten soll. Wenn der mp gut ist, warum nicht. Aber bioshock war genial im sp und braucht imo keinen mp
the team at rockstar games responsible for the psp version of the warriors is working on max payne 3.
max payne war immer gut, mal sehen was rockstar daraus macht
like your gore in bite-sized chunks? The sequel to zombie basher dead rising will be episodic.
omg, hoffentlich bewahrheitet sich das nicht!
sci-fi shooter crysis will be coming to ps3 in 2009, and it'll bring a whole load of new content with it.
wäre klasse, wenn die ps3 das packen würde ^^
leading edge: Mirror's edge dev team confirms that ps3 is lead platform, and psn will get exclusive content. We heart you too, faith.
so, damit ist sicher, ich kauf mir die ps3 version![]()
EA will publish ex-Vivendi project, Jack Black's Brutal Legend.
* Sci-fi shooter Crysis will be coming to PS3 in 2009, and it'll bring a whole load of new content with it.
sollte nicht letzten freitag ne demo zu mirrors edge erscheinen?
Hat EA dementiert