PS4/PS5/Vita The Games of PLAYSTATION

Inside the Developers Studio: Seth Luisi (Socom)

1. What game do you have at E3 this year?
I’m working with two games at E3 this year: SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Confrontation for PLAYSTATION 3, and SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Tactical Strike for PSP. For the purpose of answering these questions, I’ll focus mostly on our PS3 version of SOCOM. 2. What did you do on this game that you couldn’t do on another platform?
SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Confrontation makes full use of the HDD in the PlayStation 3. One of the often overlooked advantages of the PS3 compared to competing platforms is that it contains a 2.5” serial ATA hard drive which allows us to use the Hard Disc Drive for extremely fast data access. Since we can count on the hard drive to be in every PS3 console, SOCOM Confrontation uses a very aggressive data streaming system which in turn allows for much greater detail in the game environments. For this reason alone, the level of detail which you will see in the environments and characters in SOCOM Confrontation is not possible on any other game console.
Take a quick look at the screenshots below for an early look at what we are able to achieve using the hard drive in the PS3. This is still pre-alpha and the quality will continue to improve as we get further into development.
3. What do you think is the coolest aspect of this game?
The environments are the real star in SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Confrontation. We are focusing a lot of effort on creating intricate and highly detailed urban environments. The amount of detail in the environment will help you to easily distinguish where you are in the level and the intricacy means that you are going to discover new areas and snipe points long after you thought you had the environment memorized.
The characters are also looking really good.
At the top of the post is an in-game screenshot of our Heavy Commando model. The skin shaders, cloth shaders, normal maps, and highly detailed textures allow us to have extremely realistic characters in the game. Again, this is a work in progress.
4. If you could sit one person in front of your game for an hour, who would it be?
N’Gai Croal. He’s been a long time player of the SOCOM franchise and I would really like to discuss what he thinks about this game. It doesn’t hurt that he is also one of the best journalists writing about video games and also writes for Newsweek.
5. What game do you most want an hour to sit in front of yourself (besides your own)?
Metal Gear Solid 4. I’m very curious how the game plays compared to the videos that have been shown so far.
6. How many E3’s does E3 2007 mark for you?
All 12 of them. I’ve been to every E3 including the first one in 1995.
7. Describe the pre-2007 E3 experience in five words or less.
Very stressful, little sleep…
8. Most over used phrase or expression during E3 season.
“Game of the show.” The press are so busy each trying to be the first to declare the game of the show that they ignore most of the games shown at E3 including some really good ones. Also, half the time they declare a game which is shown as video only as “Game of the Show.” A note to the press, a game by definition is interactive and so a video is not a game and cannot be game of the show.
9. You are asked to make suggestions for an E3 survival kit- what three items HAVE to be included?
Aspirin, water and a GPS unit to navigate LA.
10. Describe what you anticipate from 2007’s newly formatted E3 in five words or less.
One word, fiefdoms.
11. What’s your favorite part about developing games for a living?
My favorite part about developing games is that moment of relief and excitement when I finally see things working in the game as we meant them to be. Most people don’t realize this, but it can take more than a year of hard work and planning (some times several years) before the game is up and running as you envisioned. That whole time you are hoping that things are going to work as planned and that you are going to have a great game but you never know until that moment. It is extremely exciting when it does work and you realize you have something special.



Ich hab da nen Stuntman: Ignition (HD) Gameplay Vid.

Seh mit diesen Vid das erste mal das Gameplay. Ichhab den ersten Teil nicht gespielt, denke den werde ich auch nicht spielen wollen.
Hey, hab mal ne frage bezüglich The Darkness!
Ich blick bei dem ganzen Hick-Hack bezüglich Cut udn Uncut nicht mehr durch.
Alos kalr in Deutschland kommt die Cut versiion, aber was genau ist nun anders im vergelcih zu Uncut?
Ich wesi das in der Deutschen Hakenkreueze rausgschnittenw orden sidn udn i wei paar "tötungsarten" weniger, sosnt noch was? Ist Blut normal zu shen oder wird das ganz rausgneommen bwz noch schlimmer grün oder so?

Würdet irh euch die Cut holen oder ehr nicht wegen zu großen einschränkungen wnen aj genau welche bitte?
Außerdem ist es doch in dem fall soagr Strafbar uncut zu holen wegen den Hakenkreuzen oder? Wenn ja wo bekommt man den uncut möglciht ohne 10-15 € mehr zaheln zu müssen?
Viele Fragen ich hoffe es hat jemand Geduld sie zu beantworten udn ichw erde nicht wieder eifnahc nicht beachtet^^
Danke Speedy
Inside the Developers Studio: Sarah Stocker

+ Posted by Sarah Stocker // Sr. Producer, SCEA

1. What game do you have at E3 this year?
SingStar for the PS3, developed by our Sony London Studio.
2. Tell us more about your game. What’s the story?
SingStar is a competitive singing game that comes packed with two extremely high quality professional-feeling microphones. You and your friends sing along with the authentic songs and videos by chart-topping artists and are scored on your performance based on your pitch. SingStar is developed by the talented folks in our London Studio, lead by Exec Producer and Game Director Paulina Bozek, and has sold over 8 million units worldwide. It’s just an absolute blast to get your friends and family up and singing (and laughing) together with SingStar.
3. Do you have any “firsts” in this game that have never been done before?
The online catalog of the SingStore is definitely a first. There’s no other music-based game that offers you that variety of content and the ability to tailor your experience to your own tastes the way SingStar PS3 does.
4. What did you do on this game that you couldn’t do on another platform?
The huge leap that the PS3 allows for the SingStar Franchise is in customization and community. Because the PS3 is online all the time, for the first time, we can offer the player the ability to pick their own songs from a wide online catalog available through the power of the PlayStation network. Whatever mood you or your friends are in, there’s something for you up there in the hundreds of available songs. You like indie? Go grab some indie. You like 80s? Go get yourself some of that new wave action. The combinations are limitless and the catalog will grow continually over time with fresh new songs and favorite classics coming on line every month.
5. What do you think is the coolest aspect of this game?
Personally, my favorite piece is the community and performance aspects of My SingStar Online. By hooking up the PlayStation Eye or EyeToy, you can capture your singing performance and upload it from your PS3 to My SingStar Online – our global community – where your friends (or the general public if you’re brave enough!) can check it out and, of course, rate it! I’m blown away by the creativity in our Beta tests alone, and I can’t wait to see what players post when we go live. Of course I also plan to leverage this for personal gain and attain international pop stardom with my brilliant renditions of classic arena rock tunes. So rate away – but be aware that any taunts and derision will merely be read by me as thinly veiled statements of envy for my mad singing skills…
6. When is it being released?
SingStar PS3 releases in the fall in the US. In the meantime, hone your skills by picking up one of our great SingStar games for the PS2: SingStar: Rocks! SingStar: Pop, and very soon SingStar: Amped and SingStar:80s. You can get one of them bundled with the mics, then grab standalone versions of the others to expand your collection. One of the great features of the PS2 collection is that you can swap discs in and out on the fly, so you have a seamless experience for lovers of all genres at your own SingStar party.
7. How does this game use the PS Network?
The PS Network makes the SingStore and My SingStar Online possible. We’re able to offer a massive, ever-increasing catalog of content to choose from, and also to host a global community of SingStar players and their user-created content.
8. Describe one of the boss fights in the game?
Me and Associate Producer Ryan Hamlyn singing duets in different octaves. No really…you haven’t lived until you’ve heard this.
9. If you could sit one person in front of your game for an hour, who would it be?
Bono from U2. He is soooooo the SingStar. Actually, I would sit him in front of the plant on my desk for an hour if I thought that would get me time with Bono… Are you reading this Bono? I worship you!
10. What game do you most want an hour to sit in front of yourself (besides your own)?
Lair! Oh wait, that’s mine too… um…let’s see… Little Big Planet, for sure. Army of Two. Oh…and Bioshock (although it may be too scary for me).
11. How many E3’s does E3 2007 mark for you?
I refuse to comment on the grounds that I can’t count that high. Suffice to say that I never missed a one…not even that weird one in Atlanta.

12. Describe the pre-2007 E3 experience in five words or less.
Demos! Videos! Press packs! Oh my!

13. Most over used phrase or expression during E3 season.
“Next-Gen” “HD” and this year… “Downloadable content!”

14. You are asked to make suggestions for an E3 survival kit- what three items HAVE to be included?
Water. Asprin. Ticket to the Sony party (and no, I can’t get you one - please stop calling)

15. What advice would you have for someone who has never experienced E3?
Imagine if you will a sea of exhausted unwashed developers, giddy with gamelust, all bathed in the glow of a thousand million video screens each throbbing with 180 decibels of brain-jamming hard rock riffs and explosion SFX (and the occasional “In a world….” bass montone) and now … let go of that. You missed it. To you it will be like the fabled Summer of Love.

17. Describe what you anticipate from 2007’s newly formatted E3 in five words or less.
Less hearing loss. More bathrooms.

18. What’s your favorite part about developing games for a living?
The brilliant people I have the honor of working with on a daily basis – artists, musicians, designers, programmers, producers, marketing and PR, all of it. I’m stunned by the talent by which I’m surrounded on any given day. That, and the swag… sweeeeeeeeeeet…
Fatal Inertia erst 2008 für die Ps3?

Koei's Fatal Inertia is one of the lesser-hyped games from E3 2006 that really caught SPOnG’s eye when we attended a behind-closed-doors demo of it last year. A mish-mash of WipEout-style futuristic racing, Mario Kart power-ups and Katamari Damacy collect-and-grow-a-thon, if you can get your head around that as a concept!

Fatal Inertia is the debut title from KOEI's Toronto-based studio, led by producer Takazumi Tomoike, best known for his work on the awesome Dynasty Warriors series.

Strange then (and deeply ironic, considering the title!) that the PS3 version of Fatal Inertia has now been delayed indefinitely due to “middleware issues”.

SPOnG spoke with Koei’s PR rep in the UK this morning who assured us that Fatal Inertia was still in development for PS3 and “definitely would not be canned” as a number of reports have already suggested earlier today.

Lead Game Designer Michael Bond says of Fatal Inertia, "By designing Fatal Inertia's gameplay around a physics engine it not only allowed us to create a truly different driving model, but it also helped us create a set of dynamic weapons with multiple tactical applications… We've based many of the game's weapons on straightforward physical principles, and by doing so we're giving players the freedom to come up with their own creative ways of using them- ways that even we are still discovering."

Fatal Inertia will hit Xbox 360s across Europe this September and PS3 “sometime in 2008.” Check all the new screens right here.

Edit: MoH:Airborn (Ps3) scheint auf November verschoben zu sein. Die X360 Version kommt, wie gehabt, am 30.08.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Aus der PSM3...wusste nicht wohin damit -.-

The 'Insider'
* Capcom are working on a top-secret AAA quality remake of an old 8-bit classic for PS3.
* Everything else is garbage or old.

PES 2008 (Bugger all info)
- 'Teamvision' AI: Adaptive AI which 'learns' how to counter your play style
- Support players will have better AI to support the player in possession
- New dribble animations will enable the ball to be manipulated in tight space when under pressure
- Improved set piece system with more attacking options and control of the defensive wall
- Greater player detail with full facial animations

FIFA 08 (Not much better here either)
- Never see the same dibble animation twice. 'Organic' on the fly calculations
- Improved ball physics
- 'Be a pro' mode. Take on the role of a single player in an entire match
- 15,000 licensed players, 30 leagues, 620 official teams. Online league
- AI: Players equipped with 'threat maps', letting them analyse the space around them to make intelligent, realistic footballing decisions in real time.

Destroy All Humans: Path of Furon - Developed by Sandblast
- 1970's
- Crypto on the path to enlightenment
- 4 different enlightenment powers (body, mind, space, time)
-- e.g. Complete Path of Time, you can freeze time with 'Temporal Fist' skill and play skittles
- Refined weapons, homing anal probe, tweaked disintegrator, much better ship
- 5 invasion sites: Los Paradiso (Vegas), Shen Long (Hong Kong), Paris, Sunnywood (Hollywood), Unannounced 'top secret' site (PSM3 reckon Furon).

Sandblast Q&A - I'll type it up in a bit...


The Darkness - 71
Ninja Gaiden Sigma - 80
Rainbow Six Vegas - 76
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix - 55
Fantastic Four Rise of the Silver Surfer - 39

Dawn of Mana - 79
King of Fighters XI - 77
Great Battles of Rome - 35

Dragonball Z: Shin Budokai 2 - 61
Hot Pixel - 52
SBK Superbikes PSP - 58
Exit 2 - 74
Tomb Raider Anniversary - 85
ja NGS 80er wow naja vllt sind die ja hart und wahr was bewertungen angeht ;)
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