The Evil Within

Glaube auch das es ein Titel um die 80% wird aber Hey ich freu mich trotzdem auf dieses Spiel am meisten dieses jahr
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Now some details:
-Game has a lot of different kinds of enemies, environments, and traps. Enemies and traps see radomization. Even a number of scares are randomized.
-The introduction to the game has been significantly altered from what's been shown in trailers and demo videos. Lots of changes in dialogue, execution, pacing, etc. Start the game arriving at, approaching, and exploring a murder scene at Beacon Hospital ks the same, but goes in a very sifferent directio after that. Before entering the hospital, Sebastian is having some terrible headaches.
-The first enemy to you face is similar to the first zombie encounter in RE1. It's a human-like, but also obviously not human, thing in a straight jacket who comes at you.
-The first boss in the game you encounter is The Sadist, a chainsaw wielding enemy. He chases you around a village location in chapter 3. You can fight him directly, stealth and evade him to sneak up and get stealth strikes on him, or use the various traps and set your own traps for him.
-A compliment that the game allows for a lot of different choices in most scenarios, and starts really opening up with the village.
-One of the traps in the game is a catapult that throws knives. Game has an interesting cat and mouse thing where both you and the enemies can use traps on one another.
-The AI for both te enemies and in a section where you work with A cop friend, Joseph, are heavily praised, saying that your partner is precise, intelliget, an holds his own while also mot invincibld, and the enemies, how they react and respond are very detailed and believable, and threatening.
-There are various traps around the village, including bombs in boxes and enemies hiding I spots to ambush you. And it's randomized, if you die you can't predict where it'll be next, so you have to be on your toes for clues.
-There are invisible enemies that look human, but have the head of an Octopus. They're completely invisible, but you can use things like water ripples, footsteps, and the like to locate or evade them.
-In one of the new screenshots it shows another new type of enemy, that looks like a collection of people melted and then sown together like a giant blob.
-Mentions the game feels half survival-horror game, half psychological thriller. Game was much different than he previously believed from last showings, but he actually really liked it.
-Mikami says to strike the right balance of challenging and fun, they replayed each section of the game over and over, for a horror game you can't determine this by numbers or equations, you have to judge the experience. They replayed each part the game so many times to make sure it was fun and challenging, Mikami doesn't even want to count.
-Game opens up with Sebastian, Juli, and Joseph riding to the scene in a police car. They talk on the drive. Sebastian is a noir-style cop from head to toe who usually analyzes situations and takes risks and gambles, all while casting out some dry humor, Juli is much more lax and fights the stress with dumb jokes, and is a fan of horror movies, Joseph is calm and collected and a calculating type who wants to help people.
-Says the game varies a lot in horror tone and inspirations. There's a mix of J-horror and Western Horror here. There's a segment evidently inspired by Ju-On, another section that feels kik it's out of The Shining, etc.
-The game also has a lot of different gameplay tones, it sometimes feels like it's directly out of the old Resident Evil. Other times it feels much more in line with Silent Hill. Other parts feel really like Eterenal Darkness. Others more like F.E.A.R. But he says this avoids feeling weird as the game had excellent pacing and design that leads into everything naturally.
-But the variety of times in gameplay and horror makes everything unsacred, and makes you cautious of everything as anything can be out to get you in whatever way.
-There's a screenshot of what looks like bloody, fleshy babies with tumors coming at Sebastian in a cave.
-There are a variety of well-hidden keys to collect do a hub-like save room area, and some of them are very well hidden. Mentions he saw a key strapped to a rat.
-Mentions and intriguing part of the game involving a white tile room that starts with nothing in it and slowly changes, involving strange puzzles, and growing weirdness as it goes on.
-To beat the first 5 chapters (of 16) took him 4-5 hours.
-To quote, "An exceptionally polished and well thought-out horror experience. It seems like a game that's received heavy iteration in development to plot scares and to switch things up at the perfect times to make sure you're never too comfortable. It brought back a flood of memories from Resident Evil and Resident Evil 4, only with a heightened level of terror that warps reality and made to mess with your mind."

Read the whole thing, I am more excited than ever!!! It sounds like RE4 mixed with the best elements from other horror series. Everything makes it seem like we are in for another masterpiece. Here is a summary of the best moments they describe:

•First chapter mostly linear, basically a chase.
•There is a mirror that takes you into an alternate reality, this is where you upgrade.
•Chapter 2 starts at a lakeside area,very large lets you explore. There is a lighthouse in the distance.
•You find letters which tell the story much like RE. One letter says they don't remember a lighthouse being there and that the light makes him feel off. Alternate realities?
•The mirror takes you to a place with two rooms, one has a chair which is where you upgrade. The other is a morgue with locked fridges. Keys are hidden in the game. One key was hidden on the back of a rat. These doors hold ammo or gel rewards (gel is what you use for upgrades)
•Chapter 2 is very dark making you use your light. First enemy does the zombie turn from RE1.
•You will find headshots do not kill enemies, you can blow off a piece of their head.
•There are lots of options to the combat, one area has a huge mob eating people, you can hide in shadows and behind bushes to avoid them.
•Chapter 3 is where it gets amazing, it takes place in a farm town with a bunch of homes that are fully explorable. Sounds like a super version of the opening RE4 town.
•Enemy variety in this area is impressive. Zombies yield all types of melee weapons (like Ganados). One zombie is sits on his balcony with a rifle and shoots at you if you get close. One is a shotgun wielding guy with an armor helmet to stop headshots. AI is extremely impressive.
•The game is difficult, but checkpoints are well done as they keep track of each house you clear.
•The player found a shotgun and crossbow. The crossbow has all kinds of ammo, flash arrow which blinds enemies, an impaling arrow and one with a timed bomb.
•There are traps all over the environments, bear traps, trip mines, prox bombs. Sound familar, yup just like RE4!
•Some traps are triggered by enemies and they will lure you into them, like one switch that sends knives at you. You can turn these traps against the enemies.
•This chapter ends with a huge chainsaw weilding monster that chases you into any home you try to hide in. Sound familiar? Get the picture, this is the RE4 sequel we have always waited for.
•You need to use the traps in the environment to take down the chainsaw boss.
•Chapter 4 and 5 are a mix of psychological horror and action. Chapter 4 has a puzzle involving posters dealing with human anatomy.
•Chapter 5 has a small room you enter with nothing, when you turn to leave the door is gone. After a while a tile seems to be missing and it leads to a black hole like sequence which leads to a puzzle. Sounds silent hillish.
•New enemy that has a squid head and is totally invisible, you have to use sound to locate the enemy. He leaves footprints on water and occasionally bumps into objects.
•Crazy hair lady with all those arms chases you as well, the player just ran away.
•Chapter 5 ends with a sequence where you and a partner find another cop stuck in a metal box in the middle of a two story room. Enemies start to pour in, many carrying dynamite. You and your partner need to take them down while the metal box is filling with water.
•The partner AI is excellent but does need to be healed if injured.
•Even after you dispatch the enemies you still need to figure out how to save the woman in the box. This sounds like a mix of saw with the house invasion of RE4.
•The GI author says playing this game brought found memories of playing RE1 and RE4 again but with much more horror elements.

If those details don't excite you then this game is not for you. This is exactly what I needed to know, that the setpieces would always be new and changing. That there will be a ton of enemies and a ton of ways to beat them. A great mix of puzzles, action and stealth. This is channeling the best of RE4 and the best of Silent Hill with elements from other famous horror films/franchises. Brilliant, I cannot wait to play it.
The GI author says playing this game brought found memories of playing RE1 and RE4 again but with much more horror elements.
Hört sich doch prima an, wird zwar kein Day 1 Kauf, aber mitnehmen werde ich es auf jedenfall.

Mag keine Texte, in denen wie oben speziell erzählt wird, was in den Kapiteln jeweils abgeht.
Hätten sie auch allgemeiner ausdrücken können.
So sehr bock darauf, habe mich schon seit dem ersten Trailer gefreut und wenn ich ganz ehrlich bin, würde ich es auch als 70% Titel Day One zocken wollen. Ich habe auch schon schlechtere Spiele gespielt und hatte sehr viel spaß daran. Wenn das Spiel es schafft den Horror wieder in Spielen hervorzuheben, dann habe ich mit meinem Kauf was gutes getan.
Für die Windelgamer kommt dann 3 Monate später der Coop-DLC im sonnigen Afrika :-D

Freue mich auch schon darauf. Die Infos weiter oben klingen auch sehr sehr gut, v.a. da auch das Psychologische nicht ausgeklammert wurde. Auch das abwechslungsreiche Setting gefällt mir (Krankenhaus, Seengebiet, Farmland ... mal sehen was noch so kommen wird).
Bin gespannt....bitte lasst es wieder ein echtes Horrorgame werden....das wäre großartig.
Wenn dem so ist wird es Day 1 bei mir.
Ich freu mich drauf! :)

Sind schon irgendwelche Details zu PC-Version bekannt? (X1) Controller-Support ist gegeben nehme ich mal an.
Ich bleibe weiterhin skeptisch. Das Setting usw. gefällt mir hervorragend, aber die Anspielberichte, die ich mir bisher angesehen habe, haben mich nicht wirklich ungehauen. Dazu wirken auch einige Animationen wieder so enorm steif wie schon bei SotD. Wird natürlich um Auge behalten und hab es auch vorbestellt, aber irgendwie noch leichte Bauchschmerzen. Eventuell liegt es auch daran, dass mich SotD so massiv entäuscht hat, wer weiß.
Echt? Hmmm bin wohl doch einfach zu infogeil, Hut ab! Hoffe zudem auf eine Demo @ PS4 oder 360er...... .
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