Wii The Conduit

Schön schnell. Und die Animationen sehen auch richtig gut aus - was allerdings nicht weiter verwunderlich, schließlich kommen sie vom selben Studio, das auch die Animationen für Bioshock gemacht hat.
Es gibt genug auf Wii zu spielen. Man muss halt wissen, warum man sich eine Konsole kauft und nicht nur Geld sinnlos aus dem Fenster schmeißen.

TheConduit wird das das Gears of War oder Resistance der Wii. Freu mich drauf, es sieht gut aus. Dann erleben wir denzweiten Teil nächstes oder übernächstes Jahr auf der E3 mit einem exklusiven Trailer.

Es gibt halt zu viele hier die Spiele kaufen sobald sie nicht schon bei drei auf den Bäumen sind.
Grafisch ist sicher noch einiges an Luft nach oben. Die sollen sich endlich nen Publisher mit richtig viel Kohle holen und den Stil nochmal überdenken. :-P
Grafisch ist sicher noch einiges an Luft nach oben. Die sollen sich endlich nen Publisher mit richtig viel Kohle holen und den Stil nochmal überdenken. :-P
Technisch ist das Spiel absolut bemerkenswert. Für den Stil bekommen sie zwar keinen Keks, aber irgendwas ist ja immer... ;)
Ich versteh irgendwie die Aufregung nicht.

Nintendo hat doch in den letzten 1,5 Jahren schon alle ihre großen Franchises rausgebracht.
MP, SM, Zelda, SSB, MK und dazu noch Casual Games.
Und dann kommen ja auch noch die entsprechenden Games für DS dazu. (Darf man auch net vergessen.)
Und dann noch die Games von denen wir schon ne Weile wissen, dass sie in Entwicklung sind.

Ich verstehe echt nicht was hier einige erwarten?
Von so einem Output an Games, die dazu noch hochklassig sind, können Sony und MS (und viele andere) nur träumen.

Es fehlt(e) der Wii der 3rd Party wie ihn die 360 hat.
Aber dafür kann ja wohl Nintendo nichts...

Einige benehmen sich hier echt lächerlich.

edit: Mal das Video angesehen. Sieht echt immer besser aus das Game. Stil ist natürlich Geschmackssache, aber das könnte echt ein "Überraschungs"-Hit werden. :D
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
The Conduit was the very first game I demoed at E3, and it remained the highlight right to the end of the day. I can’t tell you which I liked more…the actual game, or the passion from the guys at High Voltage. I can’t stress enough that these guys are true Wii fans and gamers…just like you and I. They don’t get why third parties don’t deliver AAA content to the Wii. They know that platform can do so much more than what is currently available. They love the casual/expanded audience, but they want core reasons to play the Wii too. There is no doubt that these guys know what they are doing, and want to bring you the best FPS experience on the Wii. After getting eyes/hands-on with the game today, High Voltage is more than delivering on the promises they’ve made.

Let’s talk graphics, shall we? There is no competition when it comes to visual presentation in The Conduit. Right now, I would say that Galaxy is the benchmark for great Wii graphics. The Conduit is a very different type of game, and the style means that the visuals are much different. Having said that, this title has to be the best looking game I’ve seen on the platform…period. The screenshots look great, the trailers are fantastic, but actually seeing it with your own two eyes makes things even better. I was no longer looking at things through rose-tinted glasses. I was looking at the game, right in-front of me…a first person account. The Conduit really makes you realize just how absolutely lazy developers are with their Wii games. I was annoyed with third parties before, but The Conduit looks so good that it’ll make you sick over third party support thus far.

One element that bleeds into the game from graphics to gameplay and everything else is detail. High Voltage is treating everything with extreme care, and it shows. No matter how minor the detail, they are pouring a ton of work into it. That’s because they understand that little things can make for a big impact. Take this little bit, for instance. The sight on your sniper scope reflects the game world around you, in real-time. Walk up to a car, and you’ll see the car. Face your back to a building, and check it out in the scope reflection. You can even point the gun at the ground, and in the scope reflection, you’ll see the cloud patterns moving…once again, in real-time. This is the passion that is going into every facet of the game.

One of the highlights of my playtime was checking out the various weapons. I watched a playthrough first, and then jumped in for my own try. The weapons that were in the playtest ranged from typical FPS fodder to some ridiculous alien tech…and I mean that in a good way. There is one gun that shoots a homing shot that’s guided by your pointer. It’s almost too much fun to shoot a shot down the street, and then have it curve in and hit an enemy out of nowhere. While that gun is great, my favorite was yet another alien weapon. This one had an attack that I haven’t seen in any other game. It shoots some sort of ammo that literally wraps around whatever it hits, and continues on that path. The team demoed the weapon by shooting it at a lamp post, and the shot wrapped around the post and spun in circles. Neat, but why would you want that? Well, say you have an enemy that is around a corner. You could aim at that corner, shoot, and have the shot attach and whip around the corner to take out the enemy. Tell me that that isn’t awesome.

As far as game controls go, things are still being worked on…but it doesn’t even matter. While the team is still nailing down some preset control schemes, the player will be able to map anything they want to any button. You want the joypad to bash, that’s just fine. You want to fire with the 2 button, go for it. Fully customizable controls, and you make the scheme that works for you. On top of that, you also get to mess with the controller sensitivity and bounding box until your heart’s content. Make the bounding box as big as your TV screen, or as tiny as your crosshair. For those that loved the controls in Metroid Prime 3 or Medal of Honor: Heroes II, The Conduit takes the best parts from both and one-ups them. It’s exactly the type of thing we wanted to see.

I played with one of the preset schemes, and I had no trouble at all jumping right in. Jumping, turning, bashing, shooting…all second nature as soon as I picked up the controllers. Everything was extremely responsive, and felt more than comfortable. There’s even a lock-on that you can activate if you are looking for more of a Metroid Prime-like experience. Of course, it’s up to you if you want to use that. One of the cool benefits you get from locking on is the ability to see how far away the enemy is, as well as his health. A little display pops up to let you know just what the distance is between you and the enemy, and a bar represents the health.

Of course, the game is far from being optimized, but The Conduit already puts so many retail Wii games to shame. There are titles that have already shipped that don’t run a fraction as well as The Conduit does. There was one instance where the game dipped just a hair below 30 FPS, and the team automatically apologized. They didn’t try to hide it, they went back and showed the frame dip again. Of course, they said that they aren’t done getting the game to that 30FPS level, but the final game will without a doubt ship at 30 FPS all the way through. They even said that if they can get a higher framerate out of it, then that’s what they will do. Once again, this little bit of my playtest showed me just how dedicated the team is.

We got into a little talk about multiplayer as well. The High Voltage gang already has 16 player multiplayer up-and running. Right now, they are dedicating a ton of their time to making the multiplayer what it needs to be. Creating modes, levels, and all that good stuff. The same amount of detail is going into the multiplayer as is the single player. We can expect every single gun from the single-player campaign, so get ready to blast the hell out of your opponents from around corners. High Voltage knows what they’ve promised for multiplayer, and they also know what we expect. They have zero plans to let us down.

With The Conduit, High Voltage is proving that the Wii can do some amazing things. You wouldn’t think it from the third party landscape out there. Really, High Voltage is the dream team we were hoping for. A truly dedicated group of programmers that know what the core is crying out for. They are Wii fans, and they know the Wii can play home to some truly amazing titles. Their hard work is something that is rare with third parties…which is a huge shame. Every developer should take such pride in their products. High Voltage is working their ass off to deliver the experience they know that we want…and they want it too.

I’ll end with a little bit of conversation that came up in our elevator ride down to the hotel lobby. We got into talking about publishers, and while High Voltage wouldn’t give me a name, they had a truly horrible story to tell. One publisher they approached outright told them that they didn’t understand why High Voltage was making the game. They thought the project was great, but had no idea who they were trying to sell to. After saying that, the publishers said that they wanted to turn the game into a $20 project, and crap it out for a holiday release. Yes, the publisher really said “crap it out”. Seriously, how disheartening is that?

Whether you like FPS titles or not, you should pay attention to High Voltage. The Conduit is set to upstage almost all third parties on Wii. When the game hits, and if the sales are there, it will start the countdown clock for third party garbage. High Voltage is a team for you, the core gamer. They want to bring you that kick-ass experience that you’ve been waiting for. Take interest in the game or not…just appreciate and acknowlege what High Voltage is trying to do. They aren’t just making an FPS game, they are trying to change the state of Wii support for the core gamer.

Go Nintendo Impressions

Der Entwickler scheint mir direkt symphatisch zu sein.

Auch geil, was Publisher so zu HC-Games sagen:

[After saying that, the publishers said that they wanted to turn the game into a $20 project, and crap it out for a holiday release. Yes, the publisher really said “crap it out”.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Wird unterstützt, nachdem ich das gelesen hab. :) Unglaublich, was einige Publisher meinen mit der Wii anstellen zu können. :shakehead:

"Crap it out for holiday" wüsste gerne von wem genau diese Aussage stammt.
Go Nintendo Impressions

Der Entwickler scheint mir direkt symphatisch zu sein.

Auch geil, was Publisher so zu HC-Games sagen:

[After saying that, the publishers said that they wanted to turn the game into a $20 project, and crap it out for a holiday release. Yes, the publisher really said “crap it out”.

Dafür gehört der Publisher bestraft. Und die Jungs von High Voltage gehören unterstützt von uns sobald das Spiel auf dem Markt ist.
the conduit klaut aber noch etwas
z.b. wenn man im video gneau hinhört im part wo er seine pistole aufläd hört man das aufladegeräusch von dem beam von metroid prime :neutral:
Wäre nicht ungewöhnlich. Audio-Samples werden häufig gekauft, beispielsweise von Skywalker. Und da ist dann nicht weiter verwunderlich, wenn man bestimmte Sounds immer mal wieder hört. Es gibt zum Beispiel zwei berühmte Geräusche, einen Schrei und ein Hydraulik-Geräusch, die schon in Doom vorkamen, aber auch in unzähligen anderen Spielen und sogar Kinofilmen.

Aber selbst wenn das Sample ursprünglich von Retro stammen sollte, würde es mich nicht wundern. Während der Entwicklungsphase ist es gängige Praxis, als Platzhalter Assets von anderen Spielen zu klauen. Ist auch vollkommen legal, solange sie vor der Veröffentlichung ersetzt werden. und bei Conduit ist das der Fall - zumindest gibt es einen Screenshot, auf dem ein Computermonitor zu sehen ist. Auf diesem Monitor wird ein Screenshot von Introversions Spiel Defcon dargestellt. ;)
Das Panzerausklappgeräusch aus Starcraft ist auch so ein Beispiel. Ich weiß schon gar nicht mehr in wie vielen Filmen und Spielen ich das schon gehört hab ^^
Habe den Anspielbericht gerade durchgelesen:
Ich bin beeindruckt. Das Spiel könnte noch richtig geil werden. Den nötigen Willen dafür haben die Entwickler offenbar. Es bleibt nur zu hoffen, dass das Spiel bei entsprechender Qualität die verdienten VKZ erntet. Bei einer Durchschnittswertung von ca. 85% hoffe ich auf mindestens 1 Mio Einheiten in den ersten paar Monaten. Weniger wäre enttäuschend und würde die Casualisierung der Wii zu gut verdeutlichen. Wie im Text gesagt wird; wenn The Coduit erfolgreich wird, könnte das ein Umdenken bei 3rd-Parties bewirken.

PS: Der Publisher-Spruch ist einfach nur erbärmlich :shakehead:
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