The Ascent really puts the 'punk' in 'cyberpunk.' So strong is the non-conformity here that The Ascent doesn't care if its menu options just stop working, or if mission-critical items and objectives can't be interacted with. Enemy placement? The Ascent just does whatever it likes, cramming armies of adversaries into areas which were completely empty on your last visit or vice versa. Sometimes it just decides it has had enough and kicks you back to the Xbox dashboard, even fobbing you off with some excuse about needing to upgrade your graphics card (yes, on console). It doesn't mind that you see its awful texture and detail pop-in during the transit sequences designed to disguise pretty lengthy loading times. It could certainly stand to be a little less punk if it meant the game actually, y'know,
let you play it properly without having to tiptoe around potentially game-breaking issues — as punk as it is, it's also really quite busted.
Cyberpunk RPG/shooter The Ascent jacks into the Xbox Game Pass library today and while it's certainly very pretty, the experience is almost flatlined by a constant barrage of bugs, glitches, and crashes.