Wii U Splatoon

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Ich frage mich dann nur wie es aussieht, wenn online jemand gekickt wird, wegen lag oder disconnect. Ob dann das ganze Spiel abgebrochen wird? Gibt noch genug offene Fragen, aber ich denke an Spielern wird es ne Weile nicht mangeln. Und wenn ich halt mal 5min auf 8 Leute warten muss ist das auch nicht weiter schlimm, zumal es ja nicht nur regional ist, sondern wie bei MK komplett weltweit. Da werden sich schonmal weitere 7 Leute finden. Wäre nur schön, wenn man eben auch Freunde einladen kann, bzw. eben Freunden joinen kann. Da kann man dann eben auch ein paar Stammgruppen machen und ggf. Turniere im Allgemeinen.
Ich hole es so oder so. Koop-Online-Gaming wurde angekündigt und das find ich super. Hauptsache Nintendo macht es nicht zu sehr auf Core-Gaming ausgerichtet. Nicht dass nachher so super 4er Kombos da rumrennen, gegen die man überhaupt keine Schnitte hat.

Was hat core gaming jetzt damit zutun wenn da 4 leute rumlaufen die gut zusammen zocken und viel skill haben ?
Mal wat neues ausm Squid Research Lab:


Breaking news! In this crazy squid society, “coolness” is apparently a pretty big deal. So much so, in fact, that the shopkeepers won’t even give you the time of day if you’re not cool enough. Battle it up to make sure you’re as fresh and fly as possible before trying to buy the latest gear.


Participating in battles seems to be the key to earning experience and raising your rank. This rank is the yardstick by which your “coolness” will be measured!

You may notice some jellyfish wandering among the Inklings in the plaza. Jellyfish are the second-most common creature in the city, but they can’t speak the Inkling language. “Oh yeah? Then why can Jelonzo speak Inkling?!” you might ask, rather annoyingly. Well, Jelonzo is a special jellyfish from distant waters. No one knows how he learned Inkling, but the way he botches the language is kinda cute!
Wat neues ausm Squid Research Lab:


This is Judd. He’s a cat, if you can’t tell. Long shrouded in mystery, details about Judd are just now beginning to trickle in. Firstly, we can confirm that he’s (probably) not a dog. Also, Judd was born with the incredible ability to judge turf area at a glance to separate the winners from the losers. And it may look like he’s wearing a snazzy cat tuxedo, but that’s actually just the naturally occuring pattern of his fur. Some cats have all the luck.


Squid Research Special Report:
Our findings indicate that Charger weapons are capable of firing blasts of ink over long distances. They can be used to snipe distant targets, but they also leave long trails of ink on the ground, making them useful for quickly creating ink paths for allies to swim through.

Etwas für den Valetinestag :aehja: :


Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day! We at Squid Research Lab have an important research question to ask you: Will you be our valentine? No pressure to say yes, but we got you this really sweet and expensive card.

Hmm… I wonder if Inklings give sweets to each other on Valentine’s Day. Do you think they like chocolate-covered shrimp?
lol die Katze ist ja geil xD :goodwork:

auf die Gefahr hin dass ich mich wiederhole udn wiederhole, aber das Design ist sooooooo pervers geil und abgefahren, ich liebe es :-)
Neue Infos aus dem Squid Research Lab :aehja: :


It’s time for another hot info nugget from Squid Research labs! The manhole you’ll find tucked in a corner of the plaza has been confirmed to lead to Octo Valley, the location of our campaign against the Octarian threat. It may be a lonely and desolate place, but such is the path a hero walks…


This unreasonably attractive gentleman goes by the name of Cap’n Cuttlefish. He’s a decorated hero who fought in the Great Turf Wars of legend between the Inklings and Octarians. He now keeps solemn vigil over Octo Valley, watching for any fishy behavior. Though his clothes may be tattered, his heart is pure and nothing escapes his razor-sharp gaze. He also TOTALLY didn’t write this post.


Squid Research Labs Special Report:
Our findings indicate that roller weapons excel at inking territory while on the move, but they can also fling ink in a wide arc. Flinging ink is a short-range attack to be sure, but it can be quite a powerful tactic. Interestingly enough, a statistically significant percentage of test subjects reported that switching between flinging ink and rolling ink on the ground is more satisfying than one might think!

Cap’n Cuttlefish erinnert mich sehr an den Herrn der Schildkröten (die Pose) :-D
Naja, einer der wegweisendsten Aspekte des Spieles, was das Shooter-Genre angeht, ist ja, dass alteingesessene Taktiken, wie das Camping mit dem einzigartigen Gameplay obsolet gemacht werden.
Finds eigentlich schon ziemlich gut so, wie es ist. So spielt man mal komplett anders nen Shooter und balanced wird es trotzdem sein :)
irgendwie stelle ich mir das dauergeballer immer noch stressig vor. rein gegnerorientiertes gameplay wäre mir (da spricht der camper in mir ;)) lieber.

Camper mag keiner, das ist definitiv kein Negativpunkt :-P

Finde das Geräuch, das die machen wenn sie gekillt werden, echt cool :lol:
Spiel sieht echt schick aus, kann man nur immer wieder sagen.

These Octarian fighters were discovered a while ago, but we’ve just now learned their real name: Octolings! Like Inklings and their squid powers, these tricksters can switch between octopus and humanoid form at will. They apparently make up an elite corps of the Octarian forces. We’ve seen footage of them heavily armed with bombs and ink guns, so don’t go messing around with these suckers unless you have to!


We’ve received new intel confirming that Octolings can appear in pairs or even larger teams from time to time. The thought of facing a solo Octoling makes me weak in the knees, so taking on two or more sounds like a one-way ticket to the danger zone! I had one of our undercover interns ask Cap’n Cuttlefish about this situation, and he said that back in the day, he took out a few Octoling squads by focusing his fire on one at a time. Seeing as he lived to tell this tale, sounds like some good advice!
Wie geil ist dieses Spiel eigentlich? Nintendo muss mal Werbung dafür schalten. So blöd das jetzt klingt, aber selbst Eltern könnte man damit überzeugen, eben weil es kein 08/15-Shooter ist. Das hier ist bunt, sieht spaßig aus und hätte wirklich die Chance ein komplett eigenes Franchise zu werden.
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