Im folgenden Video siehst du, wie du consolewars als Web-App auf dem Startbildschirm deines Smartphones installieren kannst.
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Hot damn.
Aber das gleichzeitig halten von Quadrat und Kreis ist nicht sonderlich angenehm oder?
Da hätte man bestimmt was besseres finden können.
Ich denke das geht auch direkt mit den Daumen auf dem Touchscreen. ;-) Alternative Steuerung und so.![]()
Sieht schon sehr geil aus :v:
Sieht Hammer aus...
Gut Sony, genau sowas braucht die VITA.![]()
warum das trollface sasuke ? ironisch gemeint ? ^^
hmm meinst echt das sowas bei denen noch was bringt ? die haben sich doch auf den 3DS eingeschworen,
die vita käufer sind doch die freak/outsiderwenn man nach den charts geht.
och, so schlecht läuft amiland echt nicht. europa ist das sorgenkind. ^^ aber genug OT.
JA! ich hab nur 2 3DS Spiele :v:
kommt dir das nicht irgendwii bekannt vor ?![]()
längeres Multiplayer Video mit Bosskampf
They didn't specify either way but it seems mission-based, like MH. If you die in a battle, and are sacrificed to do your mental attacks, you don't get anything for beating the boss. Only the surviving players get stuff. So it was mentioned that players could tell their mates to sacrifice them and be the hero so the others can win.
They showed a load of attack types. If you use stones, you can make a stone wall shield and carry it around to protect players, or you can surround yourself in a big round boulder and roll around the stage. Wood can be made into a light attack sword. You can attack with your blood (like shot attacks). There were fire and lightning attacks though they didn't show what resources were needed. The whole game moves at a brisk pace — you can dart around quickly.
Oh and it seems Mitsuda is doing way more than one track. The two composers seem to be handling half each. The song of Mitsuda's they played was from the beginning when you first find the book. It had female vocals and was full of depression with a tinge of hope. The idea of the story seems to give the prisoner hope.
Alright, I think this is how it goes, but don't all rip on me if I'm a little wrong. When an enemy, or an ally, is slain, if you move close to the body, your two palms rise up. One is "rescue" (救済), the other is "sacrifice" (犠牲). For regular enemies, and maybe for allies too, it just takes one player to decide. For the main boss, all players vote, but I'm not sure if they're doing it for their own result, or for a joint result.
The other thing to mention, when a monster, or an ally, is down/hurt, you'll see red text showing up saying stuff like "I want to be with my family" or "I don't want to die". Stuff that's supposed to tug on those heart strings and show that they were once real people, but have somehow gone astray.
For Soul Sacrifice, the concept is "True Fantasy." The "True" part comes from the idea of making sacrifices and payments. If you want to get a lot of power, you have to pay or sacrifice something. This is something everyone experiences in real life -- for instance, if you want to eat something good, you have to pay a lot of money. He hopes to deliver this truth in Soul Sacrifice.
He revealed that you can you can select from multiple types for your player character, and make various customizations on top of this, resulting in your very own sorcerer.
The game does not have the notion of "MP" (magic points). Instead, you sacrifice things for magic. Make a big sacrifice, and you'll get greater power. For Excalibur, you sacrifice your life. If you continually use powerful magic, though, you'll gradually begin to lose your human form.
During the demo session, Inafune showed how one can use trees and boulders in combat. He also demonstrated using your own blood to send yourself flying at enemies like bullets.
Magic can be set to circle, triangle and square, and you can toggle between two sets via R. This means you can set six magics in all.
When you defeat an enemy, you can chose to either sacrifice the enemy or revive/help it. You'll get different things depending on your choice.
Composers Yasunori Mitsuda and Wataru Hokoyama appeared at the event to discuss their contribution. they're still working on music for the game right now, they said. Some of the songs will have large-scale recordings with overseas orchestras and full chorus.
Up to four players can play simultaneously. The video showed one player near death following an attack from a cerberus. The player was able to sacrifice his life for the other players, and turned himself into "Salamander," a massive flame which struck the enemy. The three remaining players were able to to select between saving the cerberus or sacrificing it. They all decided to sacrifice it.
Inafune confirmed that the game is planned to have both ad-hoc and infrastructure play. Ad-hoc only is not sufficient nowadays, said Inafune, especially if you want to appeal not just to Japan, but to overseas. He added that nothing has been decided as far as an overseas release is concerned.
The game will have a number of other PlayStation Vita-ish features. These will be revealed later.
They're planning download content for the game. Inafune feels that in this era, download content is part of the game.
As shown in the multiplayer video, at the end of a boss fight, you can select to either save the boss, or sacrifice the boss. The players in the presentation video all voted to sacrifice the boss. So what happens if players don't agree? Inafune says that they have a system in place to deal with this, but he would not say what it is. Regarding this area of the game, he noted that he wanted to make a game that did not end just with players feeling relief at having defeated the enemy, but having to think about what to do after defeating the enemy.