Sony Gamer's Day Sammelthread

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Wird Sony alle ownen?

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Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
hab alle gesehen, es ist kein bash, ich kann mein kleines preview sofort unterstreichen.

Grafisch noch aufzupolierendes Game mit fantastischer Weitsicht, unrealistischen Feuereffekten und realisitischer Wasserphyisk sowie zur Zeit noch ziemlich miesen Texturen. Es läuft stabil inkl. Massenschlachten.
Hm, Lair...also die Landschaft im Hintergrund sieht klasse aus, richtig stimmungsvoll. Die Grafik an sich ist unspektakulär, zumindest für ein Next Gen Spiel. Irgendwie kann ich momentan auch nichts mit dem Gameplay anfangen. Und die Animation der Drachen gefällt mir momentan auch noch nicht so wirklich. Alles in allem kann mich dieser Titel momentan noch nicht begeistern. :shakehead:


Habe nein gewählt. Ich denke da kommt nichts neues mehr von Sony..
Und um 24:00 Uhr ist da heute nochmal Presseveranstaltung von Sony oder was gibts da ?
1:31pm: Sony representatives let us in the door and we take our seats -- Sony's auditorium is packed with press, photographers, and more.

Kaz Hirai opened the presentation by saying that every question left concerning the new console would be revealed at this event. The session is covering the following areas:

# Whats in the box at launch
# Launch titles
# Peripherals
# PS Network
# PS Store
# Downloadable Content

The retail box was revealed along with the launch lineup of 22 games including:

# Genji
# NBA 07
# Resistance: Fall of Man
# Blazing Angels Call of Duty 3
# Fight Night Round 3
# Oblivion
# F.E.A.R.
# Full auto 2
# Madden 07
# Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire
# NBA 2k7
# NBA Live 07
# Sonic

# A video was shown and then the podium was handed over to Jack Tretton who talked about what to expect at retail. The basic features of the PS3 $499 and $599 model were shown. It was stressed that the only major differences between the two are hard drive space and the compact flash memory slot.

Tretton then spoke about the importance of Blu-ray. Effective Nov. 17 the first 500,000 units of PS3 will ship with Talladega Nights on Blu-ray before it is available to the public on December 12. We were then shown an extended trailer for the movie.

The next item up for discussion was the SIXAXIS. It was a 20 meter wireless range, 30 hours of battery life for one charge, and a tool that the community is just starting to fully harness. It will come with an AC cord, USB mini-cable, ethernet cable, Multi-AV cable with composite connectors. Tretton said that there is no power brick - only a cord. He slammed the competition for being noisy and having a large external power brick.

First party titles will retail at $59.99. The controller with be $49.99, and the memory card adapter will be 14.99, and the Blue Ray remote will come in December for $24.99.

We were then shown the Retail Channel Interactives, or those lovely game kiosks that can be found at your local EB or Gamestop.

Der Sixaxis ist für meinen Geschmack mit 49.99 Dollar 10 Dollar zu hoch ausgefallen...wird bei uns wohl auch 49.99€ kosten. Schade.
Launch Lineup bekannt!

The List of Launch Window Titles Includes:

SCEA Launch Titles
Resistance: Fall of Man(TM)
NBA 07
Genji: Days of the Blade(TM)

Third Party Publisher Titles*
Blazing Angels(TM) Squadrons of WWII Ubisoft
Call of Duty®3 Activision
EA Sports(TM) Fight Night Round 3 Electronic Arts
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Bethesda Softworks
F.E.A.R.(TM) Vivendi Universal Games
Full Auto(TM)2: Battlelines Sega
Madden NFL(TM) 07 Electronic Arts
Mobile Suit Gundam®: CROSSFIRE(TM) NAMCO BANDAI Games
NBA 2K7 2K Sports
Need For Speed(TM) Carbon Electronic Arts
NHL® 2K7 2K Sports
Sonic the Hedgehog Sega
Tiger Woods PGA Tour® 07 Electronic Arts
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six® Vegas Ubisoft
Tony Hawk's Project 8(TM) Activision
Untold Legends(TM) Dark Kingdom(TM) Sony Online Entertainment

Offizielle Pressemeldung:
Naja...würden Motorstorm, Warhawk und vor allen Dingen Heavenly Sword zum Launch erscheinen wäre die Liste finde ich höchstens Resistence bedingt interessant.
# John Smedley
John then showed off the PlayStation Store. The interface included featured items, demos, downloadable games, top downloads, and what's new. The system has integrated X-Fire which allows current users on the PC to see who's online with PS3.

The store can be built directly into the games. This means that you can make purchases like episodic content within the game. The store has a top story that features the latest content. Downloadable games featured PS1 content that is playable on the PSP and in the future playable on the PS3.

(2:50pm PST) Blast Factor
The downloadable game Blast Factor was highlighted then selected and taken to the store. He proceeded to checkout where there was a wallet and a total. Gamers can either use a credit card or a PlayStation card that can be purchased at retail stores. Parents can set rating limits for downloads to censor material for their children and set allowances in the PS store.

The demo was performed live over the internet to the PS store. This was not a set demo, but actually connected to Sony's online service. The games will be around $14.99 and less. The store also included trailers and will eventually have full movies. The games that are downloaded can be played on up to 5 additional PS3s so you can share with your friends.

15 Dollar für ein Minispiel ist dann doch mehr als nur ein wenig heftig. Wenn man noch 5 Freunde auftreiben kann, dann wirds einigermaßen erträglich.

Ich hoffe allerdings, dass die meisten dieser Spiele -egal ob Arcade, PS1 oder PS2- unter 15 Dollar / Euro bleiben werden. Dass man die Spiele mit Freunden teilen kann, ist aber ziemlich nett.
Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
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