PS4/PS5/Switch/PC Sifu


L15: Wise
19 Apr 2006
3159 8045 1325

Ein kunstvolles und kampfbetontes Kung-Fu-Spiel vom Indie Entwickler Sloclap.
Für PS4, PS5 und PC angekündigt und soll wahrscheinlich noch 2021 erscheinen.
Ich war sehr ernüchtert bei der Präsi an der SoP vor pr Monaten. Aber ich hab später noch etwas mehr an Material gesehen usw. und iwie hab ich doch leichtes Interesse daran. Unspassig klingt das alles ja ned und mit dem Artstil hab ich mich dann auch versöhnt.
Errinert mich an das Jet Li Game. Rise to honour. Kennt das nicht jemand?😆

Finde die Alterungsmechanik sehr interessant. Man bleibt zwar bis ins hohe Alter krass, aber ist dann irgendwas zu alt und muss von vorne beginnen.
Hat das Alter Auswirkung auf das Gameplay, war mir jetzt nicht ersichtlich.

Aus dem PS Blog.

Die Spieler können Fehler machen, es noch mal versuchen und daraus lernen. Wir möchten, dass diese Erfahrung übergangslos und flüssig erfolgt: Die Spieler werden sofort dort neu starten können, wo sie gestorben sind, und ihren Weg als unaufhaltsame Naturgewalt der Rache fortsetzen. Allerdings kann man nicht endlos weiter altern. Irgendwann wird man zu alt und muss von vorn beginnen.

Ihr werdet zwar älter, aber nicht schwächer. Ganz im Gegenteil: So wie die alten Meister in den Kung-Fu-Filmklassikern gewinnt der Hauptcharakter mit zunehmendem Alter an Erfahrung, Fähigkeiten und Wissen dazu und kann dies im Kampf zu seinem Vorteil nutzen. Wie ein wahrer Kung-Fu-Schüler müsst auch ihr durch Training und Beharrlichkeit immer besser werden, um eure Ziele zu erreichen.

Sifu verschoben​

Sloclap gibt bekannt, dass das Actionspiel Sifu von 2021 auf Anfang 2022 weltweit verschoben wurde.​

Sifu ist das neue Spiel von Sloclap, dem Indie-Studio hinter Absolver. Es ist ein Third-Person-Actionspiel mit intensiven Nahkämpfen, in dem die Spieler die Kontrolle über einen jungen Kung-Fu-Schüler übernehmen, der sich auf einem Rachefeldzug befindet.​

Das einzigartige Gameplay von Sifu ist eine Mischung aus zwei etablierten und beliebten Genres: Es verbindet die Intensität und den zeitlosen Nervenkitzel von Beat'em Ups mit dem spannenden Design von 3D-Actionspielen. Vor der detaillierten Kulisse einer fiktiven chinesischen Stadt kommen die Spieler in einer Reihe schwieriger Konfrontationen einem uralten Geheimnis auf die Spur, das ihre Fähigkeiten bis an ihre Grenzen fordert.​

Um die Widrigkeiten zu überwinden, die sich gegen sie auftürmen, müssen sie sich auf ihre Kung-Fu-Künste und einen magischen Anhänger verlassen, der sie nach dem Tod wiederbelebt. Der Preis der Magie ist jedoch hoch, und die Spieler werden jedes Mal, wenn sie ins Leben zurückkehren, deutlich altern: Zeit ist der Preis, den Sie für ihre Rache zahlen werden​

Nach wie vor interessanter Titel! Wenn die Zeit der Verschiebung dem Gameplay zugute kommt, sollen man es gerne verschieben.
Sifu wird wieder verschoben. Um zwei Wochen nach vorn.

Combat System Overview​

In terms of design, it meant for us striking a balance between credibility – realistic combat techniques, faithful animations – and esthetics, with crisp action and immersive camera framings. With Sifu, we wanted to mix the esthetics of classic kung fu movies with the raw close-quarters combat found in modern movies such as The Raid, Old Boy, or John Wick.

The combat system draws from these different inspirations. We want the gameplay to offer a challenge consistent with the kung fu values of training and self-improvement. And we want players to experience a progression, to feel like they are learning kung fu, improving, and progressively earning their power fantasy.

We designed what we called the Structure system, to emulate the real combat notion of impacting and breaking the stance of your opponent, his ability to attack and defend himself. It takes the form of a gauge, for both you and your enemies. If you manage to break your opponent's structure, you will be able to finish them with a powerful takedown, which is the opportunity to display the devastating techniques of Pak Mei. But if your own structure gauge is filled, you're unable to fight and defend yourself for a short duration and you will find yourself vulnerable to your enemies' attacks.

Blocking attacks will quickly fill your balance gauge, and we've given the players a few more flexible defensive options. Dodges will allow you to create space at key times and can be life savers. But more importantly, parrying hits at the right time will let you deflect the blow, unbalancing your opponent and opening opportunities to counterattack or to throw them down. You can also avoid blows altogether, by ducking under or jumping over incoming strikes. It is particularly useful against strong hits that you can't parry or to quickly recover balance and strike back at your opponent.

Fights against multiple enemies are at the heart of the Sifu's gameplay experience. We aimed at finding the right balance between having the player feeling surrounded and challenged, but not overwhelmed by the amount of aggression coming at the same time. We've chosen to use a dynamic lock system for the camera, to allow for quick and responsive swapping between multiple targets. We've worked on optimizing the game to ensure a stable 60FPS frame rate on PlayStation 4, as well as on PS4 Pro and PS5 of course, to provide a smooth and reactive experience. We want combat to feel like a back-and-forth motion, with enemies forcing the players to react, to use a variety of crowd control techniques and good positioning to prevail.

Death & Aging System Overview​

As we have already shown before, our hero has one powerful tool to help them on their quest: an ancient pendant that can heal them back to life. But nothing is ever free. That pendant has to be fueled with life energy, and every time they get back up, they will age.

That means that you will start the game with a limited resource that you must manage carefully if you want to reach the end of your quest. Aging will not make you weaker, but it has a slight impact on your abilities: as you get older, you will trade maximum health for offensive power. Your character's model will also showcase how old you are, and you will be able to contemplate the consequences of your actions. But getting older has no drawbacks on your abilities and you will be able to complete the game at any age.

The ability to rise up after death gives the opportunity for players to get right back in the action, over and over again. Before getting back to the fight, the death screen is actually a good spot for players to take a breather and reflect on their past mistakes. It is where they'll be able to unlock new skills and open more options to deal with the situation that caused their demise. Skills can also be unlocked in the hero's Wuguan, accessible between missions, and in Shrines found throughout the levels.

Shrines will also allow you to improve your character during runs, by giving the player a choice between different perks, each one with different costs or requirements. Along with skills, it will allow you to specialize depending on what you feel you need the most: more health, additional focus charges, max structure increase, weapon durability etc.

Those upgrades are not lost on death, and along with the ability to rise up immediately when you fall, it might give you at first a feeling of invulnerability. But this will not last, and the more you die, the faster you will age. This takes the form of a death counter: the first time you die, you'll age by one year. The second time, by two years, the third by three, and so on. The only way to lower or reset that counter is to use one of the available shrines or beat specific enemies such as the chapter bosses.

Ending a chapter will reset your death counter, but your age will not be affected. There is no way to get younger, you will only get older as you fall and get back up – you can cheat death for a while, but in the end time catches with everyone. Past a certain age, you won't have enough life left in you to sustain the pendant, and you won't be able to get back up anymore. Your ultimate death will translate into a definitive game over.

Although you will lose your unlocked skills and upgrades upon a game over, some elements are persistent. Each time you complete a chapter of the game, it will create a saving point with the age you had when you finished it. You will be able to continue on to the next chapter or play it again to try and improve your performance. Besides save points, you will be able to permanently unlock skills by spending more experience points, making them available right away at the start of a new run.

Finally, the detective board, which illustrates the progress of the main character on his investigation, will retain all the information you've already gathered, even after a game over. Beside keeping track of the various clues and story elements you gathered on your five enemies, the detective board will also show you shortcuts, hidden rooms or doors you unlocked on previous playthroughs, allowing you to quickly get back on track.
Ich fand das Anfangs völlig uninteressant. Mittlerweile bin ich echt gespannt auf das Ding.
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