3DS Senran Kagura Shinku [MarvelousAQL]

Ich liebe Marvelous! Hätte ehrlich gesagt nie vor Herbst (in NA) gerechnet! Und jetzt kommt es schon im Sommer. Mal gucken welche Version ich mir hole. Mal gucken was gewinnt. Verstand oder Otaku...

Wenn sie gescheite Zahlungsmethoden hätten dann würde ich mir die Ultimate holen aber ich hab schon die japanische Limited die viel bessere Inhalte hat, also wird es die Standard Version. Ich liebe die Serie und hoffe wenigstens Happy Boobs kommt zu anderen Händlern.
Die Retail Version wird es nur über die Seite geben, hab jetzt die EarlyBird bestellt. Kann ich auch nur jedem raten, bei diesen extrem hohen Versandkosten.
Wollte mir die Ultimate holen Bestellung hat aber so lange gedauert das die schon weg war... Bis auf ne Japanische Unterschrift vom Producer (die vermutlich eh nur kopiert ist) ist die Shinobi idenisch. Könnte sie mir holen aber 130€... Verstand gegen Wahnsinn...
Wollte mir die Ultimate holen Bestellung hat aber so lange gedauert das die schon weg war... Bis auf ne Japanische Unterschrift vom Producer (die vermutlich eh nur kopiert ist) ist die Shinobi idenisch. Könnte sie mir holen aber 130€... Verstand gegen Wahnsinn...

du warst von den boobs geblendet :v:
Wollte mir die Ultimate holen Bestellung hat aber so lange gedauert das die schon weg war... Bis auf ne Japanische Unterschrift vom Producer (die vermutlich eh nur kopiert ist) ist die Shinobi idenisch. Könnte sie mir holen aber 130€... Verstand gegen Wahnsinn...

Normal Wahnsinn bei Senran Kagura, da die Shinovi nicht limitiert ist werde ich mri diese noch kurz vor Release ansonsten eben Happy Boobs.
Es ist halt hart.... Ich liebe die Serie.. Will sie wirklich sehr gerne Unterstützen... Ich werde eh zu schwach.. zum Glück hab ich im Moment genug Geld.

Und Boobs sind Boobs! Außerdem brauch ich noch nen Mousepad! :coolface:

Ich könnts nicht spielen :ugly:

Es ist halt hart.... Ich liebe die Serie.. Will sie wirklich sehr gerne Unterstützen... Ich werde eh zu schwach.. zum Glück hab ich im Moment genug Geld.

Und Boobs sind Boobs! Außerdem brauch ich noch nen Mousepad! :coolface:

Wenn das Mousepad nicht so billig ausehen würde. Naja in 2 Wochen kommt erstmal Estival Versus CE, dann fehlt mir nur noc hdie Shinovi LE und ich hab alle japanischen. Die Shinovi hier muss halt eigentlich auch her, für die Sammlung eben.
Richtiges Desaster diese Ankündigung. Der Shop ist genauso ein Müll wie der NISA Europe oder IFI Europe Shop. Völlig überzogene Preise und dann akzeptieren die nicht mal PayPal...
Dann hol es dir halt digital.



Senran Kagura 2 Is Done With Its First Editing Pass, Says Xseed

The first editing pass on Senran Kagura 2: Deep Crimson has been completed, Xseed say in a blog post. The game’s development team in Japan is now working on putting the English text into the game.

Once that’s done, Xseed say they’ll play through the game several times to make sure the localization is as it should be, and begin working on getting the game packaged and ready for released.

Senran Kagura 2: Deep Crimson will be released in North America and Europe this Summer. Further details of its release can be found here.

Hab Post von Marvelous bekommen:

Update 1:

Hello everyone, and welcome to the first official SENRAN KAGURA 2: Deep Crimson pre-order campaign update!

We’ve been absolutely blown away by the support you have all shown us so far – your love for SENRAN KAGURA is astounding and we couldn’t be doing this without your support. Maybe you’ve pre-ordered already, or maybe you’re holding off, either way, this update is for you.

Today we are going to be updating you guys on the manufacturing process, and how we are ensuring that our LE’s meet your expectations. We are currently sourcing all of the different components from a variety of different manufacturers so that we can check on the quality. We care about these editions very much, so we want to make sure we have the best.
Checking so many different suppliers means one thing – plenty of prototypes! The local delivery drivers have stopped by our office so many times in the past couple of weeks, they must be sick of seeing our faces by now.

The first thing to talk about are the Oppai Mouse Pads. You should see how many samples we have stacked in our office – it’s getting slightly ridiculous!


Obviously the samples aren’t made with our specific artwork, as the manufacturing companies tend to use their own stock art for these. As you can see from the picture though, they all vary in both quality and bustility (this is a new word, it is now official). We are taking all the appropriate steps to ensure that they are comfortable, durable, and don’t have any imperfections. We might need to use these for a good while longer to know for sure…. for research purposes of course! We’ll also mention that the mouse pad is receiving some extra special attention… please look forward to hearing more about this in a future update.


We need to make sure that everything is weighed accurately so we don’t exceed our shipping estimations. There are weight thresholds for global shipping, and if we go over one things can get pretty expensive pretty fast! As we don’t have the official SENRAN KAGURA 2: Deep Crimson case manufactured yet, we are having to improvise with another case, which just happens to be lying around the office….



As you can see above we’ve also received some samples for the wall scrolls, and this time the manufacturers were kind enough to use some of the sample artwork we provided them with. We are extremely happy with them and we think you guys will be too! For this we have to be extra careful as we want to ensure that the quality of the scroll itself is nice and high, so they don’t arrive too thin or come with washed-out colours.


Finally, we’ve learned from this process that paper thickness has its own separate measurement, and is actually pretty important! We’ve learnt that the ‘gsm’ generally signifies quality, but you need the thickness to be fit for purpose. We decided to request a whole range of different paper so we could decide for ourselves the optimal type for the gorgeous A2 poster included with your Limited Editions.

That about wraps it up for our first update on the on-going SENRAN KAGURA 2 pre-order campaign. We once again want to thank all of you for your support in making this a reality. We plan to update this page whenever we have something new to show you, so make sure you keep checking back here and also follow us on Twitter @marvelousgames so you never miss out on any information!
The awesome guys over at XSEED are also running a localization blog on their Tumblr. You should take a look at this if you’re specifically interested in the localization process and how it all goes down.

Thanks for reading and have a great week!
Senran Kagura 2 first English footage, screenshots

XSEED Games and Marvelous Europe have released the first English footage and screenshots of Senran Kagura 2: Deep Crimson.

The publishers note that what you’re seeing in the screenshots is a “beta build” and “does not represent the final quality of the game.”

Senran Kagura 2: Deep Crimson is due out for 3DS in North America and Europe this summer.

Watch the footage below. View the images at the gallery.







Nächste Woche bestell ich meine Shinobi Edition. Wie die Brüste in Deep Crimsion locker die aus Estival Versus Ps4 übertreffen :lick:
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