XOne/PC Sea of Thieves

Hab das Spiel vor einiger Zeit auf der SX meines Bruders getestet. War sehr spaßig. Hab ja damals Sid Meyers Pirates geliebt, und suchte schon immer "Ersatz" dafür. Bis dato vergebens. SoT ist daher sehr willkommen.

Hab’s jetzt zusätzlich auf meinen Laptop geladen. Gibts cross progression zwischen den Konsolen und pc Gamepass Versionen?
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Ein paar interessante Sachen, die Joe und Mike letzte Woche in den Interviews verraten haben:

Es kommt ein neues Item namens "Horn of Fair Winds" ins Spiel.
Neate teased an upcoming item called the Horn of Fair Winds. What it actually does is a mystery, but since winds are so critical to chasing — or escaping — from another ship, it seems like it’ll be perfect for enabling hijinx.
Für den Solo Seas Modus braucht ihr keine Online Mitgliedschaft auf den Konsolen, allerdings müsst ihr weiterhin eine online Verbindung haben.
“One of the things we’re doing leading up to the PlayStation 5 release is bringing in something called Solo Seas,” says Neate. Solo Seas is currently slated to launch on March 14. “It’s still online because you’re connecting to servers, but you don’t need a multiplayer subscription to experience that.
Es wird keine weiteren Adventures geben.
One thing that definitely won't be returning, however, are Sea of Thieves' monthly story driven Adventures, which spluttered out last June with one final instalment. And despite Rare teasing their eventual return when we spoke last year, that's now no longer happening. "I think it was wonderful to move our storyline forwards," Chapman explains of the decision, "but narrative was very much leading those experiences, and the gameplay was feeling kind of second fiddle to it… So our new plan is to weave that narrative into the seasons themselves, like we did in the earlier days, to actually make it part and parcel of the gameplay. I think we're quite good at weaving that."
Neue Waffen kommen ins Spiel:
Wurde er wirklich bloßgestellt? Wenn man die Nachrichten genau ließt spricht nix dafür. @Lance83 sagt nur das ihm 39,99€ zu teuer sind. Da steht nicht das er es nicht gespielt hat 🤷‍♂️
Naja ich frag ihn wie seine erfahrung mit dem Monkey Island Part war und anscheinend hat er vergessen das er es "gespielt" hat.

Dein Zitierter Text hat damit wenig zu tun


2024 Vorschau mit einigen Sachen, die dieses Jahr in Season 12,13 und 14 ins Spiel kommen.

Einfach den Twitter Thread öffnen, um alle vorgestellten Neuerungen zu sehen. Ansonsten ist hier auch eine Zusammenfassung aus Reddit:

Season 12.

New weapons

  • Throwing Knives
    • Quick low damage attack, medium damaged charge attack, high damage throw which anyone can retrieve if missed.
  • Double Shot Pistol
    • Shoot two separate shots, or one singular double shot. (Double shot possibly causes players to drop loot)
New cannon ball/throwable/tool

  • Grapeshot
    • 4x level 1 hole cannon balls. Hole size won't increase.
  • Bone Caller
    • Causes 3x skeletons to spawn, friendly to thrower/shooter.
  • Wind Caller
    • Finite charge, blows out fire, stops fall damage, can blow players back (on land/in water), creates a gust of wind which can push rowboats/ships.
New ways to traverse

  • Ziplines
    • Added to outposts, Skeleton forts, various islands. Can be walked/zipped down on.
  • Harpoons
    • Can now be walked/zipped on. (New boarding method)

Season 13.

New ship/World Event

  • The Burning Blade
    • A mobile world event.
      • Once defeated, you can take over the ship and the skeleton crew.
    • 10x cannons, 2x front facing fire-ball launcher. Additionally crewed by skeletons that can shoot/repair/etc.
  • Orb of Secrets (Treasure)
    • Adds "tribute" to Burning Blade, which increases value of the Burning Blade.
Skeleton camps

  • Has underground excavation/tribute areas
    • Has a constellation puzzle
    • Contains new loot, such as the Orb of Secrets.
Season 14.

New Mechanics/Utility/Tools

  • New stealth mechanics
    • Crouching, hanging off ships, "fake treasure disguise" (Could pick up players?)
  • Blow dart
    • Could trigger sound effects
    • Tracking dart
    • Lure skeletons
  • Throwable traps
    • Could trap skeletons, players. Place above ladders.
  • Grapple Gun
    • Multipurpose Rifle, harpoon loot, players, traverse environment, board ships mid-air. Has consumed ammo "Arrowheads"
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