L20: Enlightened
Eben zum ersten mal ein paar Videos dazu angeguckt und es sieht absolut genial aus :o
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Scribblenauts hat überall ziemlich abgeräumt, bei Gamespot/GT und IGN zumindest bestes HH Game und bestes Puzzle Game.
Das Spiel wird einfach so genial, ich kann es wirklich kaum erwarten bis es erscheint. :-D
I had played all the big titles at E3. Private showings of God of War III, Heavy Rain, Alan Wake. But at 4:00 on Thursday, I was wandering around the show floor, wondering what else I had to see. I saw a small little booth for "Scribblenauts!" in the Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment section. I mean, who goes to that booth? But I remember hearing about it on GAF, and so I decided to check it out.
Best game of E3? Without a fucking doubt. Anyone who says otherwise did not play Scribblenauts. Best game of all time? Jesus Christ, I don't know, maybe. It's a game that challenges your IMAGINATION. No other game has ever done that.
So listen to this story. I was in the early levels; I didn't quite have an idea of how ridiculously in-depth the database was. I was summoning things like ladders, glasses of water, rayguns, what have you. But I reached a level with zombie robots, and the zombie robots kept killing me. Rayguns didn't work, a torch didn't work, a pickaxe didn't work. In my frustration, I wrote in "Time Machine". And one popped up. What the fuck? A smile dawned on my face. I hopped in, and the option was given to me to either travel to the past or the future. I chose past. When I hopped out, there were fucking dinosaurs walking around. I clicked one, and realized I could RIDE THEM. So I hopped on a fucking DINOSAUR, traveled back to the present, and stomped the shit out of robot zombies. Did you just read that sentence? Did you really? I FUCKING TRAVELED THROUGH TIME AND JUMPED ON A DINOSAUR AND USED IT TO KILL MOTHERFUCKING ROBOT ZOMBIES. This game is unbelievable. Impossible. There's nothing you can't do.
Holy fucking shit.
Habe gerade gelesen, dass dieses Zitat den Machern so gefallen hat, weswegen sie die Wörter "Post 217" und "neogaf" in das Spiel hinzugefügt haben :-D.I had played all the big titles at E3. Private showings of God of War III, Heavy Rain, Alan Wake. But at 4:00 on Thursday, I was wandering around the show floor, wondering what else I had to see. I saw a small little booth for "Scribblenauts!" in the Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment section. I mean, who goes to that booth? But I remember hearing about it on GAF, and so I decided to check it out.
Best game of E3? Without a fucking doubt. Anyone who says otherwise did not play Scribblenauts. Best game of all time? Jesus Christ, I don't know, maybe. It's a game that challenges your IMAGINATION. No other game has ever done that.
So listen to this story. I was in the early levels; I didn't quite have an idea of how ridiculously in-depth the database was. I was summoning things like ladders, glasses of water, rayguns, what have you. But I reached a level with zombie robots, and the zombie robots kept killing me. Rayguns didn't work, a torch didn't work, a pickaxe didn't work. In my frustration, I wrote in "Time Machine". And one popped up. What the fuck? A smile dawned on my face. I hopped in, and the option was given to me to either travel to the past or the future. I chose past. When I hopped out, there were fucking dinosaurs walking around. I clicked one, and realized I could RIDE THEM. So I hopped on a fucking DINOSAUR, traveled back to the present, and stomped the shit out of robot zombies. Did you just read that sentence? Did you really? I FUCKING TRAVELED THROUGH TIME AND JUMPED ON A DINOSAUR AND USED IT TO KILL MOTHERFUCKING ROBOT ZOMBIES. This game is unbelievable. Impossible. There's nothing you can't do.
Holy fucking shit.
Jep, echt schade. Einige verstehen es einfach nicht, dass Videospiele nicht nur aus Shootern oder bombastischen Grafiken bestehen.An Scribblenauts kann man mal wieder sehn wieviele verblendete Idioten auf CW (fast hauptsächlich) unterwegs sind. Das Game sieht kiddy aus, also wird es nicht beachtet - obwohl es Game der E³ war und es dazu hier auf cw sogar ne News dazu gab.
Ich gebe zu, dass ich am Anfang auch weniger interessiert war, aber habs mir dann doch näher angeschaut und bin total baffGenau wie bei LKS. Naja, egal dann verpassen hier halt welche was - Mir egal :uglywink:
Jep, simplere innovative Spiele haben es nicht einfach wenn sie nicht von Nintendo erscheinen oder für XBLA oder PSN erscheinen. Denke aber Scribblenauts wird sich trotzdem durchsetzen - zumindest in den Händlerregalen und beim Kunden.
Bin mal gespannt, ob es bei GT auch noch gewinnt^^
Dann würde ich dir raten, den Thread nochmal von vorne durch zu lesen. Es wurden schon ziemlich viele interessante Berichte zum Spiel gepostet. Oder schau dir einfach mal das Video hier an.Scribblenauts höre ich jetzt schon zum 10ten Mal ...
Jetzt interessiert es mich doch...
Was ist das für ein Spiel (was auch schon Titel wie Game of the E³ (???) intus hat)??
Dann würde ich dir raten, den Thread nochmal von vorne durch zu lesen. Es wurden schon ziemlich viele interessante Berichte zum Spiel gepostet. Oder schau dir einfach mal das Video hier an.
Als ich das Spiel zum ersten mal sah, fragte ich mich, was so toll an dem Spiel sein soll. Wurde aber dann sehr positiv überrascht.