Revolution - Fakes und Träumereien

Ist Aries ein Faker

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  • Bin mir nicht sicher. Vieleicht wei er nur ein wenig

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  • Wer/Was ist Aries

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Something to Believe IN!
I just got off the chat line with a bunch of Gamers- I had 5 different chats ranging from 10-12 people in each chat Window. They all had questions. Unfortunately I could not respond to all their questions.

The one thing that I saw is that they wanted something to believe in.

Something that would give them hope that Nintendo was going to deliver.

In one chat what struck me was the person who said SeriousGamer007 even if you are wrong at least you gave me hope that Nintendo was going to deliver again. If Nintendo doesnt deliver it is not your fault but the fault of them. For you have provided the Vision.

Though this made me feel good I want to say this.

Nintendo will deliver.

Mark my words Nintendo will deliver.

Furthermore the gamers want proof. They want evidence. They want a Controller Pic. An in game Video or Picture.

I will provide all the evidence you need to believe in Nintendo again before the end of the week.

I will give you something to believe in.

Believe in the Revolution.


Before the end of this week you will have something to believe in.
Der labert so ne scheiße! Ich versuch mal seine Adresse rauszukriegen und werde ihn, nun ja..."ausquetschen"! Natürlich nur, wenn ihr das genehmigt!
i belive das der typ keine kollegen hat und den ganzen tag nichts besseres zu tun hat als sich scheisse über den revolution auszudenken. :x

Wiesenlooser hat folgendes geschrieben:
Der labert so ne scheiße! Ich versuch mal seine Adresse rauszukriegen und werde ihn, nun ja..."ausquetschen"! Natürlich nur, wenn ihr das genehmigt!

genehmigung ebenfalls erteilt :D
In your last mailbox you mentioned that there would be more information about the revolution shortly after Leipzig. How educated of a guess is this?

Matt responds: I wouldn't call it a guess.

Bald wird alles bestätigt werden ...
Von mir auch: Genehmigung erteilt :D

Diese Typen sind die Krönung-mir geht dieses ganze "Mysterium" aber langsam auf die Nü......!
Einfach warten bis was offizielles kommt-nachher ist man durch diese übertriebenen Spekulationen und gequirlten Halbwahrheiten nur dermassen enttäuscht!
Ich sehs schon kommen-dann wird nurnoch gefetzt. :shakehead:
Hello everyone,

I would like to know if anyone is interested in information of the Nintendo Revolution (N5) console. I can provide everything you would like. It is 100% credible and official. I can provide videos, pictures, screenshots, tech demos, ads...etc. I also have a extensive dossier of marketing pitches and slogans along with a beta spec sheet of the near-final hardware. Please let me know if anyone is interested as you will not be disappointed.

I am best hackers you will ever meet. I do not play video games or relatively support Nintendo, but since I've been hearing all these rumors I wanted to see if I could find any official info through my skills and I hit the f***** jackpot. I really don't care if it can hurt Nintendo but if you are interested tell Moz to make a page dedicated to this so as many people can view it as possible then I will reveal all.

I have contacted Moz already about how this all will pan out. Once he places the new page for this the seven days of speculation will begin. Okay though...a little piece of Revolution info. On the Revolution (N5) dossier it says that the Revolution will begin on August 27th. That gives me more than enough time to spill the beans and get the info out before then. Just wait for Moz to make the page.

Moz has decided to not host my information unfortunately. If you want to host my info for all to see please let me know. Please watch the IGN and Gamespot boards for the complete info. The administrators have given me the go and I will reveal all there. I really did try to give this site a chance since it "used" to be THE Revolution info site to my knowlegde. Please let me know if you'd like to host my info and videos you will not be disappointed. I'm sorry to all for assuming that Moz would be game. We'll be in touch.

Hello Moz,

I do understand your point about understanding your position. I am a full-time hacker (I do this for a living, this is how I make my money). So I have no reason to lie about anything. I do not play video games but I do follow them, after E3 I wanted to know if I could get any classified info on the Revolution console and after a couple months I hit the jackpot. I have hacked into research and development database for Nintendo Co. Limited in Japan and have also broken into a few of their investors encrypted database’s and also NOA. I have found nearly all there is to know about the Revolution through these level 5 database’s. Now, I will give you some info on what I have so you can decide if you would like to be the one to host this info. If you do, your website will be the first to get an absolute unofficial leak. I will withhold all pictures and video and text until my “seven days of speculation have ended”. Then I will unlink with whoever wants to hosts my info and the whole world will see. Now, from what I have read (I did not read everything) from the dossier but it says that some Revolution info will be announced on August 27th 2005. So this gives us more than enough time to host and hype this info before Nintendo makes their announcement. I will reveal a little piece of what I have read from the spec sheet (I will decipher it in my own words). It says that Nintendo is working with three prototype machines (all with similar outer shells) and each with different specifications. The first tells about a system with dual 2.5 GHz IBM PowerPC G5 customized cores and a 400MHz each ATI R520 dual-core chipset (this also has in italics that it will either a dual-core processor or two separate processor‘s at 2.5GHz), the second is a 4-core IBM PowerPC G5 customized processor at 2.5 GHz each with a 600MHz ATI R600 dual-core chipset, and the third is something that I’ve never heard of before where what I think it is saying is that nothing is actually rendered with a really weird specification and will wait to post this later as it was on a separate beta spec sheet (will have a new reference to that later). I have a tech demos of all of them with little to no noticeable difference of the first two but a HUGE difference on the third specification (much greater graphical prowess). Now I also have marketing ads and slogans that will debut on June-July 06’ it says. I would like to get a better grasp on the third specification and what it means before I post that info. But for now you have something to chew on…Revo info date and beta tech specs. Again, I got these off of NCL (Nintendo Co. Limited) database encyption level 5. Now you can believe me or not but I don’t think these are fake considering the source. I would really like to debut this information here because Gamespot and IGN are complete cocksuckers and I fucking hate big corporations like those slims of the earth. But if you don’t agree I will have to resort to those sites, I hope you will have agreed by some time tomorrow…that is my deadline. I do need a lot of hosting servers to uplink to and sent the pictures, video, text documents etc.. So please either provide me with one or direct me to someone who might be able to help. I thank you for your time and wish you the best. I will be looking forward to a response.

Also: Another little bit it says on the dossier that the name will be changed to “N5” after the announcement on August 27th and that will be official name. I also have trademark symbol for this name, slogans, along with the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection trademark symbol.

This is part of the two beta spec sheet that I found on the NCL database:

N21 Specifications

System 01 #7770647222
IBM Custom PowerPC 2.5 GHz with 128 KB L1 cache + 2 internal Highly customized G5 cores, 2.5 GHz each/subject to change may include two separate processors aside as dual-core.

Each G5 core will have 128 KB L1 cache.
The whole CPU (including the cores) will share either 256 – 512 KB of L2 cache.
Its Dual Threaded, G5 cores to have 2 hardware threads per core, 4 Threads total

10 billion dot product operations per second

Theoretical speed of CPU in a non-realistic way of looking at it, but it still is correct….

2.5 GHz CPU + 2x 2.5 GHz cores = 7.5 GHz total

ATI Custom based RN520 core. The "N" stands for Nintendo, and is because the ArtX team is with them, that is why it’s an "N". There will be 2 GPU cores (just like the nVidia SLI motherboard with two Graphics Chips), this will use ATI's alternative, and will be the first in any console.

GPU cores at 400 MHz each, theoretical 800 MHz. Will support up to 2048x1268 resolution, but no HD support, so that resolution is null.

28 way parallel floating-point dynamically scheduled shader pipelines for each core with unified shader architecture. That a theoretical
56 Shader pipes if combined

Polygon Performance: 500 million triangles per second theoretical, average in game would be around <100 Million/sec>

Shader Performance: 45 billion shader operations per second

N21 memory

512 MB of 700 MHz 1T-SRAM

N21 will support a PPU chip (Physical Processing Chip). There will be 32 MB’s of its own RAM, which will link to the CPU and GPU and the Controller .

There will also be a separate sound card that will support only DD 5.1 – DTS 7.1, it will have 16 MB.

System 02

IBM Custom PowerPC 2.5 GHz + 4 internal Power PC G5 cores running at 2.5 GHz each. Each core will have 128 KB L1 cache.
The whole CPU will share 512 of L2 cache.

Dual Threaded so there will also be two hardware threads per core, 8 hardware threads total.

15 billion dot product operations per second

Theoretical of 2.5 GHz + 10 GHz CPU speed = 12.5 GHz


2 GPU cores running at 600 MHz. Now this says there will be HD support up to the resolution as above...

Each GPU will have 256 MB of GDDR4 RAM

28 way parallel floating-point dynamically scheduled shader pipelines for each core with unified shader architecture.

Polygon Performance: 500 million triangles per second theoretical, average in game would be around <100 Million/sec>

Shader Performance: 52 billion shader operations per second

N22 memory

512 MB of 700 MHz Updated 1T-SRAM

N22 will support a PPU chip (Physical Processing Chip). There will be 32 MB’s of its own RAM, which will link to the CPU and GPU and the Controller .

There will also be a separate sound card that will support only DD 5.1 – DTS 7.1, it will have 16 MB.

Han_Solo, Kyotoman, many names. I used that name on the G4 boards I use Kyotoman here. I have been trying to get all this info for a long time now and finally everything seems complete. So fuck the G4 boards and their streetracing bullshit. Same for Gamespot and IGN. I'd rather leak all this here rather than at some slim American corporate consumer bullshit site. Just call me Kyotoman here

Von MozLaPunk ...
LOL :lol:

Wers glaubt! He's the best hacker we've ever met! :lol:
Und per zufall obwohl er übrhaupt nicht in Video-Spiele interessiert ist, hat er mal schnell die Revolutionspecs gehackt!

OMG Dümmer gehts echt nicht!
Die Video, Bilder, Poster und Dokumente werden bis zum 27. August hochgeladen ... Er hat dafür schon eine Seite angeboten bekommen ...
Ok, lassen wir wieder einen Aufmerksamkeitsgeilen Internetweisen seine Show durchziehen und wundern uns am Schluss, dass er uns Screens von Rendermovies bringt die ach zufall, nichts mit dem Revo zu tun haben :D


Hey ich hab die Specs auch rausgefunden, hab mich bei Nintendo eingehackt! Jedenfalls zeig ich euch auch ein paar Screens im verlaufe der Woche wohooo!
Was ist, wenn es wahr ist? Ihr seid immer so pessimistisch, so negativ ... Was ist, wenn er RICHTIGE Bilder, RICHTIGE Videos, RICHTIGE Informationen posted? Daran wird leider nie gedacht ... Das bedauere ich ...
Goodplayer schrieb:
Was ist, wenn es wahr ist? Ihr seid immer so pessimistisch, so negativ ... Was ist, wenn er RICHTIGE Bilder, RICHTIGE Videos, RICHTIGE Informationen posted? Daran wird leider nie gedacht ... Das bedauere ich ...

Wieso so pessimistisch?
Dieser Thread ist 90 Seiten lang und es gibt weitere Threads über das gleiche Thema mit weiteren 100 Seiten und auf all diesen sind bissher keine neuen News zum Revo gekommen seit der E3!
Nach all diesen Fakern muss man doch wirklich skeptisch sein, das was der sagt kann jeder behaupten! Mal schauen wa für Screens er postet...
Ich kann mir gut vorstellen, dass irgendein Hacker es geschafft hat. Abwarten und Tee trinken. Und denkt daran: Irgendwann finden wir die Wahrheit raus ;D und wissen dann was wahr und was falsch war.
Goodplayer schrieb:
Die Video, Bilder, Poster und Dokumente werden bis zum 27. August hochgeladen ... Er hat dafür schon eine Seite angeboten bekommen ...

Ah... Das erinnert an die Geschichte mit den "sicheren Servern"... :lol: Und weil du ständig bedauerst, dass alle so pessimistisch und negativ sind: Was erwartest du eigentlich? Du hast uns tagelang was von Verbindungen zu Leuten erzählt und dass es bald Bilder gibt. :rolleyes: Was ist am Ende bei herausgekommen? Über zig Seiten Thread mit 0 Informationsgehalt und Diskussionen über Leute wie Ridiculous-Gamer. Toll. Schon mal daran gedacht, dass Nintendo eine eigene Informationsabteilung hat und selbst weiß, wann sie ihre Informationen präsentieren? Hier wird aber ein Hype veranstaltet, hinter jedem Schnipsel wird was Großes erwartet und am Ende gibts immer noch nichts zu begutachten. Warum wohl? Weil ständig irgendwelche Tanakas, Aries, Ridiculousgamer etc. rumrennen und meinen, sie müssten sich profilieren. Wem soll man hier also noch glauben schenken? Jeden Tag gibts jemanden Neues, der die Nintendo-Fanboys mit "Insider-Informationen" versorgen.

Jetzt mal zu den Daten, die du uns da oben reinkopiert hast:

"I can provide everything you would like. It is 100% credible and official. [...] I am best hackers you will ever meet."

So ein GELABER und GEBLUBBER... :rolleyes: Das Gleiche Gebrabbel wie schon Ridiculousgamer. ALLES ECHT! BELIEVE (in the hype :rolleyes: )... Wenn er uns was zu sagen hat, dann bitte mit Fakten und nicht mit selbstverherrlichenden Parolen. Nun mal zu den Specs:

"Theoretical speed of CPU in a non-realistic way of looking at it, but it still is correct. 2.5 GHz CPU + 2x 2.5 GHz cores = 7.5 GHz total"

:D Klar, und was hat dann die X360? 3x 3.2GHz = 9.6GHz? Und der Cell erst? Sorry, aber wer so rechnet, hat nicht ganz verstanden, was MHz-Angaben bei Multicore-CPUs bedeuten.

"512 MB of 700 MHz 1T-SRAM"

:lol: Alles klar! 512MB 1T-SRAM!!! :D Sicher! Und damit will man natürlich eine Konsole kostengünstig anbieten!

Und dann so Sachen wie:

"2 GPU cores running at 600 MHz. Now this says there will be HD support up to the resolution as above... Each GPU will have 256 MB of GDDR4 RAM"

GDDR4 RAM! :lol: Ja klar und gleich 512MB! ;) Und dann noch 2 GPU Cores mit 600MHz... :D Wers glaubt wird selig...
Ich versteh da nichts, so groß in Technik war ich noch nie. Erklär mal wieso das so unsinnig ist als wie ein Depp "400MHZ :D" zu schreiben!
Wir sind nicht pessimistisch, sondern realistisch. :rolleyes:

Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass Nintendo geheime Daten auf einem schlecht gesicherten Computer mit Internetanschluss speichert.

Username: guest
Password: guest


guest@nintendo:~> ls
.secret    website   games

guest@nintendo:~> cd .secret
[email]guest@nintendo:.secr[/email]et> ls
revolution     gameboyGI     other

[email]guest@nintendo:.secr[/email]et> cd revolution
guest@nintendo:revolution> ls
videos    pictures   screenshots    tech_demos    ads    specs
Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
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