Well to say the least I am impressed with your blog. And I want to let you know that many Nintendo employees like myself (This is my personal e-mail adress) have been following your blog for some time now. And as I said, we are all very impressed. You are clearly a very bright person, as you have come very close. Closer than any of the other blogs across the web, you have almost all of it figured out. Now I can't be 100% sure of every piece of speculation that I find as I am only a member of one department, and I know little about the buisness of the others. But as of this point, Yes. I have seen it, just as the other many employees have. Nintendo has shown it to all of us, and you have come very close. It is a shame your blog may end at this point, as I am very eager to see what other "Big" piece of information you have in store for us. It may very well be the final piece.
But take note: I WILL NOT reveal any information directly, but I may comment on speculation if I choose too. I am eager to see how the public reacts to the Revolution. As we have been working with it's unique technologey for years, in attempt to take full advantage of it. I personally find it to be amazing, and I highly doubt any of our fans will be angry at what we have done...The Revolution will launch in the first quarter of 2006.
PS: You may post my e-mail adress or any part of the above message in your blog if you choose to, I look foward to whatever may come.