Revolution - Fakes und Träumereien

Ist Aries ein Faker

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Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
Gamers around the world..HELLO!

Wow! Lots of people coming to this site! Thousands a day and I am not even posting anymore.

Well not in the normal fashion anyways. I see a lot of questions out there about me. However lets not focus on Nintendo or anymore. Lets not focus on the N-Game.

Really who cares?

Lets just focus on the Revolution for a sec.

Here are some questions that I will answer.

Is the Revolution a beast in terms of power?


Will the Revolution be shown at TGS?

This has not been announced officially and is still undecided at this time. Personally I am against it 100%. I don't feel that the Revolution from a marketing standpoint should be launched at TGS since most people in America dont have a clue what this is. Nintendo already does extremely well in Japan. Nintendo caters extremely well to this market and really doesn't need to exert alot of attention there. Personally I think Nintendo should unveil the Revolution in the states first in an extravaganza in New York. It would take place at their New York Store in a time slot before Monday Night Football or something that would capture a large audience. But that is my opinion.

We will see what happens as Nintendo of Japan calls all the shots.

Will the Revolution be inferior graphically to the Xbox 360 or PS3?

No. Not at all. As a matter of fact this generation the graphics on the all the systems will look good. However seeing is believing when it comes to the Revolution.

What makes the Revolution so Revolutionary? Or is it all hype?

I get this question alot because many gamers want to know if all that I say is blatant lies and hype for a console that does not exist. Something that is perhaps only in my imagination.

What does a console need to be Revolutionary? Innovation? The Revolution has it. Controller and Visor are brand new to gaming. I dont want to touch so much on the Visor because the concept will not sell unless you try it. I really think that after the Virtual Boy and many cheesy arcade virtual reality games, gamers are cautious on this one. Rightfully so because these games lacked good graphics. They were also slow in movement. I would rather not call the Revolution a Virtual Reality system. I would rather call it VISUAL IMMERSION. Meaning that the game envelopes you. You are in it. You still realize it is a game however it adds to the excitement. You will see.

Furthermore the Revolution is not hype. It is real. I guess in the end you will see.

SeriousGamer007 you stated that you would show us a video of the Revolution. Will you ever show us an in game VIDEO?!

I would love to show you a Video of in game action on the Revolution. A Controller pic and so forth. I will simply say this. Keep your eyes posted to this Blog leading up to the TGS. Who knows something may leak out.


A Revolution is Coming!

Are you ready to Revolt?
First concrete informations on Nintendo Revolution controller

As long as Nintendo Revolution and his controller will be soon presented during the TGS, i will present today the first concrete information on Nintendo controller. I won't do like Osoko Tanaka (or the person who claims he's Osoko...), who makes people believe that he'll say something... But for months, he told you nothing. And all will be over in 3 weeks. Stop kidding.

So, i'll finally present some elements who are the beginning of the whole explanation.

First, many speculations and fakes are on the web for months. But no one is the truth, or even close to the truth. Really none ? No. One is. Or rather, it's half of the whole thing.

I think you all saw that :


This leaked video was a pre-version of the Nintendo IGS (Immersive Game System), the first of the two elements of the controller. The second one is the ICS (Immersive Control System), i'll talk about it later. Man, there's so much to say about Revolution !

The IGS has been designed to allow the player to be in the game, feel what the hero of the game would feel, and see what the hero would see. Of course, Nintendo IGS is not the only part : seeing and feel is good, but how do you play or how do you interact with the game ? The ICS will play his role here.

The hardest thing to develop IGS was to reduce coast, whereas we were using new technologies... Or rather, very expansive technology. This coast notion was a real brake, but we had to deal with it uh ? The IGS allows 3 things :

* Detecting moves of the body.
* Detecting moves of the head.
* Detecting moves of the eyes.

The IGS main unit has to detect body moves. It's done via infrared signals sent around the MU (Main Unit), and sent back to the console. But this is not its only function. It's here to get signals from the IGS PU (Portable Unit) : when you move your head, when your move your eyes, these data go into the IGS MU. How does it work ?

First, move of head. It's important in what direction you look. A direction in a spheric environment is defined by 2 angles, theta and phi. When you switch the IGS on, it gets a frame of reference, a kind of "offset" if you prefer. Then, it can get (theta,phi) values at each time t.

Second, move of eyes. When you look into a direction, you can see a certain field, of some dozens square degrees for example. You can move your eyes in either point of this field, so a second couple of (theta,phi) values is needed. With these 2 couples of data, the IGS can compute the precise direction you are looking at.

Third, move of body. Fine, IGS knows the direction you are looking at. But in a 3D space, you need a third coordinate. This is distance. When you will simulate walk/run, IGS will estimate the distance you do and the distance from you to all other objetcs of the environment.

For playing all these roles, the IGS MU integrates one main CPU for handling signals from the IGS PU, and treating information to send to the Revolution itself. For its part, Revolution really handles and treats signals from IGS PU. The IGS MU integrates 512 Mega bytes of RAM to keep program data. You simply put these data in memory by inserting the disc game a few seconds in the IGS MU drive.

More info to come...

oh man... SeriousGamer007 (allein schon der Name steht für seriösität) ist bestimmt genauso ein großer Spinner wie Aries. Diese dämlichen Blogs hypen den Mist bis ins unendliche damit ihr irgendwann enttäuscht seid. Mittlerweile laber die eh nur den selben mist a la "Jaja ich weiß zwar das der Revo genial ist und die Antworten auf all unsere Fragen hat und so, aber leider kann ich nichts dazu sagen". Schaltet einfach einen Gang runter und freut euch auf das was Nintendo ankündigen wird, oder wie Incubus sagt "what ever tomorrow brings, i'll be there". Ich würd mich schon freuen wenn die Spiele Entwickler von ihrer Kommerzielen Schiene runterkommen und wieder mehr kreativität und "Herz" in ihre Spiele reinbringen, vieles wirkt heutzutage so... unfertig.
MoX schrieb:
oh man... SeriousGamer007 (allein schon der Name steht für seriösität) ist bestimmt genauso ein großer Spinner wie Aries. Diese dämlichen Blogs hypen den Mist bis ins unendliche damit ihr irgendwann enttäuscht seid. Mittlerweile laber die eh nur den selben mist a la "Jaja ich weiß zwar das der Revo genial ist und die Antworten auf all unsere Fragen hat und so, aber leider kann ich nichts dazu sagen". Schaltet einfach einen Gang runter und freut euch auf das was Nintendo ankündigen wird, oder wie Incubus sagt "what ever tomorrow brings, i'll be there". Ich würd mich schon freuen wenn die Spiele Entwickler von ihrer Kommerzielen Schiene runterkommen und wieder mehr kreativität und "Herz" in ihre Spiele reinbringen, vieles wirkt heutzutage so... unfertig.

Wahre worte... vor allem der letzte Satz. Ich bin mir sicher, dass die Revulotion viel simpler sein wird, wie alle anderen glauben. Und alle, die die Sachen von Serious und Co. glauben werden nur enttäuscht sein wenns dann soweit is :rolleyes:
Ich wär mir nichtmal so sicher das Nintendo auf der TGS irgendetwas zeigt geschweige Infos zum Rev bzw Controller.

langsam kotzt mich diese Geheimnistuerei sowas von an :hmpf:
sooo jetzt frage ich mich aber wie dieses 3D fernsehen von grundig funktioniert!!!
das sich der blickwinkel je nachdem des betrachters ändert oder was???
Moses schrieb:
Ich wär mir nichtmal so sicher das Nintendo auf der TGS irgendetwas zeigt geschweige Infos zum Rev bzw Controller.

langsam kotzt mich diese Geheimnistuerei sowas von an :hmpf:

Da biste bestimmt nicht alleine... :wallbash:

Ich glaub auch nicht, dass was vorgestellt wird. wenn mans hofft, wird man eh nur enttäuscht ;)
@ MoX

Find ich auch unverständlich wie man jemandem glaubt der sagt er wisse alles aber könne es leider nicht sagen! Ich glaub einem erstklässler auch nicht, dass er weiss wieviel 7 * 23 gibt, auch wenn er mir sagt, er wisse es, verrate es mir aber nicht!
Es ist einfach nur lächerlich das ganze, das einzige Handfeste auf den letzten 20 Seiten ist die Kooperation von Nintendo mit dem Hersteller eines 3-d Fernsehns, was aber auch überhaupt nichts mit der angesprochenen Techonlogie zu tun haben muss..

@ goodplayer

jetzt mal im Ernst, glaubst du das wirklich???
Also mal ehrlich, ich glaube eigentlich auch kaum etwas, was in diesen Blogs von irgendwelchen Typen geschrieben wird. Aber ich find's immer wieder lustig, wie kreativ diese Leute sind und was sie sich alles einfallen lassen. Deshalb les ich mir das durch, wenn ich sonst nichts zu tun hab. :)
So ein Visor wie der ON ist eben mein Traum, ergo verfolge ich alles, was damit im geringsten zu tun hat. ;)
Hardware Manufacturers

I am not listing all hardware manufacturers,

NEC have a big goal in the revolution, but i am saving the best for last.
I never mentioned BROADCOM as i was going to mention them with NEC and a few other manufacturers at a later date.
Ich zweifle am Verstand von jedem, der jetzt noch glaubt, dass die Nintendo ON Geschichte wahr ist.
es wundert mich immernoch, alle wissen dass es fakes sind doch glauben sie diese "wahrheiten"... ;)
Einige neue Sachen:

Price Revealed


The Nintendo Revolution price guessing has been going on for long enough. Unlike the XBOX360 there are no optional packages. There is one package. Buy it. Be happy.

I assume most of you reading this live in America so I have totaled the price in American Dollars. If you want the calculate the price for your country, just email or get a translator.

The one and only package costs a grand total of 199.99 (American Dollars) and you receive the following:

Nintendo Revolution Console (Assorted colours only)
Nintendo Revolution Controller (Standard Colour only; black)
Super Smash Brothers Revolution (Game Disk)
Super Smash Brothers Revolution Console Skin (Skin for Nintendo Revolution)
Nintendo Revolution Memory Card (25MB)
Nintendo Game Downloads (one Nintendo 64 download, one SNES, one NES)

Here is some advice regarding the Super Smash Brothers Revolution Game: Do not throw out the registration sheet! Take the time to sign up to our website and enter your pin shown on the card. With three codes, you will be able to have one free download on the SNES/NES. Save up five and you have the option to get one Nintendo 64 game.

Ihm kann man glauben, er hat auch einen Beweis vollbracht. Er arbeitet bei NOJ.

Und hier noch etwas neues von :

In the first quarter of 2006, Nintendo will release the Revolution world wide. From launch you will be able to choose two versions of the console, Black or White? Along with this Nintendo will offer different packages for the system's debut. From the day of launch you will be able to connect to Nintendo Wi-Fi service and download a choice of fifteen-hundred games, also you will be able to download other content such as game demos etc.
When you purchase your Revoltuion you will automaticly be awared 5-stars, this is a point system that allows you for evey point (star) you get a free game from Nintendo's back catalog. You get a star for every Revoltuion game purchased plus certin accessories aswell made by Nintendo. So far there is eight titles confirmed for Revolution release which inlcude:

* Mario 128
* Super Smash Bros
* Metroid Prime 3
* Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles
* Fullmetal Alchemist
* Sonic X-Revolution
* Ridge Racer
* Parodius

Nintendo's plan is to have a big variety of games available from launch, that suit the needs of all types of gamers. And with fifteen-hundred games available for Nintendo Wi-Fi and eight brand new Revolution games available they have achieved that goal. Several accessories will be made available from launch, besdies additional controllers,Headsets and Nintendo Wi-Fi adaptor more will be finalised soon. As for the price of Revolution and all games and accessories, these to have yet to be finalised. Although expect them to be set at an competative price compared to other consoles due to cheaper cost of production of games and the console itself.
Klingt toll, aber obs stimmt?

Der Revolution muss wohl auf der TGS enthüllt werden,wenn der launch angeblichd er 1.Quartal 2006 ist.
Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
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