Revolution - Diskussionsforum

Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
MoX schrieb:
du musst ja nicht gleich den ganzen Arm hochheben und damit in der Luft kreise zeichnen ;-)

Einfach arm auf die Sessellehne und dann aus dem Handgelenk alles Steuern.

Und wie soll das bei einem Golf-oder Tennisgame gehen???? HÄH???!!!
MoX schrieb:
otaku1 schrieb:
MoX schrieb:
du musst ja nicht gleich den ganzen Arm hochheben und damit in der Luft kreise zeichnen ;-)

Einfach arm auf die Sessellehne und dann aus dem Handgelenk alles Steuern.

Und wie soll das bei einem Golf-oder Tennisgame gehen???? HÄH???!!!

spielst du permanent Golf- oder Tennisgames? :rolleyes:

Naja, PERMANENT nicht, aber ich spiele Golf und Tennis ... Ohne Game! :rofl: :rolleyes:

Edit: Es gibt außerdem Bewegungen, für die du den ganzen Arm brauchst. Beim Schwertkampf genauso. Glaub's mir, ich lerne seit 2 Jahren Kendo!
otaku1 schrieb:
Naja, PERMANENT nicht, aber ich spiele Golf und Tennis ... Ohne Game! :rofl: :rolleyes:

Edit: Es gibt außerdem Bewegungen, für die du den ganzen Arm brauchst. Beim Schwertkampf genauso. Glaub's mir, ich lerne seit 2 Jahren Kendo!
Ich hab auch ma Tennis gespielt, aber das ging bei mir nie in die Arme, sondern eher in die Beine von dem hin und her rennen xD
Und da der Controller und eingies leichter ist und du deine Kraft auf den Arm lenken kannst, kann man locker 6 Stunden spielen, wenn nicht noch länger^^
Giga2Kevin schrieb:
otaku1 schrieb:
Naja, PERMANENT nicht, aber ich spiele Golf und Tennis ... Ohne Game! :rofl: :rolleyes:

Edit: Es gibt außerdem Bewegungen, für die du den ganzen Arm brauchst. Beim Schwertkampf genauso. Glaub's mir, ich lerne seit 2 Jahren Kendo!
Ich hab auch ma Tennis gespielt, aber das ging bei mir nie in die Arme, sondern eher in die Beine von dem hin und her rennen xD
Und da der Controller und eingies leichter ist und du deine Kraft auf den Arm lenken kannst, kann man locker 6 Stunden spielen, wenn nicht noch länger^^

Ich bin ziemlich lang, deshalb war das für mich nie ein Problem... Aber 6 Stunden... Naja...

Alle Theorie ist grau...
Heinrich Lenhardt, USA-Korrespondent der N-Zone
Ich habe nur Angst, dass ich dann bei Mario Tennis Revolution einen Überkopfschlag mache und meine Lampe zerstöre :rolleyes:
Splatter schrieb:
:neutral: naja wär vielleicht garnicht so schlecht...
hyrule mal aus der egoperspektive zu erleben :)

Nein bitte nicht!
Metroid ham se dank FPS schon versaut, nicht auch noch Zelda...

Und so rumfuchteln wie in der Werbung werdet ihr in keinem Full Time komplexen Game, da bin ich mir ziehmlich sicher.
In Minigames, ja.
Aber in richtigen Games wie Zelda wird der Kontroller sicher nicht zum Schwert, das wäre viel zu anstrengend und umständlich.
ein online zelda ála Metroid Prime? mhh, dagegen hätte ich eigenltich nicht, aber kein zelda von den retro studios. :shakehead:
TheCandyMan666 schrieb:
Splatter schrieb:
:neutral: naja wär vielleicht garnicht so schlecht...
hyrule mal aus der egoperspektive zu erleben :)

Nein bitte nicht!
Metroid ham se dank FPS schon versaut, nicht auch noch Zelda...

Und so rumfuchteln wie in der Werbung werdet ihr in keinem Full Time komplexen Game, da bin ich mir ziehmlich sicher.
In Minigames, ja.
Aber in richtigen Games wie Zelda wird der Kontroller sicher nicht zum Schwert, das wäre viel zu anstrengend und umständlich.

Zelda in Ego-Sicht würde ich auch nicht gerne wollen. Das die damit MP verunstaltet haben finde ich nicht. Ist einfach nur ein schöner Schritt vom 2D in 3D geworden. Bin auch mal gespannt wie oft die Innovation des Controllers genutzt wird. Nintendo wird das schon hinkriegen, schon allein wenn ich denke das ein SSB erscheinen wird, verschwinden meine Befürchtüngen gewöhnliche Spiele schwer steuern zu können.
LOL, ist das geil :rofl: :rofl2: :rofl3: :D :lol:
ich lach mich schief :lol:


Matt hat mal wieder ein Mailbag für uns. :)

Revolution Channel

Hey Matt,

You do a really great job of keeping us informed about the Nintendo Revolution. I was just wondering, since the GC is about ready for the great beyond, if you would be the driving force behind IGN's Revolution (code name, I know) channel.

Matt responds: Yes sir. I will in fact be heading up our forthcoming Nintendo Revolution channel, just as soon as we get it off the ground. It won't be too much longer now assuming our tech monkeys do their jobs proper. I always get excited about the prospect of a new channel, especially in Nintendo Land, if only because it breaks me from the routine. I suspect the Revolution Masta will be pleased to see the launch of this new site, too. Which by extension means that I will need to spend at least three minutes Photoshopping (yes, that's a verb) a modified image of that bastard. Fun times ahead.

Is GameCube Dead?

So is the GameCube worth getting now? I have been told that its "dead" and not so many new games coming out for it. Are there going to be any major releases in 06? Except for Twilight Princess that is. I'm thinking of getting the GC pearl white bundle with Mario Soccer do you think that game will be good?

Matt responds: I wouldn't say that the GameCube is dead. There are still quite a few big releases headed toward the system this year, at least. However, it's certainly entering the final stretch of its life cycle and there's really no avoiding that truth. As you noted, save for Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, there aren't too many big releases scheduled to hit GameCube next year. Nintendo has not given a specific release date for its next-generation console, codenamed Revolution, but it might very well have to ship it earlier than holiday 2006 just to fill the gap.

As for Super Mario Strikers, I really can't say if it's ultimately going to be the sweetest thing ever or not yet. We're heading up to Canada to play a nearly finalized version of the title in the not too distant future, so I'll let you know. Based on what I've tried of the game so far, though, I think it's definitely got a lot of potential. And everyone I chat with at Nintendo of America seems to be totally in love with the project, so that's a good sign.

Split-Screen Me

Since point and shoot gaming is going to be used with the controller, and it has been stated that you shoot "exactly" where you point on the television screen, what about split screen multiplayer? Do you think you'd have to point in your own little cubicle of the T.V. screen or will they have some type of adjustment made to the gameplay? I personally hope they don't use point and shoot method like Duck Hunt, but use the motion sensor so the gamer could for example point up (not at the screen) and the aim will move up, without targeting you're controller on the screen. Thanks for clearing things up.

Matt responds: I believe that is how it will work. The freehand-style pointer needn't be aimed precisely at a spot on your television in order to interact with that area or object. The motion sensors somehow (possibly using magic) calibrate everything from wherever you hold the pointer and go from there. Theoretically, you don't even need to be pointing the remote at the television for it to work. The system has been designed with multiplayer titles in mind so split-screen playability should not be problematic. Of course, this is all assuming Nintendo nails the technology. Our play tests with the Revolution pointer were amazing because they showed the potential of the device, but not all of its functionality was in place and working correctly during our demo. I have full faith in Nintendo to deliver on its promise, however, so I'm not terribly worried.

The FAQs of Life

Hey Matt - just a thought...

Could you please update the Revolution FAQ with a navigation page? The eight pages make it difficult to find what you're looking for, and a few direct links shouldn't be too much of a hassle.

Also, people still seem to be under the impression that there's no third party support for the Revolution (speaking from my experience on the boards). Could you please compile an article with ALL the third-party comments made thus far? I think it would go a long way towards allaying fears about third-party support, and quashing myths perpetuated by the resident trolls (El Gigantes).

Thanks again, and keep up the good work!


Matt responds: Yeah, sorry about neglecting the Revolution FAQ for the past week. There's really no excuse, but I assure you that somehow it's not my fault. Better not to question it -- just accept and move on. The good news is that I will update the FAQ before the end of the week and it will be organized in a manner that makes it a much more intuitive read. I'm even having our art junkies design a couple of pretty new pictures to spiff it up a bit. Hopefully the update will prove worth your time. If not, again, not my fault for unknown, but nevertheless profound reasons.

I'm working on that third party article you referenced and will post it whenever I finally get enough responses to warrant the piece. In the meantime, I can tell you that third parties are well aware of Revolution and some have already taken measures to embrace it. Check our Revolution FAQ during the next update for more -- I'll slip in a nugget or two.

Zelda on GCN or Revo?

Don't you think the new Zelda is REALLY going to suffer from its release date? XBOX 360 and PS3 will both be out (maybe), and Zelda's hype will easily be overshadowed by the new generation of better looking games. Seems like the new Zelda will never get the appreciation it deserves (or the sales #'s) if it comes out on the GameCube as planned (not to mention that Nintendo could steal its own thunder with the release of Revolution only a few months later...)

Thanks-- great site

ps-- do i have a chance in hell that you'll actually respond to this?

Matt responds: Yeah, it really doesn't make a whole lot of sense at this point to release the new Zelda exclusively for GameCube. The title has been delayed into the final stage of GameCube's life cycle, practically ensuring that it has no chance of attracting new audiences. Rather, the truly die-hard fans who refuse to let go of their GameCubes will rejoice in the release and very few others will buy it. I don't mean to make the situation sound bleaker than it is; it's important to remember that where Nintendo is concerned, there are still a lot of die-hard fans. Zelda is likely going to sell great, even this late in the game, but it won't do nearly as well as it could have done this Christmas. And you're right that it's likely to be overshadowed in part by new 360 software, PS3 news, and yes, even Revolution developments.

I admire Nintendo's commitment to GameCube owners in this regard, but from a business perspective the much smarter move would be to position Twilight Princess as a Revolution launch game. It would garner far more interest as a Revolution title than it will now for GameCube.

Mario Revolutionized

Hey Matt.

You made a good point, some time ago, when you said that Nintendo produces games unexpectedly slowly as, possibly, they spend a good deal of time just inventing or testing out ideas.

This made me wonder what type of application the Revolution controller might have for the next Mario, as Nintendo is suggestively tight-lipped about the project's development as it is. Do you have any inclinations? Thanks.

Matt responds: Good question. I think the Revolution controller may be unique not only for the obvious reasons, but also because it could be the first Nintendo controller in several generations not designed from the ground up to accommodate a new Mario game. If you read over everything Nintendo has said about the controller and watch the official trailer for it, you will see that the Revolution's freehand-style pointer seems almost catered to simplified, Wario Ware / Mario Party-style mini-games. Whether you're dicing food, playing a symphony or fishing, the device is well-suited for these pick-up-and-play experiences. That isn't to suggest that it can't also redefine other genres because clearly that's not the case. For instance, I'm convinced that first-person shooters will be at their best with the Revolution controller. However, I have no idea how Nintendo might use the controller to innovate traditional 3D platformer experiences, and that of course is where Mario comes in. I'm sure Miyamoto and co. have something cooking, but I won't even venture a guess as to what it might be.
Hallo erstmal :)
Da ihr hier wohl die aktivste und beste Community seid die ich finden konnte, hab ich mich gleich mal angemeldet *schleim*

Ich denke mal BigN wird auf der IGN Live weitere Infos zur Wifi Connection preisgeben. Das hatten sie doch für den Oktober angekündigt. Und die Infos in der EDGE beziehen sich sicherlich auch darauf, oder sie bringen ne Zusammenfassung aller Dinge die bekannt sind. Was wirklich exklusives kann ich mir nicht vorstellen.
tach Rastafari :)

wilkommen hier. Joah hier ist einiges los :D juchee heissaa trallallaaa

Ich denk hier gibt es ziemlich viele Multiconsoleros.

Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
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