Could the Rev end up being a trojan horse entertainment center?
Although this is extremely unlikely given Nintendo's whole stance on the issue, I think there's a possibility Revolution may accomplish the very same thing Sony and Microsoft have been talking about for years... Just hear me out:
The console is expected to be very affordable, but it really looks nothing like a traditional video game system. It has a remote control looking interface, which is universally familiar. The remote interface acts like a mouse, and is perfect for web browsing and such. It will launch with wi-fi standard and a software distribution network already in place (for games.. but maybe more?). It has built in storage, add-on capabilities, DVD playback, and presumably DS connectivity. On top of that, it is virtually guarunteed to sell millions of units based on Nintendo's properties alone.
They have shown a willingness recently to stray from core gaming with stuff like Brain Training, Play-Yan, GBA video, etc.. Also, haven't they shown interest in getting into movie production recently?
I could imagine Nintendo easily teaming up with Apple to provide iTunes for this thing. They could also release a hard drive add-on with video distribution and DVR. am I crazy? Probably... But by reaching out to such a broad market, it would definitely have a large base of casual or non-gamers willing to do much more than just play games on the console. With the demographic change I think there is a distinct possibility Nintendo could be secretly trying to beat Sony at their own game here..