L17: Mentor
pd2 schrieb:Eine kleine Messe, sowas wie eine mimi e3 inetwa.
Aha, danke, und wann ist die? Wo? In welchem Rahmen?
Im folgenden Video siehst du, wie du consolewars als Web-App auf dem Startbildschirm deines Smartphones installieren kannst.
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pd2 schrieb:Eine kleine Messe, sowas wie eine mimi e3 inetwa.
otaku1 schrieb:pd2 schrieb:Eine kleine Messe, sowas wie eine mimi e3 inetwa.
Aha, danke, und wann ist die? Wo? In welchem Rahmen?
Ja, weil sie erst ziemlich spät zugesagt haben (vor eineinhalb wochen oder so erst, glaub ich).Duncan schrieb:Hehe Nintendo steht zwar nicht in der Liste aber es sie sind da.![]()
V-King schrieb:Ja, weil sie erst ziemlich spät zugesagt haben (vor eineinhalb wochen oder so erst, glaub ich).Duncan schrieb:Hehe Nintendo steht zwar nicht in der Liste aber es sie sind da.![]()
Was ich eigenartig finde: Nintendo ist auf der E3 vertreten, auf der GC, auf so nem kleinen Dingsi wie IGN Live, aber warum nicht auf der TGS? :-?
?jack_the_rat schrieb:weiß nich... as find ich irgendwie gar nich einleuchtend mit dem IGN event und Smash Brothers... obwohl.. wenn man ma drüber nachdenkt... wer is denn der Online Partner von Nintendo? Richtig.. Gamespy .. aka IGNalso ne vorstellung von der Nintendo WiFi Connection is wohl doch nich soo abwegig...
aaaaha....öhm und? Kann man sich das irgendwie im INet angucken?Sardello schrieb:Oben ist der Link, die ACC ist am 22. und 23. Oktober (wann zeigt sich Nintendo?)
Nintendo steht zwar nicht in der Liste (siehe Link oben) aber das Nintendo-Logo erscheint in der Flash-Animation! Das beruhigt mich ungemein![]()
Sardello schrieb:am 7. Oktober? Wann haben sie das gesagt??? Jetzt bekomm ich auch Kopfschmerzen![]()
Interview with Martin Hollis (Chief Director of Guts N Glory)
By Bryan hardcore pawn Williams | 10/14/05
GameSpy was given the privilege of being able to have a sit down interview with Martin Hollis acclaimed director of GoldenEye007 and Perfect Dark. Martin Hollis was the Chief Director of Perfect Dark Zero at Rareware. He has since left Rareware and started his own studio Zoonami. He shares his views on the industry, alliances, Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft and on his upcoming game entitled Guts N Glory.
GameSpy: Before we go any further can you tell us when we might get some more info on Guts N Glory or see a screenshot or trailer?
Martin Hollis: We will be revealing the first public showing of a trailer and more insight into the gameplay and scenarios at the Electronic Entertainment Expo 2006. We think people will be very surprised at the level of realism and attention to our own reality socially and physically that went into this game.
GamSpy: What made you want to do another FPS seeing that the industry is seemingly crowded with a few good ones and many mediocre ones?
Martin Hollis: Well I always wanted to make a game that was very gritty and politically aware. Something that reflects the state of the times we live in and how
other countries perceive and react to the world and its problems. But I think the main reason for a FPS would be that they have all within the past 5-8 years with the small exception of (Metroid Prime) have all really done the same thing in different ways over and over. You know same view, better graphics, more (different) weapons, and more vehicles. But with Guts N Glory we really wanted the story and conflict of idealistic National policy interlaced with the gameplay to really be the heart of the game. I also think it is essential that people understand that this will not be a quote unquote FPS. It will have 3rd person perspective and even what we call 2nd person perspective like in Resident Evil 4. So it will encompass many ways of viewing the world and camera styles.
GameSpy: Since we are on the subject of FPS could you give some insight into another game that is buzzing right now called Gears of War?
Martin Hollis: My thoughts on Gears of War from a developing perspective is that is a combination wager approach. Basically they took a lot of popular styles like RE4, Kill.Switch, and a few others. It could be great but I see it right now after playing the demo that it is a high-quality shooter not a great shooter. The fact that God of War really copied off the context-sensitive cut scenes from RE4 really lessened my love and spirits for the game. I know for a fact that Santa Monica studios after seeing Resident Evil 4 really only started to include those little touches. But after playing Capcoms masterpiece I really didnt think that God of War captured the same grandiose intense experience that RE4 did. God of War definitely would not have been anywhere near as good without the taking interactive cut scenes from RE4. The same I think will hold true with Gears of War as they have already stated that they intend to use the water-cooler moments in the game as in RE4. But I think to truly capture a water-cooler moment in their own game they really need to take an original approach. Instead of combining existing styles and slapping a new coat of graphics on it and proclaiming it next-generation material. If you are not prepared to go that extra mile to do something original and new then your really missing your opportunity to make a true next generation game.
GameSpy: Can you tell us anymore about Vigo Segorfsky?
Martin Hollis: Well, we really only wanted to reveal what we have already revealed in the press release. But I can say that just like in life your emotions and baggage will reflect the way you react to the world. Mr. Segorfsky is a very brutal ruthless tough assassin, but he also has reasons and principles for what he does that may not coincide with American policy. He also has troubles with his past and with his relationships with others and his family. So we really wanted to make people empathize and understand his violence but also his depression and his troubles.
GameSpy: Why did you want to go so far to make a game that you say is politically aware?
Martin Hollis: Thats actually a great question because not many people really pick that up. I really started to catch on that politicians are really trying to hold video games to a higher standard than films or music after the whole debacle about Mortal Kombat and now GTA. And I think the only way to really gain a mainstream respect in this industry is to pro-legislate our freedom on parody or sex or violence in an intelligent way. Our game is politically aware in the sense that it is told through the eyes of someone not from America or Europe or Japan who does not see all these economic problems we all have through rose-colored glasses or embrace a cultural bias to any of those countries. So even if its extremely controversial in realism and in context I really cannot allow my team to dilute our vision just to dodge an AO rating.
GameSpy: So you are saying that your game may possibly get an AO rating or am I misunderstanding you?
Martin Hollis: I look at it this way, the only reason a developer or publisher would want to dodge a AO rating is to widen the consumer base which brings in more money. But I think this way in this business your one of two things. Either youre an artist or youre a business man. An artist will always do want appeals to them and their team regardless of cultural standards or political backfire or if its going to sell a million copies. But a business man will try to get as many consumers to buy that product so they will make more profit. I am an artist so no the adult only rating doesnt really bother me.
GameSpy: So again will your game get an Adult Only rating?
Martin Hollis: Probably not in Japan, but in other territories its a strong possibility.
GameSpy: In the few past interviews that you have done you spoke very boldly about graphical realism to not be the only flag we reach for in terms of game development. Has this changed or do you have the same views now as you did at Rareware?
Martin Hollis: No I definitely dont think this has changed in the least. I really wanted at least for this title for the graphics to be 100% photo realistic with completely realistic physics no exaggerations. But in the end you know I really hope that once we attain that much wanted level of realism we can then break it down and really start to be creative without always trying to be the first developer to reach 100% photo realism.
GameSpy: Do you think that Guts N Glory has achieved this goal and do you think you are the first to do it and reach this level?
Martin Hollis: Thats really hard to say because I havent seen every single developers titles to judge that. But I can say that EAs Fight Night Round 3 is about a half generation behind our title in terms of strictly physical realism.
GameSpy: Thats a pretty bold statement. Do you think the finished product will support that statement?
Martin Hollis: Oh, most definitely even more so in the finished version. Which we are hoping to release in January 2007. Given the technical abilities of the Nintendo console which I will not go into at this time are more than capable of achieving this.
GameSpy: Everyone is drooling after speculation and rumor after rumor about the Revolution. But now that we know about the controller can you clarify what some of its other controller features are or on any technical aspects of the system, or at the very least can you squash any rumors.
Martin Hollis: Right now I cannot comment on anything about Nintendos next home console or its controller features that havent been announced yet. I am bound by NDA as are a lot of others but I will say this. If Sony and Microsoft both want to stay in this race they really need to differentiate themselves from one another or eventually one of them is bound to go away. As for the controller features that Nintendo has announced they all will be incorporated in some way or fashion. Our goal was for it to not be anything comparable to a gimmick but to make these features truly a next-generation way of playing and interacting with the game.
GameSpy: Lets talk about the controller features that have been announced thus far. What are your thoughts on them and how will they Revolutionize gaming?
Martin Hollis: A lot of people (mostly in the press) seem to not completely understand the true potential of this controller. It is capable of everything that the GameCube controller is capable of and much more. It will Revolutionize gaming in the sense that not only is it going to revolutionize the way we play games and really push the industry forward as a whole. But also gives the user the ability to choose how they want to control games or characters. Now, keep in mind that this is all word of mouth and you didnt hear this from me. But the word is that you may be able to view most if not all past Nintendo games on the virtual console in true next-generation graphics and sound as well as online. You may also be able to implement many different art styles into old games. As well as import and export in-game models and game engines. I have also heard that Nintendo may be working on a way to mesh certain source codes so you can mix and match all kinds of different things. But of course this is just speculation and word of mouth. So I wont make any promises to these features just be prepared to expect the unexpected.
GameSpy: There are many rumors that Nintendo has been working on a new way to render amazingly lifelike graphics without actually rendering anything using new graphics technology. Are there any truth to any of these rumors and what can we look forward to?
Martin Hollis: Well (smiles) I really cant go too much into any of that kind of stuff. Nintendo has almost been overkill about not letting any screenshots or trailers leaked to the press. But as to what you are referring to like NURBS or depth-mapped cube maps or the spec of the technology, Nintendo will make those announcements along side our trailer at E3 06. Just be ready to be completely shocked I can guarantee that the smokescreen will be blown away come next E3.
GameSpy: Some gaming fans are claiming that Nintendo will not show a screenshot or trailer because the graphics are simply not on par with the other two consoles. Is this speculation without merit or could this be the case?
Martin Hollis: As I said before I really cant comment on the graphics technologies of the consoles hardware. But rest assured that Nintendo has never manufactured the weakest powered hardware and that wont change this go around. As to the speculation did Nintendo not show off the DSs graphics because they were afraid that it would look underpowered in comparison to the PSP no. Nintendo was not afraid in the least to showcase the DSs graphics. Even though they were certainly not as grand as the PSP. Nintendo is definitely not holding back the graphics because they dont look as good. They just at least for the time being want for the controller and innovative features to be the prime focus, so the press and what not doesnt get too hung up on polygon count or dynamic lighting or bump mapping. So the claim that they arent releasing screenshots or trailers because they are ashamed of the graphics power is completely absurd.
GameSpy: Can we all agree that Nintendo has a lot more in store for fans in terms of the Revolution?
Martin Hollis: Most definitely remember Nintendo are the underdogs here. So it goes without saying that when they do fully unveil the entire package it will be quite a shock to a lot of people. The time that Nintendo fans should be watching is E3 06 Press Conference.
GameSpy: How do you react to the mainstream casual gamers view of Nintendo as a kiddy system that is mostly for kids and young teenagers?
Martin Hollis: I think the idea that Nintendo only makes kiddy games is about the most uncredible statement that is widely accepted by casual gamers. They may not have the quantity of violent or Mature themed games that either Sony or Microsoft have but they do have them. In my opinion on average the Mature themed games they do have are of much greater quality than the other two. To give a few examples Resident Evil 4 was phenomenal, Eternal Darkness completely blew me away, Killer7 was simply a work of art. Among many others they do have them and the quality is consistently there.
GameSpy: Why did you choose Nintendo to be exclusive to seeing that your record with Rareware and reputation could have landed you any deal you wanted?
Martin Hollis: Nintendo is a company full of many artists and few business men. That I really respect seeing that the industry is becoming more of a cash cow to a lot of publishers and developers alike its nice to side with a company that doesnt just see dollar signs as it goes into development. They are a company and always have been a company that really sees video games as not just money making opportunities but as a way of creative expression through interactive media. The Wind Waker was a real breath of fresh air through style and substance that created a perfect balance. Even though the Triforce hunt at the end was a bit unfinished I still think its one of the best games of all-time
GameSpy: Is there anything that you dont agree with Nintendo on be that marketing, being conservative with information etc.?
Martin Hollis: Well, their marketing has always lacked a lot to be desired but I see that has really started to change since the DS was released and Fils-Amie took over marketing. But being conservative right now with info on their console is really the only way to go seeing that they are really the underdog market-share wise. But I suspect certain aspects of the console will be revealed before the end of this year and Im sure that our title will help to end the idea that Nintendo is only for kids.
GameSpy: What was the reason or reasonings that you left Rareware. Leaving all that history and Franchises you made famous must have been hard. Would you care to elaborate on that?
Martin Hollis: People always ask me why I left Rare but there were a lot of reasons for us to part ways in the end. One of those reasons were that I do not respect that Microsoft has entered the game and is trying to take a monopoly over this industry like they did the PC industry. They are basically trying to buy their way in and buy people out. When they started to purchased Rare we knew it was going to happen but I already had plans on starting my own studio. So when Microsoft made the bid I knew it was time for me and my team to go elsewhere. It was hard leaving Perfect Dark Zero behind and having it developed by a less experienced team but I really needed to move on to bigger and better things.
GameSpy: One last question before you go. Do you think within the press and media especially in the last generation that there has been a lot of persistence of trying to edge Nintendo out? Or trying to get casuals to accept the notion that Nintendo is only a niche player?
Martin Hollis: I think that is a fair assumption. But its not only the media and press that is to blame. Microsoft and Sony regularly throw money at corporate events and publications and even television broadcasts are massively paid off by Sony and Microsoft through contributions. They pay them to downplay competitors products to keep the notion alive that Sony and Microsoft are the key players. This is of course not the case but the media gets paid to make it look that way. But a portion of blame also rests on Nintendos shoulders as well. Because they could do the same thing as Sony or Microsoft but they have chosen not to be pro-active up until recently in terms of marketing and buzz on their products. So it has been a lot of factors but this has begun to change substantially since the launch of the DS and will continue to get better.
GameSpy: Well, thank you for you time and we hope to do it again soon and good luck on the game.
Martin Hollis: It was a pleasure and I hope to do it again.
V-King schrieb:Boah, noch über n halbes Jahr, bevor man endlich mal was ECHTES vom Revolution sieht? Find ich ja schon n bisschen hart.
Andererseits macht das die Leute immer hibbeliger und ich wette, dass die Zeit der Fakes noch lange nicht um ist ^^
Naja, aber wenns dann soweit ist, und Nintendo das hält, was sie versprochen haben, dann heissts für Sony und Microsoft nur noch:
EDIT: @Duncan
Warum bist du dir eigentlich so absolut sicher, dass SSB Revolution auf der IGN Live-Sache da gezeigt wird? Ich glaube eher, dass die das einfach nur zum Spaß hingeshcrieben haben (immerhin stand da ja weiterhin: "If you buy 3000 Tickets for you and your friends we will try to kidnap him (Miyamoto) and get as much information as possible" oder so ähnlich. SO ernst kanns ja wohl nicht gemeint sein)
MoX schrieb:naja es könnte so ne "Halb-Witz-halb-Wahrheit" sache sein. Ich mein wer von euch hat nicht schon mal versucht sarkastisch bzw. übertrieben irgendwas Wahres rüberzubringen? Immer optimistisch bleiben!!!111!!! XD
Öhm...war der Online-Partner nich GameSpy? Oder hab ich was verpasst :-?Duncan schrieb:Wie schon gesagt ist Gamespy/IGN Nintendos Online Partner. Also wo liesse sich ein Konzept besser vorstellen als dann bei IGN Live? Die Möglichkeit das Smash Brothers Online passend zum Wi Fi Konzept gezeigt wird ist auch nur eine Chance![]()
V-King schrieb:Öhm...war der Online-Partner nich GameSpy? Oder hab ich was verpasst :-?Duncan schrieb:Wie schon gesagt ist Gamespy/IGN Nintendos Online Partner. Also wo liesse sich ein Konzept besser vorstellen als dann bei IGN Live? Die Möglichkeit das Smash Brothers Online passend zum Wi Fi Konzept gezeigt wird ist auch nur eine Chance![]()