Revolution - Diskussionsforum

Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
Dadurch dass ich den ganzen Tag unterwegs gewesen bin, hab ich zum Glück nichts von dem "Spektakel" mitbekommen. Und ohne da reinzugucken was da stehen könnte weiss ich jetzt schon wie es da abgelaufen sein muss :rolleyes:
mal was anderes

Dieses Jahr werden keine Revolution-Spiele mehr vorgestellt.

Das muss nicht unbedingt heißen keine Spiele!!
nach der aussage sind ankündigungen erlaubt und bilder auch weil eine vorstellung einem preview glaichzusetzen ist und keinem first look??
The One who waits schrieb:
mal was anderes

Dieses Jahr werden keine Revolution-Spiele mehr vorgestellt.

Das muss nicht unbedingt heißen keine Spiele!!
nach der aussage sind ankündigungen erlaubt und bilder auch weil eine vorstellung einem preview glaichzusetzen ist und keinem first look??

Hä? ich check gerade nicht was du uns sagen willst, von Nintendo aus ist es doch verboten pics oder sonst was zu zeigen?!
ich versuch das nur positiv zu sehen.
es heißt ja vortsellung!

aber ankündigungen vielleicht auch einzelne bilder von der entwicklung werden doch erlaubt sein!
The One who waits schrieb:
ich versuch das nur positiv zu sehen.
es heißt ja vortsellung!

aber ankündigungen vielleicht auch einzelne bilder von der entwicklung werden doch erlaubt sein!

Nein, eben nicht, sonst würden wir schon längst was anderes gesehen haben ^^
Etwas interessantes von Serious:


I have been contacted by the Big N to take a look at the Revolution. I have a signed a NDA and as of right now I am only aloud to say that I will get a "Hands On".

I will post more on this as soon as I know more. I will be heading to the Big N today.

I asked my contact why me and they said that due to the popularity of the blog and my seeming twist from Nintendo to Microsoft. They feel that once I have a hands on that I will change my mind and somehow if I change my mind it will trickle on down to you guys. No doubt this Blog has millions of followers.

Will this change my mind?

I doubt it.

However I am heading there with somewhat of an open mind.


Gamers I have reported to you earlier I got a once in a lifetime offer by Nintendo to go hands on with the Revolution. I thought this running through a few demos like my friends over at IGN or elsewhere in the industry.

Let me start by saying it all started off with a walk into the Big N's office in Redmond Washington. I met some high level execs for the first time which was kind of akward I must say (My blog has not been the kindest to them).

Anyhow this is when I went into a room that looked much like a mini auditorium. On stage was a television a few chairs and the Revolution on a little podium. Mr. Fils-Aime was there and we were discussing just some general things about the game industry. He is extremely intelligent.

To be honest I was a little in awe.

I never thought this Blog would take me this far. This is just a blog afterall. However a blog is like any other website I guess and this blog in particular has received a lot of attention. Even outperforming IGN's Nintendo section.

Not too bad for a blog that makes no money. (Would you guys start clicking on my adwords already!!!)

Anyhow I am convinced that this blog will never be a money maker.

Anyhow back to business. There I was at Nintendo's headquarters looking at a stage with the Revolution on it talking to Reggie. What a cool guy he is by the way. One of the questions I had was WHY IN THE HELL ME?!

Why not Matt from IGN? The answer is what really shocked me.

Because I was just a normal gamer (Normal in a good way or bad way?). It is no secret that my blog has become the voice of inspiration for many gamers. I have hundreds of emails from gamers who find my blog tells the story of many a Nintendo fanboy who left Nintendo because of disappointment after disappointment.

Whether it be lack of online play to lack of CD support in the N64 the list goes on and on.

Standing in Nintendo's office in Redmond kind of made me feel like this may be the pinnacle of the SeriousGamer007 blog. Maybe not but it sure felt that way.

I was in the auditorium for about 5 minutes when a group of people came in to the auditorium. They looked like a bunch of game testers and tech people. They moved me onto the stage where I stood.

As I stood there I asked...where do I sit?

One of the game testers looked at me and laughed. Another tester looked at me and said..."For this game you do not want to be sitting".

Kind of perplexed by the answer I thought oh great this will be like that stupid video from the TGS where I watch the TV and dive around like a moron.

"A game tester looked at me and said are you ready?"

I looked at him and said "Yes but the TV is not on yet."

The whole room bust out in kind of a chuckle. Mr Fils-Aime looked at me and said have fun Mr. -------

That is when one of the testers handed me the nunchucks and walked away. Then another pushed the cart with the TV away.

It was just me and the Revolution. The lights began to dim in the auditorium. I was handed one more peripheral.

Then the game began.

Due to the NDA I cannot discuss which game or what the other peripheral does.

In all honesty I don't even understand how the Revolution does what it does. It defies all logic. Furthermore I don't understand how the Revolution can also be affordable. It is absolutely revolutionary. I am in complete shock in regards to the system. The Big N made me sign an NDA and will not comment on my visit. I was told this before I even got there.

However I am free to comment all that I like within my own confines. I do know the specs however I can not comment on them. In all honesty I don't think it really matters because the system is so different that I truly am in shock.

I can say this. The reason why you don't see any games is because the system is very far from traditional.

If you were to ask me which game system you should get the Xbox 360 or the Nintendo Revolution I would say that you really can't compare the two.

The Revolution is that different.

The Xbox 360 is a traditional game console. The Revolution is like something out of Star Trek or Star Wars.

How it works I don't know. However the weird thing is the Revolution also hooks up to a television but that is not what is going to sell it.

I really can only say this. Nintendo is back.

How they did this I don't know.

Only after years of research I guess. Furthermore the price they told me doesn't seem at all possible for this type of console. I would think that this would cost thousands of dollars.

Yet this is not the case.

The Revolution doesn't seem limited to only gaming either. Personally I think it would be cool to watch a movie in this fashion. It is amazing and immersive and almost surreal.

Nintendo is going to Revolutionize the industry in 2006. How they did this I do not know. I wish I could explain more but I am not allowed.

To every gamer thinking that Nintendo is done well that is not the case. Nintendo will be leading the industry in the future. However I am not sure you can consider what they are doing as being videogames. I am not sure it is the videogame industry.

I almost want to call it the Immersion Industry.

The Revolution is Perfect and Scary.

Gamers today SG007 experienced the Revolution. I know you may not believe me however I fell that gamers will undoubtedly by two systems this generation after seeing the Revolution in action.

You will have the traditional gamers who love the Xbox 360. And then you will have the Revolutionary gamers who want the future now.

Nintendo Fans have nothing to worry about.

Sony you have everything to worry about.

Thank you to the Big N for letting me have this once in a lifetime experience.

Hört sich wie Projektion an ... Selbst Serious ist ganz außer sich, obwohl er letzens nur die XBOX360 angebetet hat ...

*Activating Scan Visor*


"Scan Complete"

"Life-form: EPIC Vice President Developer (Name: Mark Reign)"
"Species: Hostile Graphics Whores"
"Current State of Life-form: screaming unsound opinions."
"Scan shows a lack of neural tissue in key parts of the life-froms nerve center for logical thinking."
"Scan also detected the presence of 'fan-boyistic' organs and abnormal physical & psychological properties, e.g. bad social behavior, higher ratio of primitive linguistic capabilities and increased ellipsoid outer body formation."
"As result, this life-form has less capability to survive in the open."
"It has evolved into a strain of new species that specializes in seducing other life-forms with non-sound opinions, intimidating life-forms with their physical shape or expressing their inner diabolical nature by showing off external devices formed by Phazon radiation combined with Microsoft's console hardare."
"This external device is therefore illuminating a green light, as result of the Phazon radiation infusion process with Microsoft-developed hardware created for circle-like humanoids."

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Glaubst du den scheiss wirklich? Da wird es rein gar nichts mit Projektion geben. :P Der Spinner übertreibt und ist nen Xbox Fanboy!

sorry, aber :lol: warum sollte er mehr zu sehen bekommen als das tgs video spiel ystem???
wahrscheinlich braucht er nur bisschen aufmerksamkeit für sein tagebuch!!

kein fernseher, ja???
alles klar... :lol:
vielleicht stand der revo ja aufm tisch mitm schwarzen tuch drüber und ein beamer war angeschlossen!!!!
The One who waits schrieb:

sorry, aber :lol: warum sollte er mehr zu sehen bekommen als das tgs video spiel ystem???
wahrscheinlich braucht er nur bisschen aufmerksamkeit für sein tagebuch!!

kein fernseher, ja???
alles klar... :lol:
vielleicht stand der revo ja aufm tisch mitm schwarzen tuch drüber und ein beamer war angeschlossen!!!!

Ey alda, du bist soooo"ucool" wenn du dem obercoolen Seriousgamerßß7 nicht glaubst , du hast doch keine Ahnung wie cooool er ist und wie bekannt und beliebt er ist, er ist kein Keksefressendes specktier das an ADS leidet :lol: :lol:
Nintendo's Future
Something huge is about to explode right out of Nintendo. And all will be revealed by the end of 2005. Nintendo are going to be showing off Revolution in full force. However Nintendo are not going to show any games until early 2006 where *codename* Mario128 amoung many other titles will be shown at a special press event, and later that year first games wil be played at E3/06. Nintendo are to concentrate on the spec's of the system, specially the GPU which uses a new way to display visual information. Tech demos will be shown to give an indication of the machines capabilities which in terms of on-screen performance is comparable to xbox-360 and PS3. Aswell as this Nintendo will be showing the final controller model and the colours that they have chosen to launch the console in. BUT!!! whats more important than these is the news on the virtual console idea. This is something that has evoled out of control at Nintendo and comprises of much more than just playing/downloading games threw WI-FI-Connection. Besides the controller this is another Revolutionary idea from the greatest minds in the industry. Further still Nintendo will display and demonstrate a new head-set that will work with Revolution games. You may think what you will about this??? But you will know this by the end of November.

In Heavens Hands...

Von Snobe.
Das ist jetzt schon das zweite gerücht auf einer seite!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

erst seriousgamer der ohne fernseher spielt!! -> Headset
jetzt noch ein headset was ende november präsentiert wird!!!!

fangen jetzt wieder die visor spekulationen an!!
außerdem ist ein headset scheiße!!!!!!

denkt alleine mal an die augen, wie kaputt sie gehen!!!!!
Varn schrieb:
The One who waits schrieb:

sorry, aber :lol: warum sollte er mehr zu sehen bekommen als das tgs video spiel ystem???
wahrscheinlich braucht er nur bisschen aufmerksamkeit für sein tagebuch!!

kein fernseher, ja???
alles klar... :lol:
vielleicht stand der revo ja aufm tisch mitm schwarzen tuch drüber und ein beamer war angeschlossen!!!!

Ey alda, du bist soooo"ucool" wenn du dem obercoolen Seriousgamerßß7 nicht glaubst , du hast doch keine Ahnung wie cooool er ist und wie bekannt und beliebt er ist, er ist kein Keksefressendes specktier das an ADS leidet :lol: :lol:

Er ist ein dummer Wicht der keine AHnung hat und kleine Nintendofans in seine schmierigen Lügenmärchen einwickelt. Ich erinnere mich noch daran das er oft genug mit Fakes und so aufgeflogen ist und gänzlich den REV verdammte und in seinem Blog die Xbox preiste. :)

SeriousGamer ist eine Made im großen Konsolenapfel.
The One who waits schrieb:
Das ist jetzt schon das zweite gerücht auf einer seite!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

erst seriousgamer der ohne fernseher spielt!! -> Headset
jetzt noch ein headset was ende november präsentiert wird!!!!

fangen jetzt wieder die visor spekulationen an!!
außerdem ist ein headset scheiße!!!!!!

denkt alleine mal an die augen, wie kaputt sie gehen!!!!!

Hmm, mir ist jetzt schleierhaft, wieso ein Headset die Augen kaputt machen soll :-? :rolleyes: ... Und wo steht, dass es präsentiert werden soll? Da steht nur, dass es bekannt gegeben wird ...
Goodplayer schrieb:
The One who waits schrieb:
Das ist jetzt schon das zweite gerücht auf einer seite!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

erst seriousgamer der ohne fernseher spielt!! -> Headset
jetzt noch ein headset was ende november präsentiert wird!!!!

fangen jetzt wieder die visor spekulationen an!!
außerdem ist ein headset scheiße!!!!!!

denkt alleine mal an die augen, wie kaputt sie gehen!!!!!

Hmm, mir ist jetzt schleierhaft, wieso ein Headset die Augen kaputt machen soll :-? :rolleyes: ... Und wo steht, dass es präsentiert werden soll? Da steht nur, dass es bekannt gegeben wird ...

erst hatte ich das so verstanden, dass das headset für die augen wäre. wegen dem text von seriousgamer, dem ich übrigens keinen millimeter traue. habe nochmal gelesen, das headset ist auf die wifi.connection bezogen. stimmts??? :blushed:
also miteinander babbeln wenn man online spielt!!!
ja das ist geil! :)
Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
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