Revolution - Diskussionsforum

Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
quirl schrieb:
Swisslink schrieb:
AnGer schrieb:
Swisslink schrieb:
am 1. November eine PK von Nintendo:
Alle Daten, Infos, Ingamegrafik wird präsentiert, und viele spiele gezeigt, und am schluss sagt Iwata dass der Revo ab dem 2. November auf der ganzen welt zu haben ist ;) :lol: :P


nix, nur träume ;)

Aha und von was träumstn du Nachts??
Von nackten Weiswürsten :D

Nee, der träumt von Rösti, das is doch 'n Schweizer!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Die lol-Kette!!!
AnGer schrieb:
quirl schrieb:
Swisslink schrieb:
AnGer schrieb:
Swisslink schrieb:
am 1. November eine PK von Nintendo:
Alle Daten, Infos, Ingamegrafik wird präsentiert, und viele spiele gezeigt, und am schluss sagt Iwata dass der Revo ab dem 2. November auf der ganzen welt zu haben ist ;) :lol: :P


nix, nur träume ;)

Aha und von was träumstn du Nachts??
Von nackten Weiswürsten :D

Nee, der träumt von Rösti, das is doch 'n Schweizer!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Die lol-Kette!!!

nee, das hab ich gerade gegessen :)

nachts träum ich von arnix xD
Lestrange schrieb:
Pfanne schrieb:
Lestrange schrieb:
boah subba ein papp ausschneide bogen :oops:
ich finds unglaublich sinnlos :neutral:

ich kauf mir übrigens sowohl revo als auch hdtv, beides 2006 :)
(der hdtv kommt aber eher wegen Halo3 und MGS4 ins haus *lechz*)
du hast eindeutig zuviel geld ;)
ne ps3, ne xbox360 und nen rev... und als zusatz noch nen hd-tv....
da wird man ganz neidisch...

ich bin nur ein armer schüler, da müssen meine eltern herhalten :D
(sind ja auch selber schuld, was haben die mir mit 11 auch nen SNES geschenkt :lol: )...
ausserdem mache ich 2006 nach meinem abi zivi und da ich ansonsten keine ausgaben habe und ca. 500 im monat verdiene, passt das schon!
Ich bin selbst zivi und frage mich, welche vorstellungen du von deinem job hast? Wenn du eine wohnung und essen bekommst, verdienst du im monat kaum mehr als 260 euro.
Basstard schrieb:
Lestrange schrieb:
Pfanne schrieb:
Lestrange schrieb:
boah subba ein papp ausschneide bogen :oops:
ich finds unglaublich sinnlos :neutral:

ich kauf mir übrigens sowohl revo als auch hdtv, beides 2006 :)
(der hdtv kommt aber eher wegen Halo3 und MGS4 ins haus *lechz*)
du hast eindeutig zuviel geld ;)
ne ps3, ne xbox360 und nen rev... und als zusatz noch nen hd-tv....
da wird man ganz neidisch...

ich bin nur ein armer schüler, da müssen meine eltern herhalten :D
(sind ja auch selber schuld, was haben die mir mit 11 auch nen SNES geschenkt :lol: )...
ausserdem mache ich 2006 nach meinem abi zivi und da ich ansonsten keine ausgaben habe und ca. 500 im monat verdiene, passt das schon!
Ich bin selbst zivi und frage mich, welche vorstellungen du von deinem job hast? Wenn du eine wohnung und essen bekommst, verdienst du im monat kaum mehr als 260 euro.

hmmm hab mich noch nicht so krass informiert, allerdings haben zwei freunde von mir 9 monate bei einer behindertenschule gearbeitet und die haben beide so um die 500 öcken einkassiert...
naja fakt ist es wird reichen und wenn nicht muss mama herhalten :)
Ken Sugimori (Game Freak, art director of Pokemon): "Personally, it's the kind of hardware where, more than making games, I'd rather play them."

Kouichi Suda (president of Grass Hopper Interactive, the studio behind Killer 7): "In truth, I have yet to get my hands on Revolution," Suda admits, but adds that he expects to get some hands on time shortly. Once he saw the controller at the product announcement, he felt that there was no choice but to make games for it. "I've already finalized a plan. Now, all that remains is to make it."

Toshihiro Nagoshi (Sega -- producer of F-Zero GX/AX and Super Monkey Ball): "I was surprised when I saw it, I was surprised when I touched it, and when I played the sample games, I was even more surprised!" Nagoshi states. "I doubt that there's a creator who doesn't get tickled after getting their hands on this. It combines all the elements required to let you enjoy games while feeling that you've become the character."

Tooru Iwatani (Namco -- father of Pac Man): "Just as input with the Nintendo DS pen gave birth to new game contents, there are great possibilities hidden in this remote-like controller."

Hironobu Sakaguchi (Mistwalker -- father of Final Fantasy): "When I first saw it, I thought 'It's great!' and 'It's just like Nintendo!' It makes you feel like you're actually touching the screen. In that sense, you could say that it's an extension of the DS, but it's actually very different." Pointing out that the controller allows for a wide variety of actions, he adds, "When shown such a new concept, software makers are, even as just normal people, left excited."

Yasuhiro Wada (Marvelous Interactive -- father of Harvest Moon): "As a creator, this is the ultimate toy"

Von IGN. :)

WEnn ich die ganzen Entwickler höre die das Ding schon in der Hand hatten, dann möchte ich mehr denn je es selber in die Hand nehmen. X_X
Moment Mal, der Typ von Final Fantasy arbeitet bei Mistwalker? Wieso sind dann die Rechte von FF bei Square Enix? :confused: :?

Zum Topic:

Klingt gut. Aber Man, ich will endlich Games sehen!!!!
Warum nicht gleich die ganze Liste Duncan? :D

Here's a run down on what each creator has to say:

Ken Sugimori (Game Freak, art director of Pokemon): Sugimori was surprised when he first saw the controller. He feels that many people have been thrown off from gaming due to increased button counts of controllers, but states that it takes a good amount of courage to actually decide to reduce the number. "You'll be able to do things with the Revolution that you could never do with consoles before," he says, adding with a laugh, "Personally, it's the kind of hardware where, more than making games, I'd rather play them."

Kouichi Suda (president of Grass Hopper Interactive, the studio behind Killer 7): "In truth, I have yet to get my hands on Revolution," Suda admits, but adds that he expects to get some hands on time shortly. Once he saw the controller at the product announcement, he felt that there was no choice but to make games for it. "I've already finalized a plan. Now, all that remains is to make it." Judging by Suda's comments, we can probably add Grass Hopper to the list of Revolution developers.

Toshihiro Nagoshi (Sega -- producer of F-Zero GX/AX and Super Monkey Ball): "I was surprised when I saw it, I was surprised when I touched it, and when I played the sample games, I was even more surprised!" Nagoshi states. "I doubt that there's a creator who doesn't get tickled after getting their hands on this. It combines all the elements required to let you enjoy games while feeling that you've become the character." Continuing, Nagoshi states that he expects the controller to open up new paths for all genres.

Tooru Iwatani (Namco -- father of Pac Man): Iwatani feels that the Revolution controller is one of the solutions to interface problems with games, adding, "Just as input with the Nintendo DS pen gave birth to new game contents, there are great possibilities hidden in this remote-like controller." He gives a couple of examples of game ideas, including a text input style game that targets people who've become used to inputting text with their thumbs on the cell phone. The controller gives the creative spirit of game creators a jolt, Iwatani states before finishing up his comments by asking that Nintendo continue from here on out to stimulate gamers and creators alike in new ways.

Hironobu Sakaguchi (Mistwalker -- father of Final Fantasy): "When I first saw it, I thought 'It's great!' and 'It's just like Nintendo!' It makes you feel like you're actually touching the screen. In that sense, you could say that it's an extension of the DS, but it's actually very different." Pointing out that the controller allows for a wide variety of actions, he adds, "When shown such a new concept, software makers are, even as just normal people, left excited."

Yasuhiro Wada (Marvelous Interactive -- father of Harvest Moon): Wada was at first taken back by the controller. He found it to be small and nicely designed, but as a controller, it crossed the bounds of his understanding. Once he got his hands on it, he suddenly got the idea and felt that it would work. This is similar to how he felt with the DS -- the feeling of various ideas appearing one after the other. "As a creator, this is the ultimate toy," he states with a laugh, but also adds caution, saying, "A number of basic ideas come forth, but placing those properly into a game and making players have fun is difficult." Wada seems to love the controller, though, as he adds, "Isn't this the thing that will cause a revolution to the game industry, which has slowly lost its way?"

Takanobu Terada (Banpresto -- Super Robot Wars producer): "To be honest, I was expecting the Revolution controller to have an even more unique form, so I was initially disappointed. However, that quickly disappeared. With good use of the expansion terminal, isn't it possible to make, for instance, a versus shooting game without the use of the monitor, where the fight is through the controller alone? I feel that it is a great controller that can inspire many ideas, even aside from videogames."

Hiroshi Tanibuchi (Konami -- Powerful Pro series producer): Tanibuch states that he was surprised when he first saw the controller, adding "In truth -- and this is just between us -- I was able to get my hands on the controller. The on-screen characters move in accordance with the controller's movements -- it's such a fresh feeling. Although you probably won't understand until you've tried it yourself." On the topic of Japan's favorite baseball series, he suggests good things for a possible GameCube version: "If we were to make it, we'd want to make a special Power Pro for the Revolution."

Masahiro Sakurai (Sora -- previous work on Kirby, Smash Brother and Meteos): "I'm sympathetic for Nintendo's stance of reducing hurdles for games. For that reason, I think it's good that the controller buttons have been reduced to just one. A long remote controller shape with just one button. This has impact. The DS, with its touch screen, made games a ways easier to understand. However, with the D-pad and buttons, and also the touch panel, controls actually became more complicated. I think it would be good if the same thing doesn't happen with Revolution."

Kouichi Ishii (Square Enix -- World of Mana project producer): "I believe creators will enjoy making games [with the controller]. However, you'll have to change game design methods from the core. For instance, you'll have to start by looking back at your play as a kid and think of what kinds of things you could do if developing for the Revolution. If you can do this, then surely you will be able to make a completely new form of play, different from current games."

The commentary from these ten developers, who represent everything from Pokemon to Killer 7, spells good things for Nintendo's Revolution in Japan. In particular, most of the developers are third parties, suggesting that even outside of Nintendo's studios, game creators in Japan are anxious to work with the Revolution and its new controller.
TheCandyMan666 schrieb:
*Killer7 2 will* ^^
Klingt aber im großen und ganzen sehr gut was die 3rd Parties erzählen, jetzt soll sich Nintendo beeilen und denen flott die Entwicklungsumgebung geben.

Die sollen sie ja bereits haben, nur will Nintendo nicht, dass sie schon Infos rausgeben.
TheCandyMan666 schrieb:
Aber grad oben im Interview sagen manche das sie den Revo Controller noch nicht in der Hand hatten, aber sich freuen darauf entwickeln zu wollen.
Von daher, alle 3rd Parties ham noch nicht :(

aber wenigstens einige :D
ich würd jetzt gern noch ein (Horror)Spiel von den Silent Hill machern sehen, eins von Bioware (imo einer der besten Spiele Schmieden) und eins von Silicon Knight aber die sind wohl zu sehr mit Too Human beschäftigt.
Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
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