Revolution - Diskussionsforum 2

  • Thread-Ersteller Thread-Ersteller Draygon
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Zeldafanat schrieb:
Spike™ schrieb:
...Da dies ein Online Titel ist, kann man erwarten...
Wenn Nintendo dem Spiel auch so einen Onlinemodus wie Mario Kart DS spendiert, wäre ich mir da nicht so sicher. :shakehead:

Mario Kart entstand aber auch unter dickem zeitdruck. Die Revo spiele von Nintendo sind ja jetzt schon ne weile in entwicklung.
ach ja, es gibt übrigens news zur vorlesung und zum rev. 4 color rebelllion hat n correspondenten in japan der an der vorlesung teilgenommen hat. das hat er per sms geschrieben :)

hi, mailing from cell phone!

mmoto revealed that there is an extra feature in the rev that is still secret.

also, valve r v excited about rev, and love nintendo

uhhh krass bin mal auf die gesamten berichte der vorlesung gespannt:


bei mir ist er da aber ich glaube das ist gerade sonen bug hier im board oder so
jack_the_rat schrieb:
ach ja, es gibt übrigens news zur vorlesung und zum rev. 4 color rebelllion hat n correspondenten in japan der an der vorlesung teilgenommen hat. das hat er per sms geschrieben :)

hi, mailing from cell phone!

mmoto revealed that there is an extra feature in the rev that is still secret.

also, valve r v excited about rev, and love nintendo

Sollte das stimmen, dann sollte der 9. Mai besser mal ganz schnell kommen :D
Wednesday schrieb:
Rodimus-power schrieb:
Neral schrieb:
was ist denn jetzt gibts irgendwelche neuen infos? :(
Scheinbar noch nicht :cry: :(

geduld :)
die werden schon bald kommen-hoff ich zumindest
Ja von der rede :


Miyamoto’s at it again. We’ve just seen the Revolution controller propaganda that Iwata-san screened at this year’s TGS. And now, here’s Shiggy at the podium, wrapping up his presentation and talking about all the possibilities the remote control offers.

“…you could use that extra peripheral with the controller for numchukus,” he says, gesturing. I feel like I’ve heard this sale a million times now. Yes, numchukus, cool for FPS, cooking games, I got it.

“There’s another secret,” he says. I perk up. “But I’m not going to go into that here. That’ll be for a later date.”

He sweeps into an abrupt closing and before I know it the gaming legend is off the stage. A picture of Mario flashes on the screen. A polite “arigatou gozaimashita” is written below.

No Shiggy, thank you.
DIEC: Atari’s Founder Slams Sony, Praises Nintendo


“That slide’s not right. It shouldn’t read 100 megabytes,” Nolan Bushnell says. “We didn’t have 100 megabytes back then.”

He should know. Hailed as “The Father of Video Games,” Bushnell is responsible for taking Pong to the masses. And unlike today, he didn’t have the luxury of endless memory and oodles of polygons that young game developers take as a given.

“The first element of design is timing.”

Timing seems to be something he knows well. Bushnell helped spearhead the gaming boom of the 1970s and early 80s, making a mint and getting out right before business got bad. Bushnell instead got into the restaurant business, creating Chuck E. Cheese, cashing in on pizza and arcade games.

“The second element is clear objectives.”

He comes off more as a businessman than a “pure” designer or developer. He even brings graphs and charts to show which market segments could be exploited today. In 1982, he tells us, there were 44 million gamers. Today, there are 18 million. Where’d they all go? “Complexity lost the casual gamer,” he says. “Violence lost the woman gamer.” He ventures into Nintendo territory, even slamming the PS2 controller.

“The 3D controller that Nintendo is onto is a very good idea,” he says. “If you look at today’s controller with triangles, Xs, squares and circles, it’s scary. It’s like a keyboard. People are interface phobic.”

“The third element is predictability.”

All I could read was “machinma.” Bushnell skips the slide before I even have a chance to register the rest of it. “This isn’t very interesting,” he says. Instead, he finishes up his speech with a slide of his latest business venture: uWink. The Father of Gaming is getting in the dating industry. He’s planned a series of pizzerias that have simple tabletop games, which supposedly open up communication between the sexes. The idea itself is intriguing, but I fear that it’s a case of something looking better on paper than in practice. “I guarantee you if I can help guys meet girls, I will make a lot of money,” he says. He wraps up his speech and exits the stage to thunderous applause, while I check my watch to see if he’s gone over his allotted speech time. It seems he has.

von :
DIEC: Five Things about Pac-Man You May Not Know

1. The idea of the game came from “eating.” 2. The original purpose was to attract female gamers. 3. Iwatani-san, Pac-Man’s papa, referred to the ghosts as “monsters.” 4. The algorithm for only the orange ghost is “random.” 5. Even a monkey can play the game, and Iwatani-san brought a video clip to prove it. The bit about the algorithms even surprised Atari founder Nolan Bushnell, who told Iwatani-san he hadn’t heard that before. Conference Info [Ritsumeikan University]

DIEC: Back in School
The keynote was given by a Ritsumeikan University professor who talked about Korean gaming, independent game companies, outsourcing and why his name is in the credits for Rez. Good to know that arrogant college professors have no cultural boarders.
Metroid Prime 3 Screen Shot?

Angeblich ist das Bild zu detailreich um nicht vom Revo zu sein ,aber andere sagen es ist ein fake ?!
Ps. Wo ist der edt Knopf geblieben ?!


I caught this on the IGN board. The person claims that this may be a leaked photo of the game. At first glance, I was unconvinced and unimpressed. But then I started to take into account the fact that the screen shot is not from a direct feed. It looks photographed off of a tv screen or monitor (which explains the amount of jaggies present).

I'm not 100% convinced that it's real... but, it does look impressive. The lighting and shadows seem to be superior to those currently found on the GameCube, and if I'm not mistaken, the poly count looks larger too. I mean, I guess it could just be a nice photoshop or something. But, who knows.

What do you guys think?

I can see those little wires/pipes are something that we wouldn't find in the GC version (too many polys).

Pretty believable to me.
ich hab beide Metroid Teile nur ein paar Stunden gezockt daher kann ich nicht sagen ob es nin denen vorkommt. Aber die Kugel sieht schon nicht schlecht aus. Würde mich aber sehr freuen wenn das tatsächlich endlich ein Bild aus einem Revo Game wäre
izak_stern schrieb:
ich hab beide Metroid Teile nur ein paar Stunden gezockt daher kann ich nicht sagen ob es nin denen vorkommt. Aber die Kugel sieht schon nicht schlecht aus. Würde mich aber sehr freuen wenn das tatsächlich endlich ein Bild aus einem Revo Game wäre

Nein. Das Bild ist nicht von den letzten Prime-Teilen. Wenn das wirklich Revo-Grafik ist, wäre das einfach geil!!! :o :D
Also ich seh auf dem Bild keinen Unterschied zu den GC Metroids...
Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
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