Revolution - Diskussionsforum 2

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Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
Masahiro Sakurai, Director von Smash Bros. Revolution hat nun in einem Interview mit der Famitsu interessante Details zu "seinem" Spiel verraten.
Es sagte, dass die Entwicklung eigentlich erst von kurzem begann. Genauer gesagt im May 2005 nachdem er von Satoru Iwata darum gebeten wurde, sich um dieses Spiel zu kümmern. Damals bestand das gesamte Entwicklerteam nur aus einer Person, Sakurai selbst.
Sein neues Entwicklerteam, welches gerade ein Projekt beendete, bekam einen neuen Sitz in Tokio, der Anfang Oktober eröffnete. Masahiro Sakurai schätzt, dass man für dieses Projekt ein Team in der Größe von etwa 50 Leuten brauchen werde, weshalb Nintendo auch die Stellenausschreibung auf ihre Seite gesetzt hat. Er wird ab jetzt jede Woche ein Update zu dem Entwicklungsstand geben. Den Artikel mit weiteren Informationen findet ihr

hier >>
Yeah. Der Teil wird rocken. Ich hab keine Probleme bis Weihnachten 2006 zu warten :>
Schmedi schrieb:
Masahiro Sakurai, Director von Smash Bros. Revolution hat nun in einem Interview mit der Famitsu interessante Details zu "seinem" Spiel verraten.
Es sagte, dass die Entwicklung eigentlich erst von kurzem begann. Genauer gesagt im May 2005 nachdem er von Satoru Iwata darum gebeten wurde, sich um dieses Spiel zu kümmern. Damals bestand das gesamte Entwicklerteam nur aus einer Person, Sakurai selbst.
Sein neues Entwicklerteam, welches gerade ein Projekt beendete, bekam einen neuen Sitz in Tokio, der Anfang Oktober eröffnete. Masahiro Sakurai schätzt, dass man für dieses Projekt ein Team in der Größe von etwa 50 Leuten brauchen werde, weshalb Nintendo auch die Stellenausschreibung auf ihre Seite gesetzt hat. Er wird ab jetzt jede Woche ein Update zu dem Entwicklungsstand geben. Den Artikel mit weiteren Informationen findet ihr

hier >>
Ich hoffe, dass das dann nicht extrem gepusht wird und nachher u.U. voller Bugs oder fehlenden Teilen ist.
Die sollen sich lieber Zeit lassen und nicht alles überstürzen :)


After tomorow we developers are free to talk about development of Revolution. So fare we wern't allowed to do so, but we got a go from Nintendo, stating we can talk about Revolution developement in general after tomorow. However, we still aren't allowed to show you screenshots. You shouldn't expect screenshots any day soon as well. The visuals of Revolution games are the last revolutionairy aspect and won't be showed before E3 2006 at Nintendo's pre-e3 show.

So basicly we aren't free to talk about everything. However we are allowed to talk about everything which includes Virtual Console plans ( not to be confused with Virtual Reality )Virtual Console basicly means the backward compatibility Revolution offers. Because NE5/SNE5/n64 games must be downloaded of Nintendo WiFi Connection before you can play it, this offers us developers to do great things with old games. Like including unlockables in some games, just as we're doing currently with GBA/DS or GBA/Cube games.

So what can you expect coming months from this blog?

You can expect me to post regular updates of how developing of our Revolution game is going. Can I tell you the name of the game already? Yes I can. It will be a first person shooter based on the inovating controllers Nintendo created. The name of the game will be: No End Soon ( working title ) and will take place arround 2045. This game will be shown for the first time at Nintendo's pre-e3 2006 show and playable at a third party booth.

For now, I'm not allowed to go into gameplay details and to tell you the trueth as of yet we're still discussing many idea's, including some that won't be revealed before E3 2006.

Expect more developers to start a blog about Revolution Development soon. So fare I know I'm the first one, but I know many more are planning to do.

Why we do this? I think it's very obvious. Unlike the past, Nintendo is really close with us third party developers this time. They give us much support on developing stuff and as developer I really enjoy working on Revolution. It's exciting to test stuff out everyday with the features Revolution has to offer.

Expect a name change of this blog before E3 2006, because as Nintendo already said, Revolution is only a codename. As soon Nintendo announced the final name, this blog name will change into the final name of Revolution.

Summary and idea's.


As I've posted at a certain blog, Mr.Miyamoto talked about Revolution today at an university in Japan. He gave, as you've could read, some news about Revolution. Now I've repeated many times it won't be groundbreaking news, just some new information, so you won't get hyped. It seems some people actually mistook my words and got hyped, even thought of what I wrote. Sadly enough there wasn't any other way to prove my creditability. If I wouldn't have posted yesterday Mr.Miyamoto would talk about Revolution today, nobody would've believed me. To be honest I think it's because of that certain blog as well some people are dissapointed once again, which isn't my fault, because as I've wrote many, many times to not get hyped or expect big things.

I'm surprised the big game sites IGN and/or Gamespot haven't posted this news as of yet. I suspect they will post sooner or later. However for the people who don't know what Mr.Miyomoto said, you can read it here:

Mr.Miyamoto basicly said there's still a secret in Revolution.

But wait, isn't that exactly what I said? Another revolutionairy aspect! I was right! Now this must be a surprise to many. Am I only a good guesser or are "we" ( the team behind the project ) probably real afterall? It's you to decide, just keep in mind that what I've said came true.

I've also read the question why I can't tell which company I work for, or which company is developing this game. However as I've wrote I life in Europe so you to the guess.

As I've said we're now allowed to talk about Revolution, but still not about all. This is Nintendo's policy for Revolution developers, which is something we will follow. As soon Nintendo allows us to annouce which company is developing which game, I will annouce it here, or even better you will read it at an official press release from our company.

Now I hope we can forget the "past" and focuse on the real purpose of this blog.

It was a pleasant surprise to notice, that besides to flames and comments claiming I was fake, some one actually already took notice of the real meanings of this blog and made use of it. I must say the idea is very orignal. I would say it's absolutly posible with Revolution's power and controller, however since I'm not the programmer I can't guarantee it is. Now I'd like to share this idea with all of you.

You would play as a fish in the game.
You would hold the controller like you would hold a dart.Then to move forward you would just have to shake the controller like a fish would wiggle itself to get forward.(I'm not sure if you're following)It would all depend on the angles in which you hold the controller to what direction the fish would turn/go.And of course it would depend on how fast you shake, that how fast the fish would move.
I'd think this would make a great basis for a underwater adventure game where you would talk to other fish and do jobs for them and so on.
Like in Ecco on Sega, if anyone remembers..To play with a dolphin would be great. Or with a shark! Yeah!

Idea by Moshe.

Now there's only one but..

As I wrote in my first post, we're making a FPS and should take place arround 2045. Now ofcourse it's posible to shoot the fish in 2045, but that's not really what we had in mind.

Now I would explain a little bit better what kind of idea's we'd like to get from you. I can release a few details now, so keep those in mind when posting an idea/suggestion.


* Working title: No End Soon
* Estimate Release Date: TBA
* Graphics are still to be decided
* Nintendo WiFi Connection enabled ( how many players currenly unknown - target atleast 64
* Nintendo DS WiFi Link
* We would like to use the Virtual Console (backward compatibility) of Revolution for unlockable content, however we're still discussing this feature.
* It must take place arround 2045
* There will be a combat mode
* Both licensed music and new music.
* Will make use of the unique features of Revolution's controller

That's what we have so fare. As you can see we're still in very early stages of development. We hope to receive many idea's from you. For exemple how would you like to use Revolution's controller? Do you want to use one controller, or two? And why? Which features of Revolution's controller should we use? What about co-operative gameplay? How many people would you like to play online? Should it be singleplayer or multiplayer focussed? What kind of music would people listen in 2045 and need to be included into the game? Or do you prefer funny cartoon sounds instead?

It's all what you, the consumer wants ( and ofcourse a little bit of what we want too, remember we're the ones that develop it and know the full possibility's of Revolution ) so in the end everybody is happy, buys the game and get's an unique experience!

So have an idea, don't hold back and post so we can discuss it! I will reply as much as posible to all idea's and review them and ofcourse consider them too the whole team.

Oh and one more thing, you wonder how big our team is? Well I can tell you that. This game will be created by the hands of 23 people as of yet. Now that's reasonable don't you think? Well it shouldn't come as an surprise to you, because Nintendo announced many months ago already Revolution won't require large teams, compared to their compitors.

Mr.Miyamoto basicly said there's still a secret in Revolution.

But wait, isn't that exactly what I said? Another revolutionairy aspect! I was right! Now this must be a surprise to many. Am I only a good guesser or are "we" ( the team behind the project ) probably real afterall? It's you to decide, just keep in mind that what I've said came true.

OMG, was ein vollspacken... :lol:

es wurde schon etliche mal vor der Keynote von Miyamoto gesagt dass der controller nich alles ist, und dass wir auf dem wissenstand wie damals beim DS sind, wo wir nur wussten dass er 2 screens haben würde.
Goodplayer schrieb:


After tomorow we developers are free to talk about development of Revolution. So fare we wern't allowed to do so, but we got a go from Nintendo, stating we can talk about Revolution developement in general after tomorow. However, we still aren't allowed to show you screenshots. You shouldn't expect screenshots any day soon as well. The visuals of Revolution games are the last revolutionairy aspect and won't be showed before E3 2006 at Nintendo's pre-e3 show.

So basicly we aren't free to talk about everything. However we are allowed to talk about everything which includes Virtual Console plans ( not to be confused with Virtual Reality )Virtual Console basicly means the backward compatibility Revolution offers. Because NE5/SNE5/n64 games must be downloaded of Nintendo WiFi Connection before you can play it, this offers us developers to do great things with old games. Like including unlockables in some games, just as we're doing currently with GBA/DS or GBA/Cube games.

So what can you expect coming months from this blog?

You can expect me to post regular updates of how developing of our Revolution game is going. Can I tell you the name of the game already? Yes I can. It will be a first person shooter based on the inovating controllers Nintendo created. The name of the game will be: No End Soon ( working title ) and will take place arround 2045. This game will be shown for the first time at Nintendo's pre-e3 2006 show and playable at a third party booth.

For now, I'm not allowed to go into gameplay details and to tell you the trueth as of yet we're still discussing many idea's, including some that won't be revealed before E3 2006.

Expect more developers to start a blog about Revolution Development soon. So fare I know I'm the first one, but I know many more are planning to do.

Why we do this? I think it's very obvious. Unlike the past, Nintendo is really close with us third party developers this time. They give us much support on developing stuff and as developer I really enjoy working on Revolution. It's exciting to test stuff out everyday with the features Revolution has to offer.

Expect a name change of this blog before E3 2006, because as Nintendo already said, Revolution is only a codename. As soon Nintendo announced the final name, this blog name will change into the final name of Revolution.

Summary and idea's.


As I've posted at a certain blog, Mr.Miyamoto talked about Revolution today at an university in Japan. He gave, as you've could read, some news about Revolution. Now I've repeated many times it won't be groundbreaking news, just some new information, so you won't get hyped. It seems some people actually mistook my words and got hyped, even thought of what I wrote. Sadly enough there wasn't any other way to prove my creditability. If I wouldn't have posted yesterday Mr.Miyamoto would talk about Revolution today, nobody would've believed me. To be honest I think it's because of that certain blog as well some people are dissapointed once again, which isn't my fault, because as I've wrote many, many times to not get hyped or expect big things.

I'm surprised the big game sites IGN and/or Gamespot haven't posted this news as of yet. I suspect they will post sooner or later. However for the people who don't know what Mr.Miyomoto said, you can read it here:

Mr.Miyamoto basicly said there's still a secret in Revolution.

But wait, isn't that exactly what I said? Another revolutionairy aspect! I was right! Now this must be a surprise to many. Am I only a good guesser or are "we" ( the team behind the project ) probably real afterall? It's you to decide, just keep in mind that what I've said came true.

I've also read the question why I can't tell which company I work for, or which company is developing this game. However as I've wrote I life in Europe so you to the guess.

As I've said we're now allowed to talk about Revolution, but still not about all. This is Nintendo's policy for Revolution developers, which is something we will follow. As soon Nintendo allows us to annouce which company is developing which game, I will annouce it here, or even better you will read it at an official press release from our company.

Now I hope we can forget the "past" and focuse on the real purpose of this blog.

It was a pleasant surprise to notice, that besides to flames and comments claiming I was fake, some one actually already took notice of the real meanings of this blog and made use of it. I must say the idea is very orignal. I would say it's absolutly posible with Revolution's power and controller, however since I'm not the programmer I can't guarantee it is. Now I'd like to share this idea with all of you.

You would play as a fish in the game.
You would hold the controller like you would hold a dart.Then to move forward you would just have to shake the controller like a fish would wiggle itself to get forward.(I'm not sure if you're following)It would all depend on the angles in which you hold the controller to what direction the fish would turn/go.And of course it would depend on how fast you shake, that how fast the fish would move.
I'd think this would make a great basis for a underwater adventure game where you would talk to other fish and do jobs for them and so on.
Like in Ecco on Sega, if anyone remembers..To play with a dolphin would be great. Or with a shark! Yeah!

Idea by Moshe.

Now there's only one but..

As I wrote in my first post, we're making a FPS and should take place arround 2045. Now ofcourse it's posible to shoot the fish in 2045, but that's not really what we had in mind.

Now I would explain a little bit better what kind of idea's we'd like to get from you. I can release a few details now, so keep those in mind when posting an idea/suggestion.


* Working title: No End Soon
* Estimate Release Date: TBA
* Graphics are still to be decided
* Nintendo WiFi Connection enabled ( how many players currenly unknown - target atleast 64
* Nintendo DS WiFi Link
* We would like to use the Virtual Console (backward compatibility) of Revolution for unlockable content, however we're still discussing this feature.
* It must take place arround 2045
* There will be a combat mode
* Both licensed music and new music.
* Will make use of the unique features of Revolution's controller

That's what we have so fare. As you can see we're still in very early stages of development. We hope to receive many idea's from you. For exemple how would you like to use Revolution's controller? Do you want to use one controller, or two? And why? Which features of Revolution's controller should we use? What about co-operative gameplay? How many people would you like to play online? Should it be singleplayer or multiplayer focussed? What kind of music would people listen in 2045 and need to be included into the game? Or do you prefer funny cartoon sounds instead?

It's all what you, the consumer wants ( and ofcourse a little bit of what we want too, remember we're the ones that develop it and know the full possibility's of Revolution ) so in the end everybody is happy, buys the game and get's an unique experience!

So have an idea, don't hold back and post so we can discuss it! I will reply as much as posible to all idea's and review them and ofcourse consider them too the whole team.

Oh and one more thing, you wonder how big our team is? Well I can tell you that. This game will be created by the hands of 23 people as of yet. Now that's reasonable don't you think? Well it shouldn't come as an surprise to you, because Nintendo announced many months ago already Revolution won't require large teams, compared to their compitors.

Könte mir das ma jemand in Deutsch erklären? Hatte heut sChule, da hab ich jetz ken Bock, das alles zu veruschen zu übersetzen XD
Naja da er nicht mal den Namen seiner Firma angibt halte ich es e für Schwachsinn, aber er hat gesagt:

Nach der Rede von Miyamoto dürfen die Entwickler nun über ihre Games (nicht den Revolution) reden.
Und das tut er da :P
Sie werkeln anscheinend an nem Shooter (WT: No End Soon) und wollen alle Fähigkeiten verwenden, auch Onlien mit mindestens 64 Spiele (wenn ich das mit dem DS Vergleiche ist das sehr unglaubwürdig :P).

Ka mehr fällt mir grad nemme ein, zumindest glaub ichs e net ;)
Schmedi schrieb:
Mr.Miyamoto basicly said there's still a secret in Revolution.

But wait, isn't that exactly what I said? Another revolutionairy aspect! I was right! Now this must be a surprise to many. Am I only a good guesser or are "we" ( the team behind the project ) probably real afterall? It's you to decide, just keep in mind that what I've said came true.

OMG, was ein vollspacken... :lol:

es wurde schon etliche mal vor der Keynote von Miyamoto gesagt dass der controller nich alles ist, und dass wir auf dem wissenstand wie damals beim DS sind, wo wir nur wussten dass er 2 screens haben würde.

Gesagt wurde es, aber nicht wie viele Sachen ...
@ goodplayer

Ich halt beide Texte für Fakes.
Ich kann auch sagen, dass ich ein Revo-Developer bin. Mein neuestes Spiel wird übrigen "Wie verarsche ich die ganze Welt" sein.
Feeut euch drauf. ;) 8-)
Ich bin auch auf der Seite von Galrauch und Schmedi.

Wir wissen nix, und der Typ versucht bloß uns zu veräppeln. IMO bist du sehr leichtgläubig.

Ich bin dagegen, gegen alles zu sein,
Doch ich bin so gegen manches,
Denn manches muss ja nicht sein
Curse feat. Gentleman(Songname weiß ich nimmer)

d.h. du sollst kritisch sein, und nicht alles glauben, was so ein Freak in seinem Blog verzapft. Gerade der N5 hat viele Faker auf den Plan gerufen, und es muss ein ziemlich guter Faker sein, denn er spricht vom "Revolution", anstatt vom "N5"....
Ist mir eigentlich egal, ob es stimmt, oder nicht. Im Grunde hat er ja auch nichts gesagt, was wichtig sein könnte. Abgesehen von diesem Satz:

The visuals of Revolution games are the last revolutionairy aspect and won't be showed before E3 2006 at Nintendo's pre-e3 show.

Laut Nintendo gibt es noch was wichtiges. Aber üblegt doch mal, was uns wirklich überraschen würde?
In bezug auf der Steuerung wurde das wichtigste schon gezeigt. Dann kommt noch ein "normaler" Controller und evtl. noch ein paar Zusätze. Aber IMO wars das dann auch.

Zur Grafik:
Ich will jetzt nicht sagen, dass der Rev wiklich 3D kann. Aber diese Idee finde ich gar nicht so unwahrscheinlich.
N-Gamer schrieb:
Ist mir eigentlich egal, ob es stimmt, oder nicht. Im Grunde hat er ja auch nichts gesagt, was wichtig sein könnte. Abgesehen von diesem Satz:

The visuals of Revolution games are the last revolutionairy aspect and won't be showed before E3 2006 at Nintendo's pre-e3 show.

Laut Nintendo gibt es noch was wichtiges. Aber üblegt doch mal, was uns wirklich überraschen würde?
In bezug auf der Steuerung wurde das wichtigste schon gezeigt. Dann kommt noch ein "normaler" Controller und evtl. noch ein paar Zusätze. Aber IMO wars das dann auch.

Zur Grafik:
Ich will jetzt nicht sagen, dass der Rev wiklich 3D kann. Aber diese Idee finde ich gar nicht so unwahrscheinlich.

Das ist der Punkt. Ist es jetzt sicher und amtlich, das es nur noch EIN Geheimnis gibt, welches außschliesslich NUR den Controller betrifft? Wenn ja, dann ist der Blog wohl wirklich ein Fake. Denn er sagt, dass das der letzte und unbekannte revolutionäre Aspekt in der "Visualisierung" steckt. Damit ist sicher nicht die Grafikqualität gemeint (da dürfte MS und Sony dank HD die Nase vorne haben), sondern die Art wie sie benutzt bzw. angezeigt wird.

Ich habe den Blog jedenfalls in die Favoriten aufgenommen. 8-)
Es wurde nie gesagt, dass es bei dem Geheimis um sich den Controller handelt.
welche möglichkeiten gibt es denn
beim controller wäre es widerstand nicht nur ff.

und sonst kommt irgendwas 3d mäßiges evtl ne folie(?) vorm tv und damit kann dann 3d dargestellt werden?
oder ist doch evtl was an nintendo ON dran?
vorallem das jetzt alles in weiss kommt von nintendo erinnert mich an die ganze on geschichte ;)
also IGN sagt das das andere geheimniss mit dem controlelr zu tun hat... also denke ich auch das es "wiederstand" gibt... wie is mir aber ein rätsel...

villeicht meint man ja auch nich den "controller" selber sondern nur eine andere art des stzeuerns die noch hinzukommt...

ne kamera z.B. die für motion capturing genutzt wird villeicht?! :D oder was auch immer ^^
hm... was mir gerade durch den kopf geganen ist ich habe mal sonen video gesehen von einer zelda vorstellung, da kam aufeinmal link auf eine bühne erst dachte man, dass es irgendwie eine projektion wäre oder so aber dann war es doch jemand der verkleidet war glaube ich.

weiß jemand welches video das nochmal war?
Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
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