The article to change everything.
46 comments Published by KingofGamers.
Dear Gamers,
I have led you on a whirlwind adventure that is sure not to end just yet. We have only scratched the surface of the Revolution. The Next Generation of gaming has kicked of with an overhand right from Microsoft. The Xbox 360 is selling like hotcakes. This is great for Microsoft but not so good for Nintendo.
You see many gamers including myself once thought that Nintendo will be able to sidestep this battle altogether. This battle is for videogame dominance. However this may not be the case.
You see Nintendo's whole strategy has been to deliver a system that Revolutionizes the industry. Something that changes the very substance of gaming. They have done that as the video below will show you what the Revolution is capable of. I am not hiding from you where it came from. I am not saying it is the Revolution. What I am saying is this is one key feature the Revolution has.
However even this video leaves some questions unanswered. For those questions we will engage them at a later time.
Nintendo is planning on releasing an augmented reality system in 2006. This new console offers something for the first time on the level of a Holodeck found in Star Trek. Believe it or not it is actually much cheaper to produce a system like this than it is a full-fledged Virtual Reality system.
The possibilities are endless. However a few key questions remain. For one how many third parties have the inhouse development to cater to such an endeavor? Not to many. This is a problem because only high end third parties will be able to advantage of this technology. However there is a flipside to this as well. The Revolution is easy to design for if you want to use its technology on a normal television. There is a problem though. It is underpowered when compared to the Xbox 360. It uses a Dual Core processor.
The bonus though is that it has a dedicated physics chip. The problem with this is do game designers truly know how to take advantage of it? The system in its entirety seems very capable of causing a gaming Revolution or possibly falling flat on its face. On one you have this amazing new feature. On the flipside it may not deliver as much for the traditional gamer on a TV. The Xbox 360 will easily blow it away on a television.
If the Nintendo Revolution came out this year no doubt it would take over the market. However it is not. Furthermore it is also going to miss the deadline in which I gave as the absolute no later than date for release. That date was in March of 2006.
The problem is the Revolution may not come out to May of 2006 as the earliest. There is even rumors this may get pushed back. The system is going to launch from somewhere between 199-249. However by the time it is released it is not necessarily going to be the best deal for your money.
Why is that you ask?
Well two competitors that are copying Nintendo. One is Sony with is PS3. Nintendo made the stupid decision to show off its innovative controller well in advance of the consoles launch. Now Sony is copying some of its innovative features and is going to implement them in the PS3 controller. That is why you see concept written all over every PS3 boomerang you see. When the PS3 controller is finally unveiled expect it to be almost identical to the Shell shown on IGN.
You will be able to turn it for racing games and tilt it in midair to control the action onscreen. Without a doubt this will be a feature.
Nintendo is losing a major technological edge with this because gamers may be inclined to play traditional games with these new unique features. Furthermore gamers may stray away from the Revolution Holodeck experience because it is to foreign to them.
One problem with the Revolution is that the Holodeck experience is only available to those playing the games and wearing the headpiece. The headpiece enables the augmented reality that the Revolution creates. Kind of stinks for your friends who can watch but see nothing.
Also I dont know how this will work for people who have glasses.
The Next big hit that the Revolution is going to face is that from Microsoft. Microsoft is also working on an augmented reality system. This is to be a peripheral for the Xbox 360. The main reason for this is that in case the Revolution takes off Microsoft wont be far behind with there own version.
Microsoft is tentatively developing this product for a potential rollout in 2007 if needed.
By the time the Revolution is released the Xbox 36o will have its first major price drop. Approximately down to 199 for the core and 299 for the premium. If the Revolution begins to take off in late 2006 than Microsoft will unleash Halo with this new technology.
This is if it is needed. Microsoft is building an early lead and has actually already hit the Million unit mark in sales. They will easily hit 10 million units by the time the Revolution is released. This is without question.
Bill Gates stated that in 2007 will be when it is determined who will win the next generation war. That is because the PS3 will be out as well as the Revolution. If Bill needs to he will simply add this innovative accessory that will be found on the Revolution in some fashion with Halo for the Xbox 360. My sources tell me that this may be how Halo is played anyway.
Basically because Nintendo has been dragging their feet they are enabling their competitors to once again take their innovative ideas and put them to use before Nintendo launches their own product.
Let me ask you this. If you spend your money with an Xbox 360 and then see something cool on another system you may take a look at it. Correct? However if the company you are with simply states that they too will release an accessory to cater to that user then why would you leave? You wouldnt.
Bottom line is that Sony is already copying the technology used in the Revolution Controller. This is a fact.
Microsoft is virtually guaranteed number one spot as long as they continue to produce enough systems to meet demand. Many in the industry have already leaked as to what Nintendo is planning on doing. Microsoft is already in deep development with their own augmented reality accessory (As a contigency plan)
Nintendo needs to release sooner rather than later if they truly want to stand a chance. If they delay for late 2006 it wont matter. Microsoft will simply go oh yeah we have that too take a look and then they will show their own prototype for a 2007 launch. The 10 Million to possibly as many as 20 million users by late 06 will not even consider the Revolution. Why would you?
So you gamers want to know what it is like to play the Revolution?
This is the closest video that you will see for the near future that demonstrates the Revolution. Be careful for what you wish for. You may be disappointed. My question to you is do you really want to know?
If so, is this truly how you want to play your games? This is breaking from tradition and is something entirely different.
The one thing I would like to say before you watch the video is that you can actually create a complete holodeck like experience with this technology. It is not limited to just characters in a room. You can create worlds.
However this may not be how you want to play all the time.
R u sure you want to see this?
Here you go.',375,301);">