From U.S. Patent filed on July 21, 2004
This rumor centers on new technologies that would change the way a gamer actually watches a game. To start, here's a brief intro: a fixation point is whatever a gamer stares at most of the time when playing a game. Thing is, most games feature several of these fixation points, so developers have needed to devise methods of including every object on screen at all times. When this wasn't possible, the display needed to shift and prioritize objects according to the action. Developers accomplished this by zooming the image up or down, to help gamers re-focus their attention. Just look at any number of sports games. The camera invariably follows the soccer ball, baseball or football. The document argues that the constant change in perspective makes playing games tougher than it should.
The patent describes a technology that would prevent a fixation point from moving and prevent the display area from changing in size. Regardless of where a player sits, he (or she) would command a deep view of the happenings on screen. This would also carry over into multiplayer gaming, where multiple players would normally require multiple fixation points. The new set of technologies would eliminate the strain associated with split-screen gaming. In summary, this would all make for excellent game sessions thanks to unparalleled view of the display. Changing the way a gamer watches the action unfold on-screen would be somewhat revolutionary, but again, it's too early to tell exactly how Nintendo plans on using the tech described in the patent. Unless, of course, they already have to some degree...
But that didn't stop anyone from speculating. Once again, rumors seeped into websites and forums. The conjecture pointed at everything from holographic imaging to new methods of image processing where a developer could create hyper realistic vistas at a fraction of the current processing cost. The latter of which alleviates concerns over the rumors that the Revolution will lack the raw processing power of both the PS3 and Xbox 2. If Nintendo has found a way to render realistic imaging at a relatively low processing cost, then it really doesn't matter that the Revolution will lack some of the punch of competing consoles. What matters is that it will stand on equal footing from a graphics stand point. Furthermore, the technologies developed to nix the forever-changing "fixation points" problem will only reinforce the new rendering methods...or so go the rumors."
Anyone remember this one. Im pretty sure Ninty actually said something about fixation points and how they would use them.
Dann (die Texte hier hängen zusammen)
yeah, your talking about a new way to view 2d in 3d (not cube maps) This new technology suposedly makes images appear outside of the screen litterally without the need for 3d glasses. George lucas is re-releasing the whole star wars trilogy using this technology on DVD's again. They had a big conference with the director of spy kids 3d, Sin City, george lucas, peter jackson and other well known directors. They all will be supporting this new technology by 2007. At the end of the conference the director of Sin city told a journalist that this new way of viewing movies is amazing, he then went on to say that you will not see this new 3d technology apear in movies first, he said a well known video game maker got the jump on hollywood and will be using it in its upcoming console in 2006.
I forgot all about this until now. This was on regular news sites, not gaming sites like or ign, Maybe that company he's talking about is Nintendo and thats why they're not showing revolution games yet, because thats probably an easier technology to copy than the controller. Iwata did state back at E3 that when you see how the games look you will me amazed, so they can't just look like updated gamecube games since that wont amaze anyone and seeing that the controller can really manipulate objects on screen, to have certain objects appear to pop out fits the controller greatly.
This would be a great thing to have and it will actually outshine Ps3 graphics. picture driving a car and you side swipe a guard rail and it looks like sparks fly out of your tv from the side of your car or Smoke in a game looks like smoke infront of your tv. This technology is real and its real that a certain videogame maker will be usings this technology according to the guy who made sin city. Of course he could have been commenting on a rumor he heard because how in the hell would he know what nintendo was doing almost a year ago when this story came out? Either Nintendo has this technology and are waiting for E306, The Sin City directors passing off rumors that he heard, or some cpu game company will make a game with this technology for the cpu. Either way the thought of this new form of 3d really sounded cool back when i read it. I wish i had the link.
Actually, this makes a ALOT of sence, since the Revolutions chipsets are nicknamed Hollywood and Broadway...
From IGN: