According to a recent Revolution Report poll, our readers indicated that they would like to see the Resident Evil and Final Fantasy franchises on Nintendo's next-generation console, code-named Nintendo Revolution. The votes were among nine franchise options, as well as an option if none of the above were worthwhile.
Capcom's Resident Evil series received 33% of the votes. The Resident Evil series has made appearances on both consoles and portable systems, including the recent release on the Nintendo DS. Capcom also plans to release their next Resident Evil game, Resident Evil 5, on the Xbox 360.
In January, Jeux-France spoke with Minoru Nakai, producer for the Resident Evil remake on the Nintendo DS. While Nakai said they are planning a game, (rough translation provided) "it would be perhaps more judicious to develop a game other than Resident Evil on Nintendo Revolution, before attacking this series, and this, to familiarize myself more with this new concept, in order to better benefit from the potential of the [controller] thereafter."
The Final Fantasy franchise made second place with 24%. Square-Enix has pledged support for all three next-generation consoles, including a new iteration of Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles for Revolution. No official information regarding this project has been unveiled since E3 2005.
The option for Final Fantasy did not specify whether or not this meant the Crystal Chronicles series, the traditional turn-based format, or the recent online version. This may or may not have skewed the results of the poll.
The full results of the poll can be seen below.
Which third-party franchise do you most want on Revolution?