Revolution - Diskussionsforum 2

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Rastafari schrieb:
Nintendo's next generation video game machine won't be out until 2006, but Reggie Fils-Aime, executive vice president of sales and marketing for Nintendo of America hinted this week the company might have a surprise up its sleeve.

Was will er uns damit sagen :-? Was ist für ihn ne überraschung??

Ich denke n bissl was neues nix zur grafik nix zu den specs eher neue controller geschichen
FearMyThoughts schrieb:
Warscheinlich aber nix großes. (denk ich mir)

evtl. nur der endgültige name oder neue farben.

oder aber ms hat nintendo gekauft ;)

Nicht ernst nehmen das mit ms. :D

Ein neuer Name oder eine Farbe wäre keine Überraschung IMO
Rastafari schrieb:
Nintendo's next generation video game machine won't be out until 2006, but Reggie Fils-Aime, executive vice president of sales and marketing for Nintendo of America hinted this week the company might have a surprise up its sleeve.

Was will er uns damit sagen :-? Was ist für ihn ne überraschung??


was heißt up its sleeve?
Rastafari schrieb:
Nintendo's next generation video game machine won't be out until 2006, but Reggie Fils-Aime, executive vice president of sales and marketing for Nintendo of America hinted this week the company might have a surprise up its sleeve.

Naja, das 'this week' kann sich auch darauf beziehen, dass Reggie diese woche einen Hinweis gegeben hat. Also, dass Reggie diese Woche gesagt hat, dass Nintendo eine Überraschung haben wird. Ode res kann heißen: Reggie hat gesagt, dass Nintendo diese Woche eine Überraschung aus dem Ärmel zieht.

junkiexxl schrieb:
Kann nur ein Fake sein. Nintendo zieht nur aus der Innentasche, nicht aus dem Ärmel ;)

hrhr ich glaube das war die schlimmste aktion :) jeder denkt jetzt kommt was vom revo und da der GBM :o :oops:
Ich wollte mal fragen, wie der Revo denn bei euren Freunden angekommen ist?
Also bei mir sind alle begeistert und fragen mich wöchentlich, wann er denn rauskommen wird... :lol:
Habt ihr schon das neuste Interview mit dem Revo-Kritiker Mark Rhein (Epic Games) auf Eurogamer gelesen.Jetzt spricht er aber ganz anders über den NINTENDO REVOLUTION. :D
Und hier nochmal, wird ja immer wie lächerlicher. Warscheinlich war Reggie zu Besuch bei ihm... :lol: :D :

So it's a no to handhelds, and a yes to PS3... But (deep breath) is there any chance of Epic ever making a Nintendo game? After all, at an IGN event recently Rein did suggest that the Revolution controller would inspire developers to produce "gimmicky, crappy, cheap, I-wish-I-hadn't-bought-it games"...

"I actually said Nintendo's going to make amazing games. I never really passed a judgement on the controller itself. I think the controller's cool!" Mark says.

"I wasn't bashing Nintendo, I wasn't bashing the controller, I was really just saying that a byproduct of having a device like this is that people are going to make games that possibly are just there because of the controller, as opposed to being great games of themselves, and I said it badly... I regret that."

There will be plenty of great titles that make use of the controller, too, Rein adds. "Nintendo and some of the best third parties are going to make amazing games for it."

We mention a recent interview Eurogamer did with Nintendo's Jim Merrick, where we asked him what he thought of Rein's comments.

"You know, I read your article and I called him up right afterward," Rein says. "We had a long, very good chat."

So he wasn't, shall we say, a bit cross? "Didn't seem to be!"

And what about Merrick's suggestion that Rein get a Revolution dev kit for himself so he can see exactly what the machine can do?

"I told him we've absolutely love to take him up on that."

That doesn't mean Epic has signed up to develop for Revolution, but it's certainly something worth looking into, says Rein.

"I think Unreal Engine 3 and Nintendo Revolution would be very well suited to each other.

"We don't know right now what the machine's capable of or not capable of, and we've built Unreal Engine 3 to a certain specification. If the machine can run the engine, it'd be fantastic to have it on there."

was ist daran so lustig?

mich wirds imo sogar sehr interessieren ob die engine auf ihr laeuft^^

diese "wiedergut" machung wird auch einigen *hust* naja egal^^
Es ist doch lustig zuzusehen, wei er versucht alles wieder gutzumachen, nachdem er so rumgebasht hat...

Süss :blushed: ...
domidomek schrieb:
Es ist doch lustig zuzusehen, wei er versucht alles wieder gutzumachen, nachdem er so rumgebasht hat...

Süss :blushed: ...

rumgebasht? naja das bezog sich auf eine aussage^^ und die wiedergut machung besagt das sie nicht als solche gedacht war^^
domidomek schrieb:
Und hier nochmal, wird ja immer wie lächerlicher. Warscheinlich war Reggie zu Besuch bei ihm... :lol: :D :

So it's a no to handhelds, and a yes to PS3... But (deep breath) is there any chance of Epic ever making a Nintendo game? After all, at an IGN event recently Rein did suggest that the Revolution controller would inspire developers to produce "gimmicky, crappy, cheap, I-wish-I-hadn't-bought-it games"...

"I actually said Nintendo's going to make amazing games. I never really passed a judgement on the controller itself. I think the controller's cool!" Mark says.

"I wasn't bashing Nintendo, I wasn't bashing the controller, I was really just saying that a byproduct of having a device like this is that people are going to make games that possibly are just there because of the controller, as opposed to being great games of themselves, and I said it badly... I regret that."

There will be plenty of great titles that make use of the controller, too, Rein adds. "Nintendo and some of the best third parties are going to make amazing games for it."

We mention a recent interview Eurogamer did with Nintendo's Jim Merrick, where we asked him what he thought of Rein's comments.

"You know, I read your article and I called him up right afterward," Rein says. "We had a long, very good chat."

So he wasn't, shall we say, a bit cross? "Didn't seem to be!"

And what about Merrick's suggestion that Rein get a Revolution dev kit for himself so he can see exactly what the machine can do?

"I told him we've absolutely love to take him up on that."

That doesn't mean Epic has signed up to develop for Revolution, but it's certainly something worth looking into, says Rein.

"I think Unreal Engine 3 and Nintendo Revolution would be very well suited to each other.

"We don't know right now what the machine's capable of or not capable of, and we've built Unreal Engine 3 to a certain specification. If the machine can run the engine, it'd be fantastic to have it on there."


Der Typ weiß selber nicht, was er sagen soll :lol: ... Anscheinend hat Billy-Boy diesmal nicht so gut gezahlt :lol: ...
Ich würd mich auch lieber zu versuchen irgendwie rechtzufertigen , da er sonst alle Nintendojünger (mich eingeschlossen) weltweit verärgert....

Aber schon dumm so nen Mist zu labern wenn man noch gar kein Dev Kit hat und nix über die Konsole weis.
wahrscheinlich aht jim merrick sein angebot wahr gemacht und mark durfte probezocken ;)
wenn dem so wäre, dann wüssten wir jetzt das eine stunde revo zoggn selbst den schlimmsten basher umstimmen kann ;)

hier noch ein leckerlie für ness und herfoor!
also ich find auf einmal, dass alle epicspiele echt super sind, und das mark rein der beste typ der welt ist!!! (hab ich das klischeeeeeeeee vom nintendo fanboy erfüllt???)
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