PS5/XSeries/PC Resident Evil Village (VIII)

Das neue Resi sieht schon mega nice aus. Aber ich hätte lieber ein neues Third Person Resi ehrlich gesagt. Freue mich trotzdem drauf! :nyaok:
Die Zeitsprünge, machen einen guten Eindruck und sorgen für Abwechslung! Der Kronleuchter Saal, ist doch ein schräger Eingang vom Haus im Erstenteil ?
Ein ResetEra mod zum Spiel:

I'm super excited! (and finally can log-in to my account again so I can express that).

There's so much I want to say, but I'm going to try to summarize a bit of what I've been tweeting recently here for the thread.

-This game was pitched as RE8 originally, but got shifted to a sideline game, but it turned out excellent and internal testers & people within the company realized they had something really special here, so they turned it back into a mainline title. The game is fully playable (and has been for a few months), but they've been overhauling the graphics (still a work-in-progress), focus testing and collecting feedback from RE fans with the ambassador test to make it the best it can be. It's a very interesting thing.

-The trailer 100% includes footage of older builds of the game, placeholders (from the older version of the game that hasn't been overhauled yet), etc, it was a very "not final" trailer.

-I've personally heard this game will be longer than RE7/RE2/RE3. I don't know by how much, but part of what they wanted to do with this game's direction is what many suspect (RE7 meets RE4 with its own stronger gothic flavor and what I hear is actually a interesting original story). They wanted to respond to most of RE7's criticisms, which includes enemy variety, more exploration and segments like the Baker House, and a better last third and a bit more meat to the game. The trailer here actually showed very little of the game, they purposefully avoided showing a LOT.

-All the spoilers floating around the internet currently about the deeper story are fake. The game was never third-person in development (it was always first-person), the girls name is not Emily and she's not looking for her father, the details in the supposed bigger leaks are bullshit, so you can know the game isn't actually spoiled for anyone right now.

I know there's a lot more I want to say, but how I'll start off. I'm 100% on-board with this direction and feel this game nailed the aesthetic they're going for!
Konami hat doch sowieso gar nicht mehr die Manpower, um einen Triple A Titel auf die kommenden Konsolen zu bringen. Mal abgesehen von Silent Hill: Wie geil wäre ein modernes Castlevania, das sich einfach bei Bloodborne bedient und es erweitert um ein paar Sprungpassagen?

Trailer zu Resi 8 fand ich in Ordnung, mich juckt halt die Lore überhaupt nicht, völlig egal, ob da nun Leon, Jill, Wecker oder Chris auftauchen, ich will einfach nur ein gutes Spiel.
Uh das wäre sehr geil :D :banderas:

Mal mit Vorsicht geniessen da Gerücht, ich würds mir aber wünschen.n

muß einfach wieder in vr funzen :D

und wird sicher noch geiler als resi7 vr dank jeder menge downsampling mit ps5 power.
nachladende texturen sollten mit der ssd platte auch nicht mehr vorkommen.
Sind schon interessante Fragen die da einem gestellt werden. Zum Beispiel, ob man eine Demo haben möchte. Hab grad mal fix daran teilgenommen :)
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