Im folgenden Video siehst du, wie du consolewars als Web-App auf dem Startbildschirm deines Smartphones installieren kannst.
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- The control feel that is unchanged from Resident Evil 5 and the beautiful graphics are high quality for a portable machine.
You'll get addicted to score attack and strengthening your skills.
The ability to move while aiming your gun is a plus. Once you get used to having to press a button, it becomes useful in a variety of ways.
-Cooperative play is exciting.
-Until you get used to the narrow field of view, it can be difficult. However, once you do get used to it, the field of view can create a sense of tension and fear.
-There's strategy in character selection, and in using objects and terrain.
The magazine says clearing the game with one character takes 8 hours. Clearing the game with all characters takes over 80 hours.
Was meinen die mit "clearing the game"?
Hat das Spiel eigentlich einen Online Coop?
Jup, 2 Player Online Coop.
Ist der VS-Mode auch am Start oder wurde der gestrichen?