L09: Professional
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- 3 Feb 2008
- Beiträge
- 1.096
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btw. neues SPRG für die PSP, man so langsam reicht es doch mit den vielen SRPGs

Card Based SRPG Cardinal Arc Announced For US:
Neverland Card Battles
PSP continues to get strategy loves with Cardinal Arc Portable being confirmed for NA as Neverland Card Battles. We first heard about the title, which is a port of the PS2 game, from a Play-Asia listing that put the Japanese release at September 25th. In the game, which is set in the world of Generation of Chaos and Spectral Souls, players take on the role of Galahad who must defeat evil god Hellgaia to keep Neverland safe. During battles, players use their summoning cards with various abilities and spells to defeat the enemys leader and expand their territories. New elements to PSP include new opening movie, 2-player ad hoc battle and 16:9 wide screen support. The game is quite popular in Japan and strategy fans like me will now has this and Yggdra Union: Well Never Fight Alone, which will come out a month early in September, to look forward to.
Generation of Chaos war purer Crap, aber Spectral Souls war bis auf die Ladezeiten schon ganz nett. Mal sehen wie es wird