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so siehts am TV aus ;)






















bilder sind abfotografiert und nicht von mir! danke an die 2 user hier am board!
Danke nochmals. Sieht doch sehr ordentlich aus. Mein Fernseher hat etwa die gleiche Größe. Wollte mir das Kable zusammen mit Tales of Eternia oder Power Stone holen. Muss mich noch entscheiden.
Hmm, klar dass 2D games mit Sprites gut aussehen, das tun auch snes games auf nem HDTV, trotz noch geringerer auflösung. ;-)
Interessant wären mal games wie FFVII:CC, GoW oder GTA:VCS auf nem TV.
Zu langes Warten auf die EU-Version, ladet Euch einfach das entsprechende Torrent runter! :goodwork:

Nicht von mir, sondern von keinen geringeren als David Reeves himself!

We are a PAL market and we are going to do it in PAL and we are going to do [localisation] properly, you can wait for it and you can have it in good quality, you know you can get the stuff from Bittorrent if you want to and download PSP games, it's up to you.
na wenn sogar er es sagt dann ist die botschaft das sich alle die games nur runterladen wohl schon angekommen... vielleicht tut man nun auch etwas dagegen?!

ich glaubs nicht...
PSP Comeback?

Sony Plans PSP Comeback In America, Recovering From System’s Low Point
5 Comments | Posted by Patrick Klepek on 8/1/08 at 8:47 am.

There was barely a word about the PSP at E3 2008.

Sony revealed several new products for the portable at their press conference, but third-parties were mum on their support. At E3, I sat down with John Koller, Sony’s director of hardware marketing, about the state of the PSP in 2008.

What’s coming over the next 12 months? Why aren’t third-parties talking? Sony explains…

“Where we are today is the result of a development cycle from 18 months ago,” said Koller. “18 months ago PSP hardware wasn’t doing quite as well in terms of sales. Since then, it’s taken off. We’ve been talking to a lot of developers and really trying to change their thinking about how PSP is doing and they’ve realized it from what they’ve seen at retail.” This isn’t just hype. PSP has been the best-selling system in Japan for months, outselling the Wii, DS and PS3. This is a big change from 18 months ago when DS was still dominant. Credit is given to the introduction of the slim PSP late last year and the continued success of Capcom’s “Monster Hunter” series on Sony’s handheld.

Koller was surprisingly frank about Sony’s efforts to reach out to third-parties, but said it requires a little rethinking on how to approach the platform. “[We've told developers to think about] how they create the games,” he said. “Because the games they were creating were mostly ports and a lot of consumers were playing it at home and saying ‘well, I could play it on a screen like this or I could play it on a smaller screen.’ We don’t want to have that competition.”

As for when these new games will be revealed, Koller couldn’t say. He anticipates the next wave of PSP announcements will come before next year’s E3, but asked for fans to be patient. He did, however, tease what to expect from the games themselves. Koller pointed to “Resistance: Retribution” as an example of Sony’s first-party strategy, and said to expect similar levels of support from large third-party franchises, as well.

“Going towards the end of the year and going into 09 and beyond, we’re going to see a lot of very large franchise games come from third-parties,” he said. “They’re going to be a bit of a surprise, they’re going to be like ‘Wow, that’s coming to PSP?’”

Sony declared 2007 the year of the PSP. 2008 has been pegged as the year of the PS3. But the PSP isn’t going anywhere, said Koller, and their mandate for 2008 is to continue encouraging the development of franchise games for the platform that aren’t ports, highlighting the large, high-resolution screen on the device and diversifying the delivery of PSP’s content, whether it comes via UMD or through Sony’s online store.

In early 2009, however, Sony will roll out GPS functionality for PSP. Koller told me Sony will be at the forefront of creating game applications for that, though he didn’t talk about which games yet. But with so much multimedia functionality, are games getting left behind? Koller said it’s still their focus.

“It [PSP] has to be rooted in games,” he said. “We start every discussion with “What are the great games that are coming? Are there franchise-type games coming that are not ports to PSP?” We spread from there.”

With “Crisis Core” and “God of War” already out, much of PSP’s high-profile franchise titles have already hit. Readers, how do you feel about the state of the PSP in 2008 and what’re you looking forward to this year?
FF V & FF VI gehören schon dem DS ^^
ich hoffe aber sehr das gute PSP games angekündigt werden, Sony und 1 UP haben ja viel bullshit gelabert, von wegen die nächste Welle an games wird viele überraschen, klar..ein halbes jahr ist nun rum und es wurde nur Resistance angekündigt. :rolleyes:
Naja warten wir mal 2008 ab...
FF V & FF VI gehören schon dem DS ^^
ich hoffe aber sehr das gute PSP games angekündigt werden, Sony und 1 UP haben ja viel bullshit gelabert, von wegen die nächste Welle an games wird viele überraschen, klar..ein halbes jahr ist nun rum und es wurde nur Resistance angekündigt. :rolleyes:
Naja warten wir mal 2008 ab...

Hehe...gut das PE3 und FF XIII Agito angekündigt wurden ^^

Echochrome team working on new puzzler, not sequel

When echochrome debuted earlier this year, it was praised for its innovative use of perspective. Players had to manipulate their perspective to guide the on-screen avatar to various echoes. The Escher-inspired game quickly became a fan-favorite hit. However, don't expect a sequel to this celebrated game. Producer Tatsuya Suzuki and Kyushu University's Jun Fujiki from Japan Studios told the Develop audience "we're not doing a sequel - we're not doing echochrome 2".

Instead, Fujiki is working with Japan Studio on an entirely different game that uses yet another method of "trick imagery." What does that mean? We're not entirely certain, but considering the incredible fascination we have with echocrhome, we can't wait to see what surprises they'll have in store for us.

Das Japan Studio ist echt genial und richtig kreativ. Erst Loco Roco, dann Patapon, dann Echocrome und jetzt wieder etwas neues innovatives :o
naja gut das die PSP keine konkurrenz hat (also ein handheld was wirklich genau den selben marktsektor anspricht wie bei ps360) sonst würds sicher noch um einiges schlechter aussehen!
Square-Enix Station Portable ;)

Von 6 Spielen die mich für die PSP noch interessieren sind 4 von SE

Scheint der Erfolg der PSP in Japan ja doch noch was gebracht zu haben
Square-Enix Station Portable ;)

Von 6 Spielen die mich für die PSP noch interessieren sind 4 von SE

Scheint der Erfolg der PSP in Japan ja doch noch was gebracht zu haben

Verkaufszahlen wieder wichtig :ugly:

Habt ihr eigentlich gemerkt:

Sony Plans PSP Comeback In America

Q: What about PSP comeback in Europe ?

Reeves: "Who cares, just download US versions via Bittorrent"

Monster Hunter Statton digitiert zur Square Enix Station.

Sony am :happy3:
lol, nerd .. (spass) ;)
finds ma echt schön, dass ich wieder nen grund hab, meine psp auszugraben.
war bei nem kumpel und hab ratched und clank angezockt, sieht auch sehr fein aus.. jetzt noch die ganzen se ankündigungen.. nice
Patapon 2, Loco Roco 2, Resistance, GT Portable, FF13 Agito, PE 3, FF Disidia, KH usw.

imo wird die PSP noch lange für Hits sorgen und sich weiterhin blendend verkaufen.
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