Executer2K4 schrieb:
Keine TEch Specs.. Armselig!
· What are the PS3 specifications?
Currently there has been no official statement as to what the PS3 specifications are. However Sony Computer Entertainment International filed a patent with the US patent office detailing the Cell Architecture to be used in the next generation playstation (Playstation 3). This patent has detailed the specifications of what was entitled the "preferred embodiment" which throughout the patent had heavy references to the PlayStation 3.
The specs out lined in the "preferred embodiment"- read PS3 - called for 1 trillion floating point calculations per second.
Outlined herein are the specifications for the "preferred embodiment" as detailed in the Cell Patent. Remember that these specifications have yet to be confirmed by Sony nor are they likely to be final. However the specs of the PS3 will un-doubtly be very close, if not more advanced, than the following.
Playstation 3 System Specifications:
PE (Processing Element) Features and General Specifications
* 8 Identical Attached Processing Unit (APU): ??? bits, Single Instruction, Multiple Data (SIMD)
* Clock Frequency: 4GHz
* Integer Unit: 4 X Integer Units: 32 billion operations per second (32 GOPS).
* 4 X Floating Point Units: 32 billion floating point operations per second (32 GFLOPS)
* Multimedia extended instructions: unKnown
* Register Capacity: 128 times 128 bits
* TLB: unknown
* Instruction Cache: unknown
* Data Cache: unknown
* Scratch Pad RAM: unknown
* Local Memory / Storage or (LS) per APU: 128 kilobytes SRAM
* Main Memory: Main Memory: 64-bit XDR-RAM at 6.4GHz.
* Memory Bandwidth: (dual-channel = 102.4 GB/s)
* DMA: 1 channel per APU
* Direct Memory to APU Access: 1,024 bits wide per channel. (8 Channels)
* LS to Register: 256bits
* Registers to Floating Point or Integer Units: 384 bits per channel
* Floating Point or Integer Units to Register: 128 bits per channel
* Geometry:
o Perspective Transformation: unknown
o Lighting: unknown
o Fog: unknown
* Curved Surface Generation (Bezier): unknown
* Image Processing Unit: unknown
* Image Processing Performance: unknown
* Gate Width: 0.10 micron
* VDD Voltage: unknown
* Power Consumption: unknown
* Metal Layers: unknown
* Total Transistors: unknown
* Silicon Process Technology: Silicon on Insulator (SOI)
* Die Size: unknown
* Package: unknown
Graphics Subsystem - Features and General Specifications:
* Core: unknown
* Clock Frequency: unknown
* No. of Pixel Engines: unknown
* Embedded DRAM: unknown
* Total Memory Bandwidth: unknown
* Combined Internal Data Bus Bandwidth: unKnown
* Read: unknown
* Write: unknown
* Texture: unknown
* Display Color Depth: unknown
* Z Buffering: unknown
* Rendering Functions: unknown
Rendering Performance
* Pixel Fill Rate: 16 G/Sec
* Particle Drawing Rate: unknown
* Polygon Drawing Rate: unknown
* Sprite Drawing Rate: unknown
* Display Output
* Digital TV (DTV)
* VESA (maximum 1280 x 1024 pixels)
* High Defenition TV (HDTV)
* Max Resolution: ~2560 x 1920
* Silicon Process Technology: unknown
* Total Number of Transistors: unknown
* Die Size: unknown
* Package Type: unknown
Disc Device
* CD-ROM unKnown speed
* DVD-ROM unKnown speed
* Can play DVD movies
Change Log
Update 12-22-2003: Per the advice of Craig Steffen a reference to the theoretical position of the PS3 in Top500 computer ranking schema was removed due to lack of relevance. In more detail; the PS3, is likely to compute single precision algorithms and not double, which all the computers of the Top500 are tested on. For more on this, see:
http://www.netlib.org/utk/people/JackDongarra/faq-linpack.html - Thanks to Craig Steffen for this update.
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· Will the PS3 have a modem so we can use Dial-up for online play?
Yes. The PS3 will likely have a built in Ethernet modem to facilitate connectivity to a broadband internet modem. It is not likely to have a built in dial-up modem. However third party companies (MadCatz, etc.) are likely to sell dial-up modems for games that support said connectivity. It is important to remember that most games will not offer dail-up functionality in their games during the time-frame in which the PS3 will be released.
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· Will the PS3 use the PS2 Dual Shock controllers?
It is currently unknown what controllers the PS3 will use. Whether or not you can use your current Dual Shock controllers or other controllers purchased from another company is unknown. For what it's worth, we can't imagine Sony changing the controllers or the controller ports much from the current design.
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· Will the PS3 have a HDD?
From the information we have, yes the PS3 will have a hard drive and there is a good chance it will come standard with the console. As for the storage size of the HDD, that is yet to be determined.
Quelle: Ps3insider.com
Na ja armselig finde ich es eher gegen eine Konsole zu bashen die es noch nicht mal gibt. Denk mal drüber nach