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3DS Pokémon Ultra Sonne/Ultra Mond


Ein paar weitere Infos zu den Games:

- After completing work on Sun & Moon, the staff felt that there was still more they could do in the Alola region.

- The reason they’re releasing Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon is to offer players some variety before the current image they get stuck with the same image of Alola.

- The story isn’t a “sequel.” It’s a “story that has a little divergence” from Sun and Moon.

- On top of a different main story from Sun & Moon, there’s an additional new episode after entering the Hall of Fame. Game Freak teases that those who are looking at it as what Platinum was to Diamond and Pearl, can expect an even more ultra huge change coming.

- Pokémon will be much easier to collect and train compared to Sun and Moon.

- If we put it simply as far as story volume goes, the addition of Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon should about double the current story volume for the Sun & Moon generation.
Es soll also die aktuelle Menge an Story in der 7. Gen. verdoppeln?

Nehme S/M Story, schreibe hier und da was um, pack Necrozma rein, Fusion mit Cover Legis damit man zwei Editionen verkaufen kann, ein paar neue Charaktere, neue Ultrabestien und zu guter letzt noch ne deutlich ausgebaute "Andere Welt" Quest (aller Platin).

Und schon hast du die doppelte Menge an Story in der 7. Gen!^^

Naja ich hab ja von Anfang an kein S2/W2 sondern eine Spezialedition aller Platin erwartet von daher bin ich zufrieden und werde es mir wohl auch holen.
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