PS3 To Support LocationFree TV?
READ MORE: Gossip, PS3, PSP, locationfree tv
This may be old news, but if it is I completely missed it the first time around. In the latest issue of PSM, a reader writes in to ask about the Playstation Portables LocationFree TV support and whether it can be used with the Playstation 3.
Back at E3 during the unveiling, Sony announced that the PS3 would be able to stream multimedia content to the PSP. PSM is saying that theyve talked to developers who say that it will be done through LocationFree TV. In other words, dont buy a $300 LocationFree TV base station if you plan on purchasing a PS3, it will be a waste of money.
This explains why Sony has been so disinterested in talking up the PSPs TV-streaming capabilities. When I talked to the official Playstation folk, they told me to talk to the consumer electronics folk, who roundly dismissed me. Im assuming they dont want to officially announce the capabilities yet, but also dont want to persuade people into buying unnecessary equipment.