Trotzdem blöd. Was, wenn Du verreckst und einen Spielstand lädst? Dann musst Du Dir ggf eine Cutscene nochmal anschauen - und möglicherweise mehrfach.
da ist der haken bei der sache,du KANNST bei okami einfach nicht verrecken

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Trotzdem blöd. Was, wenn Du verreckst und einen Spielstand lädst? Dann musst Du Dir ggf eine Cutscene nochmal anschauen - und möglicherweise mehrfach.
da ist der haken bei der sache,du KANNST bei okami einfach nicht verrecken![]() was performing double-duty in San Francisco this week with both GDC and Wondercon. While GDC is very much closed off to the gaming community, Wondercon on the other hand offered a perfect opportunity to demonstrate their upcoming software library to the gaming masses.
Okami has had an interesting life, It started as the labor of love from the killed off "Clover" studios, Was loved by the gaming critics at large, some even declaring it game of the year, and yet ignored by the public all around the world. Capcom in America decided that sometimes great games need a second chance before fading into the halls of obscurity and legend. Proposals were made and "Ready at Dawn" studios was given the daunting task of porting over the title to Wii in a very short time, with no input from the original team.
One thing that is noticeable is the graphics of the game. While it is certainly nothing drastic between the two, there is a definite difference. On the Wii, Okami has lost the sort of paper filter that covered the screen on the PS2. While some long for the "effect" I personally think the game benefits more from the removal. The graphics are cleaner, the draw distance looks better, and the colors are more vibrant. I did not notice any framerate hiccups either, so it all looks to be running smoothly.
The controls are really hard to understand, First of all the painting aspect requires the use of the remotes IR functionality. This has, and always will be a major problem at trade shows for the Wii. The IR is constantly interfered with or blocked, and the booth set up had a the TV mounted on a wall slightly above the average persons head and then the IR receiver was placed above the TV. What this means is that standing and pointing straight in front of you is actually pointing at the control description box below the screen. This made pinpoint accuracy with the celestial brush a nightmare and realizing this, I would not judge the painting aspect on this demo at all. The combat system is also strange, you waggle the remote to attack, but it seems that you can only attack once very slowly, it seemed like connecting a hit would enable you to waggle the remote again to attack in succession, otherwise waggling the remote would result in nothing. I am not sure if this is how combat in Okami is supposed to work because I have not played the original. The second problem is there is no lock on button, again not sure if there isn't supposed to be one. If not then that seems to be a huge oversight and step backwards on Clovers part. All of the other actions in the demo seemed to work just fine. from the running, jumping and interacting.
Sadly, Okami seems almost doomed to go unnoticed again by releasing on March 25. 16 days after Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I would certainly hope that those interested in an imaginative take on Japanese folklore with similar gameplay structure to the Zelda series actually go out and buy this game. Port or not, it certainly looks poised to be a good addition to every Wii owners library.
Vor allem spielen die da anscheinend auch die unfertige Previewfassung, da dort steht, dass der Papierfilter net da ist. Dieser wurde aber laut wsippel ja wieder eingebaut.
Hatte ich ausversehen wieder gelöscht. Stammt von der GDC, aber anscheinend ist alles Material zu Okami Wii so nur von der Beta. Bisher soll noch keiner Hand angelegt haben an die finale Wii Version. Ev ist es dann ja anders.Wäre noch nett zu wissen, von welcher Seite das Handson ist^^
Vor allem spielen die da anscheinend auch die unfertige Previewfassung, da dort steht, dass der Papierfilter net da ist. Dieser wurde aber laut wsippel ja wieder eingebaut.
Mal eine blöde Frage, was ist ein Papierfilter ?
Matt Casamassina schrieb:“I know you guys are lovin’ the Okami Wii goodness right now. It’s about to get even better because we’ve got a fresh build coming your way next week. You might have noticed the aspect ratio was a little off. We did too, and the build you’re receiving will display in full 16:9 (no black bars on the sides). Now you’ll get to experience the game the way it was intended to be seen. Your screenshots should look better too.”
Hier sieht man den 16:9-Modus auch in Aktion:
So wie es aussieht, ist der Papier-Filter wohl vielleicht doch nicht drin ... na, wenigstens ist der 16:9-Modus zu 100% drin
-Full widescreen now
-No paper filter likely since they didn't mention that (they meaning Capcom Rep)
Ich hoffe nur, dass man diesmal dieses nervige Geblubbere abschalten kann, wäre imo ein grösserer Fortschritt für das Game als der 16:9 Modus.![]()
Die französischen Kollegen von Jeux-France wollen erfahren haben, dass die Umsetzung des PS2-Klassikers Okami bereits im Juni 2008 in Europa erscheinen soll.
Bisher war man von einem Release im August 2008 bzw. Herbst 2008 ausgegangen. Eine offizielle Bestätigung von Capcom steht jedoch weiterhin aus.
Quelle: Jeux-France
9.0 Presentation
Gorgeous presentation. Slick interface. Fantastic save system -- you can save as many times as necessary. Some annoying loads between overworld and sub-regions.
8.5 Graphics
Beautiful style and a great 3D engine impress. New 480p and 16:9 widescreen modes are fantastic. Subtler paper filter. Still has some framerate dips.
9.0 Sound
Ambient, fitting, amazing. A truly spectacular soundtrack.
9.0 Gameplay
Entertaining, engaging and very fun. Feels like Capcom's very own Zelda-like adventure. The Wii-mote-mapped celestial brush is superb. Fantastic puzzles, satisfying boss fights, and much more.
8.5 Lasting Appeal
It's a huge, epic, 30-plus-hour adventure.
Outstanding OVERALL
(out of 10 / not an average)
Kann mir einer genaueres über das speicher system sagen ?
Na das klingt doch nicht schlecht!
Werde ich mir irgendwann auch noch für die Wii kaufen!