Wii No More Heroes [Wii]

Neues Interview
GameInformer Interview schrieb:
Goichi Suda's Killer7 polarized many in the game community, with some viewing it as a case of stylish presentation masking a bewildering storyline and odd gameplay, while advoctates praising its uncompromising originality. In either case, the game didn't exactly set the GameCube on fire. Now, Suda's Grasshopper Manufacture is getting ready for a Wii release. The game is a departure from most games in the console's lineup, with a heavily stylized look and extreme acts of violence. We talked with Suda about game violence, the Wii's controller and more.

Game Informer:
I’ve heard through the grapevine that you’ve just submitted this game to Nintendo for approval. Is that correct?

Suda: Soon. It’s very soon. We’re just working out a few bugs.

GI: How does it feel to be so close to being finished?

Suda: There are still those bugs to fix, so we’re feeling a little bit anxious.

GI: When we talked last year, you were still trying to figure out exactly how you were going to be using the Wii’s remote functionality. What was the process like figuring out how to make it work?

Suda: In the very, very early stages of the concept, we had in mind that we didn’t want to just shake the controller. I knew that it wouldn’t work well. I knew that having you perform a combo with the button and having the final blow be one swing would be better. I’d heard that a lot of American users actually like shaking in every direction with the Wii’s remote, so I had some doubts at some point, too. I knew that to have a real refreshing and exciting action game you’d need to use the buttons at some point and that using the action to perform the finishing blow would be enough. We tried it both ways and watched people playing, and then I knew that I was right. Everyone was really excited to be playing it the way it was designed. If people had to swing the controller from the beginning to the end, they would get really, really tired.

GI: Did you do a lot of focus testing?

Suda: As I said, we already had the controls in mind and we didn’t really do a lot of focus testing to see if the other way of controlling the game would work.

GI: Did you play Red Steel, and if you did, what did you think of it?

Suda: I want to make new games that players haven’t seen yet. I played Red Steel for some reference, but I didn’t want to make the same game.

GI: There are a lot of issues lately in the United States with violence and video games—with blood and things of that nature. There’s a lot of blood in this game. How do you gauge how much blood and gore you put in your games and how violent you make them?

Suda: First, I didn’t want to make anything that wasn’t necessary for the progress of the story. You see that your character has a beam katana, so when you’re fighting someone, you should see the effects that go with the beam katana. What’s happening with the U.S. and Europe with game violence didn’t really factor into the development of No More Heroes. When we developed the game, I wanted to make it the way I wanted to make it.

GI: Killer7 was also a pretty violent game. It wasn’t just violent, but there was swearing in it—and it was on the GameCube. You’re not holding a lot back. Now a lot of people look at the Wii the same way, like it’s the family system, it’s cute and you can play Wii Sports on it. Did Nintendo say anything about the game, or do you expect any comments about the content when the game enters Nintendo’s evaluation process?

Suda: Actually, I’m not very worried about comments from Nintendo. When it comes to push the system, Nintendo likes to support new, original games—not just games for kids. Inside Nintendo are people who are supporting No More Heroes, as there were people within Nintendo who supported Killer7 on the GameCube. Even though it’s violent, Nintendo needs to support the game because it’s a new title, it’s an original title. It’s something new that you haven’t see so far on the Wii.

GI: You said before that you’re interested in creating new, original games. If this game is successful, would you consider going back and revisiting No More Heroes or making a new Killer7?

Suda: If No More Heroes is a success, we wouldn’t mind working on a sequel. Your readers shouldn’t take that as a sign that we’re certainly going to be making a sequel, though.

GI: What about Killer7? Is that impossible?

Suda: We were just talking to Capcom a little while ago for an event at their booth, and it was good. Maybe if we get closer with Capcom, maybe. There might be a chance if Capcom requested a sequel. It was a revolutionary game, so if we were to work on it we would have to work even harder on another Killer7, because I don’t want to make the same thing again. It would be very, very hard to do.

GI: It’s no secret that you’re friends with Kojima-san, and you’re often seen at Konami events. There are rumors going around that, possibly, after he’s done with Metal Gear Solid 4, the two of you might get together and work on a Snatcher game. Is there anything you can say about that?

Suda: I said during the Kojima Podcast that I’d be working with Kojima and we’d be doing the scenario for Snatcher. Whether it will become a game or not we still don’t know, because in the end it’s up to Kojima-san. He’s a really, really busy man. If there’s any opportunity to work with him on Snatcher, we’d be very happy to do it. I think we’ll be doing something first with Konami, with Kojima acting as producer and I would be director.

GI: When do you think we’ll hear more about this project?

Suda: It’s super secret. [laughs] For me, there are three people in the industry I really respect: Kojima-san, Mikami-san and Eric Chahi, a French guy who made Out of this World. I think if I could work with them it would make a great partnership and I think it would be really easy to work with them.
Woah, ein Projekt S als Spiel zusammen mit Kojima für Konami und daraus resultierendem unglaublichem Budget, das wär's. Wäre für mich #1 was möglich wäre.

Aber nachdem Grasshopper für Tecmo dieses blöde Spiel da machen muss... bäh.
Kann das wohl vergessen, die nächsten zwei Jahre. :(

Suda, ich will No More Heroes und Snatcher mit Kojima. :(
Woah, ein Projekt S als Spiel zusammen mit Kojima für Konami und daraus resultierendem unglaublichem Budget, das wär's. Wäre für mich #1 was möglich wäre.

Aber nachdem Grasshopper für Tecmo dieses blöde Spiel da machen muss... bäh.
Kann das wohl vergessen, die nächsten zwei Jahre. :(

Suda, ich will No More Heroes und Snatcher mit Kojima. :(

1.) Ich glaub kaum das Grasshopper dazu gezwungen wurde ;) :P
2.) Grasshopper hat mehrere Teams :)
Woah, ein Projekt S als Spiel zusammen mit Kojima für Konami und daraus resultierendem unglaublichem Budget, das wär's. Wäre für mich #1 was möglich wäre.

Aber nachdem Grasshopper für Tecmo dieses blöde Spiel da machen muss... bäh.
Kann das wohl vergessen, die nächsten zwei Jahre. :(

Suda, ich will No More Heroes und Snatcher mit Kojima. :(
Was ist das denn für eine Aussage? Es wird genau so ein Spiel entwickelt, was sich hier jeder wünscht und trotzdem ist es nun doch nur ein unwichtiges Projekt? Stattdessen wird sogar einem anderen Projekt nachgetrauert, von dem wir gerade mal den Namen wussten.
japan boxart

Was ist das denn für eine Aussage? Es wird genau so ein Spiel entwickelt, was sich hier jeder wünscht und trotzdem ist es nun doch nur ein unwichtiges Projekt? Stattdessen wird sogar einem anderen Projekt nachgetrauert, von dem wir gerade mal den Namen wussten.

Ich habe mir nie eine Fortsetzung einer, wie ich finde, Crap-Serie von Tecmo gewünscht. Habe ich früher schon nicht vermisst und nicht auf meiner PS2 gespielt, soll ich es jetzt dann spielen, weil es für Wii kommt? :lol:

Und wenn dir Snatcher nichts sagt, heisst das nicht, dass andere das Spiel Snatcher nicht kennen...
Aber das war vor deiner Zeit, ist entschuldigt.
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Ah das ist der "Hypermode". Erinnert mich aber doch stark an Saiyajins aus DB. Sieht aber bei weitem nicht so cool aus wie in DB. Finde es ehrlich gesagt ziemlich hässlich.
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