Wii No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle [MMV x Grasshopper]

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Ich finde toll, dass es eine News zu "NMH2 ist das letzte NMH für Wii" gab, aber keine zu der Klärung, dass NMH trotzdem Nintendo-exklusiv bleibt. Oder zu den neuen Screens. Oder zu sonst irgendwas. :rofl:

Ich hatte es als Newsvorschlag eingesendet -.-
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
ich kenn da nen typen. ein echt guter kerl. hilft leuten die etwas wirr in der birne sind. seine nummer hab ich auch, falls sie jemand braucht :-P

spaß beiseite. NMH1 war ein gutes spiel. aber es hatte seine schwächen und die waren zum teil garnicht klein. aber im gesamtdurchschnitt war das spiel sehr gut und ich habs sogar 2 mal durchgespielt (gibt seit ca 5 jahren nur sehr wenige spiele die ich überhaupt durchspiele. irgendwie ödet mich alles sehr schnell an).
NMH2 kann da sogar nur besser werden. was das betrifft mach ich mir keine sorgen. :-)
Die Grossteil, der diesen Thread besucht, weiss wie du über No More Heroes 2 denkst. Das ganze sarkastisch zu kommentieren macht die Sache nicht besser. Da die Forenbans aufgrund der Forenperformance deaktiviert wurden, möchte ich dir anraten vernünftig zu diskutieren. Sonst kannst du dir schnell ne Verwarnung einhandeln.
Die Grossteil, der diesen Thread besucht, weiss wie du über No More Heroes 2 denkst. Das ganze sarkastisch zu kommentieren macht die Sache nicht besser. Da die Forenbans aufgrund der Forenperformance deaktiviert wurden, möchte ich dir anraten vernünftig zu diskutieren. Sonst kannst du dir schnell ne Verwarnung einhandeln.

lol ....jetzt hab ich aber voll die Angst :rofl3: !!!!! :angst: :-D

Scheiße...was soll ich bloß machen ohne das CW Forum!? ...dann hat mein Leben keinen Sinn mehr :cry2:

..werd ich jetzt gebannt? Ist hier ja noch schlimmer geworden wie in nem Gefängnis...:shakehead:

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Have people been enjoying the demo? Good feedback?

It was shown during PAX and here to journalists who haven't played it, and yeah, we've gotten good feedback.

One issue that people had with the first No More Heroes was the open-world town of Santa Destroy. The general complaint was that there wasn't much to do. What's being done to address that?

I heard all the critiques from users about the open world. You can be sure for No More Heroes 2 that we'll fix it to some extent. But you'll find out later.

Do you think that those critiques were accurate? Is that something you agree with?

I always try to keep my ear open and listen to the users, and if I think that something is wrong with the open world, of course I'm going to fix it for the sequel. Basically, I listened to the user reviews and the fans about this one.

The Classic Controller support would make it easier to port the game to other systems. Did that come into discussion at all?

You're right, but No More Heroes is a Wii title. So even though it's compatible with the Classic Controller, I'd still like you to enjoy it with the Wii Remote because that's how No More Heroes should be played.

How did he lose his rank?

The ranking has been updated, and after the update, Travis ended up being at 51.

Are there 50 bosses?

I've prepared 50 bosses, now, will you fight every one or not? Maybe they'll kill each other. You'll have to play to find out.

Der Rest: http://www.joystiq.com/2009/09/29/tgs-2009-interview-suda-51/

ohman, das Game wird so pervers geil, sowas Außergewöhnliches suche ich auf anderen Konsolen vergebens :D :goodwork:
... Travis ended up being at 51.

so ein spassvogel der gute suda 51 ;D

Ein Glück, dass er nicht Suda 21 heißt, sonst würde es wohl weniger Bossfights geben ;)

Suda - more talk of No More Heroes future with Wii 2, around 10 2d mini-games in NMH: DS, could NMH work on WiiWare, and a tiny horror game tease

A portion of an IGN interview with Suda51...

IGN: Now you talked a bit about Wii in an earlier interview, and mentioned that this would be the last No More Heroes on the system. Is this a franchise you want to take onto another console, or does it mean that if you're finished with NMH on Wii that the series is over as well?

Suda: I still think that No More Heroes and Wii is a good match, and that for the game we need motion controls, and that's why it works so well on Wii. Even if Travis's story is finished with number two, and we decide to make another No More Heroes game within the No More Heroes world or setting I still think that it should be on a Nintendo platform, and more specifically the Wii 2 later down the line. I'm assuming that for the next Wii Nintendo will do more impressive motion controls, and that's what No More Heroes is all about. Right now though we're working on making No More Heroes 2 as strong as can be, so I'm not really thinking about a third game currently.

IGN: Fair enough. Now for the job system, you made the decision to move it all into 2D, and we've already been seeing some great feedback on that. How many of those games are included, and were there any talks about having them in their own challenge mode as well apart from the main game?

Suda: You'll see around 10 2D mini-games in No More Heroes 2, and they'll all be done in the retro 2D, 8-bit style. I thought that'd be a fun way to re-imagine them. If you want to play them though so far you need to actually go to the areas in the story mode, and I'm not sure yet if I'll include them as any separate challenge mode. So far they're contained only in the story mode.

IGN: I saw those and instantly thought about a No More Heroes DS game – 2D hack-n-slash arcade game…

Suda: Oh yes. That could also be done on WiiWare too quite well…

Finally, Suda gives another little tease about the action/horror game he's been working on for quite some time...

Suda: Oh man. I love IGN, so I really want to give you something here… It's an action/horror game, and it'll be very scary… And I guess I can also tell you that the main character has a very cool watch.

Komplettes Interview
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Die wenigen Eindrücke, die man durch die Bilder auf dem Fernseher sammeln kann, finde ich sehr viel interessanter als das ganze Interview, welches leider nichts Neues verrät. ;)
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