PS4/XOne/PC No Man's Sky

Hast du mal versucht, das Spiel ohne die Updates zu starten? Wäre schon ein starkes Stück, wenn das wahr wäre. Was dem Ganzen widerspricht, ist allerdings die Tatsache, dass viele Spieler, die schon vor Release die Disk-Version für Xbox ergattern konnten, das Spiel ohne Downloads starten und spielen konnten. Liegt die enorme Größe des Downloads vielleicht an den 12 Updates, die seit dem Erscheinen von NEXT veröffentlicht wurden? ;)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Box lädt per Default die Patches bei der Installation runter.
Wenn das Paket dem Umfang des Hauptspieles entspricht, kann es schon sein das er im Prinzip alles vom Netz holen muss.

"Schönes" Beispiel aber wie sinnlos Disk in vielen Fällen inzwischen geworden ist.
Hatte längere Pause und jetzt auf der One X mal wieder angeschmissen.Foak,sieht das gut aus.Wird Zeit wieder einzutauchen :)
Wie schon erwähnt, ist heute das nächste große Update erschienen. Die Exocrafts wurden überarbeitet und können jetzt auch mit Modulen ausgestattet werden, die zum Beispiel die Höchstgeschwindigkeit oder den Boost verbessern. Ein brandneues Motorrad-Exocraft ist ebenfalls dabei und es ist einfach nur klasse. Hab es gleich mit jeweils drei S-Klasse-Modulen für Antrieb und Boost ausgestattet und man hat echt das Gefühl, auf einer Rakete auf zwei Rädern unterwegs zu sein. :goodwork:

Die Exocrafts können jetzt auch äußerlich angepasst werden, ähnlich wie bei den Raumanzügen.

Quelle mit Bildern:

October 5, 2018.
Hello Everyone!

We are so excited to finally share the focus of our development efforts over the past few weeks: a large update focused on improving and extending planetary exocraft!

A brand new exocraft is now available to drive across the galaxies: the rugged, fast-moving Pilgrim.

The Geobay for the Pilgrim is available for purchase from the Blueprint Analyser.

The existing exocraft have also been tweaked. Multiplayer racing has been fixed, inventory sizes have been increased, and summoning has been made easier. Geobays now only need to be built once – after that, all owned exocraft can be summoned with unlimited range on any planet where you’ve constructed a new Exocraft Summoning Station.

New upgrades for the Pilgrim and all other exocraft can be purchased from the Exocraft Technician once their missions are complete. Exocraft handling can also be adjusted with a series of new technologies, allowing players to customise the grip or drift levels of their different vehicles.

Your exocraft fleet can also be customised, with a full range of colours, decals and boost flame effects available to choose from.

The full list of patch notes is available at the end of this post.

Community Research Update
Specialist Polo is dedicating this week to analysing the collected data before determining the next chapter of their research project. The galactic co-ordinates reported by their Explorer-Friends require thorough investigation, and the trace of another Traveller-Entity beyond this reality suggests the recent galactic changes may have wider-reaching impact than is yet understood…

Community Spotlight
For the past few months, the Galactic Construction Company community have been quietly working on something really special – building in-game bases for other players in return for donations to UK-based charity Alzheimer’s Society. They have now raised nearly £800 for the organisation, and are still accepting requests for bases on their Facebook page. We were really touched by this effort, and have matched the amount that had already been donated. It’s inspiring and unpredictable the way games can move people.

(“Pirate Bay” base by the GCC – screenshot by /u/BoidGaming)

Keep the fun and beautiful screenshots coming! Some that recently caught our eye:

(Credit to /u/Ruizbros, /u/impirepro06, /u/djsims10, and /u/Suspiria72)

We were also delighted to see some creative placements of the customisable tree rewards from last week’s community research mission.

(Credit to /u/GLITCHEDMATRIX and /u/MatadorNMS)

Development Update
Patch 1.63 is live on all platforms today, with the patch notes available below. The next update will see the continuation of Polo’s research missions, as well as high priority quality of life improvements throughout the game.

In the meantime, we are keeping up the pace here as we work towards another large update. Hopefully we’ll be able to share some previews of that ahead of time!

Thank you so much,

Patch 1.63

  • Added a new Exocraft, the Pilgrim. Purchase the blueprints for the Pilgrim Geobay from a Blueprint Analyser.
  • Added an Exocraft Summoning Station that once built on a planet, allowing all owned exocraft to be summoned from anywhere on that planet. Purchase the blueprints for the Exocraft Summoning Station from a Blueprint Analyser.
  • Increased the inventory size of all Exocraft.
  • Increased the base speed of the Colossus.
  • Added upgrade modules for the Exocraft, similar to the modules available for ships, Multi-Tools and the Exosuit. Upgrade Modules are purchasable for Nanites from the Exocraft Technician once their quest chain is complete. Modifiable stats include top speed, boost power, fuel efficiency, gun damage and more.
  • Expanded the Exocraft Quick Menu options to allow all owned and in-range Exocraft to be summoned, not just the current primary Exocraft.
  • Added the ability to customise your Exocraft with unique paint, decals and boost particle options.
  • Added specific technology to customise Exocraft handling, allowing drivers to spec their vehicles for grip or drift.
  • Added a speedometer display to the HUD while driving an Exocraft.
  • Fixed a number of issues with vehicle races, particularly in multiplayer.
  • Fixed an issue where Exocraft with laser upgrades could still not mine substances that required an Advanced Mining Laser.
  • Fixed an issue where Exocraft could not mine terrain resources.
  • Fixed an issue where the Race Initiator was not available at the Blueprint Analyser.

  • Improved the performance of terrain tessellation on PC (EXPERIMENTAL).
  • Improved the visuals when highlighting objects with the Analysis Visor.

  • Fixed an issue where players could not lose a 5-Star wanted level.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Blaze Javelin from firing while zoomed in with the Combat Scope.
  • Fixed an issue where players who were on the other side of a portal at the launch of NEXT would see their portal return marker in an invalid position.
  • Fixed an issue where NPCs could use the wrong audio.
  • Fixed an issue where frigate cargo would be lost if inventory space wasn’t available upon landing on the frigate.
  • Fixed an issue where expedition upgrades were not refunded when the expedition was cancelled.
  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to land on frigates owned by other people in multiplayer.
  • Added the ability to cycle between frigates when viewing the fleet.
  • Fixed an issue where freighters could not be purchased with other players on board.
  • Fleets can now be seen from the planet surface.

  • Fixed an issue where frigates would revert their colours to blue and white.
  • Added display of planetary coordinates to starship dashboard.
  • Fixed a number of issues with player position being saved incorrectly while on the other side of a portal in multiplayer.
  • Fixed an issue that caused players returning to a Base Computer via a teleporter to spawn inside the Base Computer mesh and be violently ejected.
  • Fixed an issue where players were being asked to build a beacon for the Base Scientist but didn’t know the blueprint.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Delivery missions to require the wrong substance at the hand-in step.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause missions that involved bribery to request an invalid item as the bribe.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Atmosphere Harvester to collect an invalid substance on specific rare biomes.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Atmosphere Harvesters (and other similar remote gathering technology) to run out of fuel and empty its collection hopper when the player left the system.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Automated Mining Units to mine an incorrect substance from terrain resource deposits.
  • Fixed an issue that caused base building warning messages to be displayed immediately after correctly constructing a building.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the ‘Find nearest building’ signal booster option to find only buildings of the same type as the nearest building.
  • Starships will now be placed upon available landing pads when teleporting back to the player’s base.
  • Fixed a number of other issues affecting starship landing and collision.
  • Fixed an issue that could allow multiple starships to be docked on the same landing pad in multiplayer.
  • Non-primary player ships are returned to the freighter when the freighter is called in, preventing them becoming permanently lost or broken.
  • Further improved the system to remove irrelevant bases from the teleport list.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause starship engines to sound too loud.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the camera to swing wildly when launching the starship.
  • Prevented Quick Menu hotkeys from taking effect while other UI panels are open (eg during text chat).
  • Fixed a crash related to the Quick Menu.
  • Fixed an Xbox One-specific crash in networking.
  • Fixed a crash in AI ship behaviour.
  • Fixed a crash in the terrain system when reloading an autosave.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause poor performance on the Discoveries menu.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause excess memory usage on some AMD systems.
Nein, aber ich hing dafür schon zweimal in der Decke meines Frachters fest, als ich ausgestiegen bin. :ugly: Krass, wie sie es bei jedem Patch schaffen, neue Bugs einzubauen. xD
Hab das Spiel seit einem Jahr im Regal stehen und noch nie angerührt :lol:
Da dauernd Patches kommen weiß ich nicht wann der richtige Zeitpunkt wäre... Und bald kommt RDR2 -.-
Das nächste Update ist gestern erschienen. Es gibt eine neue Community-Mission, bei der das Exocraft benötigt wird. Außerdem wurden diverse Bugs gefixt und ordentlich an den Performance-Schrauben gedreht.


Was aber am wichtigsten ist: Hello Games führt eine Umfrage dazu durch, welche Art von Updates sich die Community in Zukunft wünscht! :goodwork:


Ich habe die schon ausgefüllt. Falls ihr sie euch auch zu Gemüte führen wollte, würde ich besonderes Augenmerk auf die folgende Frage legen:

Which of these features would you like to see most?

Polish of existing features

Larger multiplayer lobbies

More base building depth

Replace orbs with full character models

Stranger and more varied planets

Quality of Life improvements

Enhancements to underwater exploration

VR support

More depth and variety in NPCs


October 12, 2018.
Hello Everyone!

It’s been exciting to see the range of ways players have been exploring the features introduced in our exocraft update – from pushing the limits of the Pilgrim’s grip and suspension, to matching the colour schemes between bases and exocraft. Thank you so much for playing and for sharing. It really makes us feel like we’re on this journey together with all of you.

Listening to you, the players, is an essential part of this journey for us. This week we are reaching out with a survey to discover more about what the community is most interested in seeing in No Man’s Sky. Please take this opportunity to have your voice heard!


Community Research Update

Polo has been deeply immersed in their analysis of the co-ordinates retrieved from the decrypted data packet, cross-comparing against the Anomaly’s extensive databanks. They are still lost in data, processing an infinite spread of realities, looking for any pattern to identify the source of this location’s importance – but a new, more pressing development has emerged.

Data is one of Polo’s greatest passions – but friendship is even more important to them. The Space Anomaly has detected the ship signature of an old Traveller-friend – someone Nada and Polo had thought lost long ago. Polo requests that explorers venture forth, locate their friend, and bring them home – but ensure to keep a low profile and not draw the eye of the Sentinels.

From the Quicksilver Synthesis Bot

Polo’s Quicksilver bot has been busy synthesising a new set of collectables for participating explorers…

A nostalgic statue of the icon Alpha Vector starship, cast in bronze, silver, and gold.

Two new gadgets for explorer bases: A spherical hologram, representative of any one of the quintillions of celestial bodies populating the galaxies, and a fascinating expanding cube, utilising a high-tech localised gravitational field purely for aesthetic curiosity.

And a new gesture for explorers to express their wonder at any fauna, flora, landmark, building, or starry expanse that might catch their eye.

Community Spotlight

/r/NoMansSkyTheGame is subreddit of the day today! Special congratulations to the lovely moderation team. ? We are very aware of the hard work and passion you put into organising events for the NMS community, and generally just helping make the subreddit a welcoming, friendly place to be.

We’re looking forward to seeing the results of the Autumn Art Contest, and are especially enjoying seeing all the fun characters showcased in the weekly character creation threads:

(Credit to /u/ma11en69er and /u/AmalahRose)

Some other community talent we’ve recently enjoyed is these touching artworks from /u/razygurr, celebrating the Gek and friendship between races…

…in contrast with this fearsome Vy’keen warrior from @The_HolyMary!

And we loved this colourful montage from /u/Gliese176b, capturing some of the color palette diversity between planets:

Development Update
Today we have also released another update for the game that addresses some important issues and enables the option for tessellation for players on PC (for prettier, bumpier terrain). Specialist Polo also has a new, close-to-home request for explorers participating in their research missions.

Thank you so much,

Patch 1.64
Fixed an issue where items could fail to display in the Quicksilver shop.
Fixed an issue where Community Research missions could be given deadlines in the distant future.
Fixed an issue where players could get trapped when getting out of some ship types.
As a temporary measure while investigating a crash on Xbox One X only, we have disabled terrain tessellation.

Fixed an issue where players could fail to be given the blueprints for Hydroponic Trays.
Fixed an issue where players could fail to be given the blueprints for the plants required by the Farmer.
Fixed an issue where players could fail to learn the Circuit Board blueprint at the correct time.
Fixed an issue where NPC missions might return to a building that had no NPCs in them.
Fixed an issue where players could fail to learn the Glass blueprint at the correct time.
Fixed an issue where players could fail to learn the Frigate Fuel blueprints at the correct time.

Missions from the Mission Board or planetary NPCs will now display their mission title on the Galaxy Map instead of their current objective, to help manage destinations when multiple missions are active.
Tessellation can now be enabled in the graphics options on PC.
Das neue Update ist heute erschienen:


Ist mal wieder ein größeres Update und man merkt es sofort. Die Unterwasser-Biome sind nahezu nicht wiederzuerkennen. Zig neue Pflanzen- und Tierarten, neue Raubkreaturen und Monströsitäten. Und dazu kommt noch ein neues U-Boot.

Ich liebe dieses Spiel einfach. :goodwork:
Ich finde es genial wie mit jedem Update das Game richtig krasser wird.

jetzt fehlt nur noch ein geiles Update, dass die Planeten um die Sonnen kreisen und sowas.. dann waere es perfekt :lick:
Wurde zwar schon auf der Hauptseite gepostet, der Vollständigkeit halber hier aber noch das neueste Development Update. ;) Der Planet, auf dem die Community-Mission stattfindet, ist ziemlich cool: farblos, sehr dunkel und mit Mega-Fauna und -Flora übersät. :goodwork:


November 2, 2018.
Hello Everyone!
Thank you so much for the positive response to The Abyss update for No Man’s Sky, released only a few days ago. We’ve really enjoyed seeing players experiment with the new base parts, explore the enhanced aquatic environments in the Nautilon submarine, and share their close encounters with fearsome underwater predators.
The team here is keeping up the pace this week with another update, patching up a few issues and introducing the next Community Research mission.

Community Research Update
This week, Priest Entity Nada is reaching out to explorers for assistance with Polo’s research missions. Their Gek friend, rattled by the events revisited by the time-altering device, has fallen into an introspective mood, and appears to have withdrawn from the project. Nada intends to act fast to overcome this – with help from their traveller friends across the galaxies.
Nada requests that explorers travel to a strange, colourless planet, and photograph underwater fauna in the darkest depths there. They conjecture that evidence of life enduring in the harshest of conditions will be of comfort to Polo, and – hopefully – will work to restore their usual upbeat disposition.

From the Quicksilver Synthesis Bot
Polo’s synthetic lifeform has generated a number of new collectibles for explorers to trade their Quicksilver for. Several new marine-themed decorations for bases are available, all with customisable palettes…
A living colony of delicate curly coral.
A cluster of aquatic crystals, featuring an unusual marbled colouration.
A luminescent candelabra bloom.
A barnacle that can be placed to encrust the walls of traveller bases.

And a new underwater gesture is also available, to aid underwater communication between aquanauts:

Community Spotlight
Congratulations to the winners of the r/NoMansSkyTheGame/ Autumn Art Contest organised by the subreddit moderation team! We saw the impressive spread of talent brought out by the competition, but especially loved the winning entry: this atmospheric rendition of a biological horror by /u/MisterKrane.

Demonstrating talent in an entirely different medium: a New York band “Weird At Last”, has written this fun song about No Man’s Sky:

We also loved this dramatic shot of an underwater predator from @SpiffSnaps:

And we were very taken with this reconstruction of the International Space Station by /u/Foxhound922!

Development Update
Update 1.71 is now released to all platforms, and the full patch notes are available to read below. It is hard to believe it is already November – this has been such an intense, productive, and emotional year for No Man’s Sky – and there are further strides to take in our journey before 2018 is out. Thanks for being here with us, and for all your encouraging messages of support. We are listening.
Thank you so much,

Patch 1.71
  • Fixed an issue where NPC dialogue could reset if the player’s inventory was too full to receive a reward.
  • Improved icons for underwater products.
  • Fixed an issue with biological horrors and jellyfish in Permadeath mode.
  • Fixed an issue with the hypnotic Abyssal Horror and clam in multiplayer.
  • Disabled gestures while on ladders.
  • Improved some underwater sound effects.
  • Fixed some rare crashes.
  • Fixed an issue where the interior of the science frigate could be missing.
  • Fixed an issue preventing building multiples of storage container 1 (PC only, fix rolling out to other platforms soon).
  • Prevented an erroneous boost icon appearing while piloting the Nautilon (PC only, fix rolling out to other platforms soon).
Trailer für das Update 1.75 wurde heute geleaked. Endlich wurde an der Vielfalt der prozeduralen Generierung geschraubt. :goodwork: Veröffentlichungsdatum ist noch unbekannt.

Ich kopiere - und ergänze - einmal meinen Kommentar aus der News.

Hab nach den ersten beiden (ich glaub, es waren zwei) großen Updates zugeschlagen und war bereits sehr angetan. Hab so um die 60 Stunden bisher in das Spiel gesteckt.

Aufgrund des letzten Updadtes wollte ich eigentlich diesen Winter wieder beginnen - nun überlege ich aber, doch noch etwas zu warten...^^ Es tut sich ja jedes Mal offenbar so viel, dass ich noch warten möchte, um ein möglichst fortgeschrittenes Spielerlebnis zu haben. Andererseits: Wenns noch mehr große Updates geben sollte, würd ich ja gar nicht mehr dazu kommen, es zu zocken.

Naja, aktuell erstmal RDR2, BFV und noch Divinity 2 beenden... evtl kommt dann noch God of War, aber spätestens danach muss ich mir ernsthaft Gedanken machen, ob ich nun wiedee einsteige oder noch warte.
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