L20: Enlightened
Also imho war das schon lange überfällig, dass Square Enix da ein wenig umstrukturiert, siehe auch diesen gut zusammengefassten Beitrag aus dem Resetera:
And yeah, I know, video games are a business, etc. etc., but it's still really bad how inconsistent Square is with platform releases even within the same IP. If you play on one platform only (or even primarily), it must be an enormous pain to be a fan of virtually any Square series, because who knows whether the next game will be out on your platform of choice?
- The Pixel remasters of FF I-VI only being on mobile and Steam
- Bonus points for console versions finally popping up a year+ later, but without Xbox (even though the games were done in Unity and could be ported with minimal hassle/cost)
- FFVII Remake ending its exclusivity on PS4 by releasing on PC...except only on Epic for a year
- Chrono Trigger port releasing on mobile/PC only. Receives several unexpected QoL updates over the years (21:9 mode! Tons of save slots!) but still adamantly refuses to go to other platforms
- Dragon Quest I-III releasing on mobile and Switch only
- Octopath Traveler releasing on one new platform each year (Switch in 2018, PC in 2019, Stadia[?!?] in 2020, XB1 in 2021), and inexplicably never on PS4
- Meanwhile, Octopath Traveler II releases simultaneously on all platforms except Xbox in Feb 2023. So much for the people who played the original on XB, I guess?
- Chocobo's Mystery Dungeon remaster exclusive to PS4 and Switch
- Secret of Mana 3D remake releasing on PS4 and Steam but NOT Switch
- FF Crystal Chronicles remaster going to PS4, Switch, and even mobile, but skipping both PC and XB
- Chocobo GP exclusive to Switch (and with a weird mobile-esque monetization scheme...but, nope, not on mobile)
- The mainline Kingdom Hearts finally releasing on Switch...except they're infamously cloud-only, even 1.5+2.5
- Also the series finally comes to PC, but it remains an Epic exclusive even after over a year
- Don't get me started on the pricing, either
- Dragon Quest Builders gets released on PS4, then on Switch two years later; no versions for XB or PC. Builders 2, meanwhile, is released on all platforms
- The Last Remnant gets pulled from Steam four years ago, in preparation for the announcement of the remastered version which will undoubtedly replace it. The remaster is then announced...for PS4. Then it comes to Switch half a year later...and then mobile half a year after that. It's been 5 years, 8 months, and the remaster has still yet to make its way to PC
Square Enix is shifting to a multiplatform strategy News
Well that's a good plan. But Square, especially recently, has a gigantic inconsistency problem when it comes to platforms. I'll quote my post from another thread below, as a refresher. (It's over a year old but still mostly holds up. Octopath II is at least finally getting an Xbox port, even
Square Enix war intern einfach nur ein Scherbenhaufen ohne wirkliche Strategie.
Dann ist es ja gut, wenn sich Squenix von dem ganzen Exklusivitätsbullshit mit Plattformen und Stores verabschiedet. Und der heftige Absturz von einer Institution wie Squenix zeigt auch genau das auf, was echte Gamer wie du und ich schon seit langem predigen: dass Exklusivität der Tod echter Games ist, heute mehr denn je, wo doch die Produktionskosten unaufhörlich steigen.

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