Report: Dark Souls 3 Running on Switch, From Software Considering Trilogy ReRelease
Hey Switch news hounds, it’s time for MORE NEWS!!!
Many have been wondering since the reveal of third party Nintendo Switch development partners what From Software have in the works for the system. Well, we’ve got sources telling us a little of that info.
According to one of our sources, From Software has Dark Souls 3 running on the Nintendo Switch with a level of performance they are happy with. They have not committed to releasing it yet, but discussions internally at the company have discussed the financial viability of re releasing the main three Dark Souls titles on the Switch with their DLC bundled in.
Development on a Switch port has been underway for several months via a small team, with From Software waiting to see initial sales data before committing to producing ports. The plan would be for a Switch rerelease of Dark Souls 3 if greenlit to release the same day as PS4, Xbox One and PC receive versions with all DLC included.
So, how would you feel about handheld Dark Souls?