Denke auch eher das ein Pokemon Star oder so für Switch kommt und kein Sonne/Mond. Oder sogar nix bis zur 8. Gen....
Laut einigen der bekannten Insider (z.B. Emily) soll ein Pokemon schneller kommen als manche glauben. Imo wäre es ne Verschwendung Sonne und Mond nicht auf Switch zu bringen, aber wenn es das nicht wird kommt ein anderes Remaster, imo.
Weils um Ports/Remaster ging:
Tantalus (TP HD) working on Switch, is taking suggestions for remasters #1
Tantalus Media is most recently known for their Wii U port of Twilight Princess. They have stated that they are now working on Switch, and that they are open to fan suggestions for future ports/remasters.
I can confirm that we’re working on Switch, and have been for some time. Our titles haven’t been announced as yet, but keep an eye out for more news soon.
We’ve always worked on Nintendo platforms and now of course after Twilight Princess HD our relationship with Nintendo is stronger than ever. I expect fans will look back through Nintendo’s catalogue and think about which titles they’d like us to bring to Switch. Everyone should feel free to make suggestions on our FaceBook page![]()
So, what games from Nintendo's history would you like to see them bring to Switch?
Hier das ganze Interview:
With Nintendo taking the covers off the Switch, fans are hungry to know more about the system and just what games we might be able to play on it. While almost everyone who has anything to do with Switch has gone radio silent on the projects, I have been reaching out to get some thoughts from developers to see what they think.
This time, Tom Crago, CEO of Tantalus and Straight Right studios, took the time to answer my questions.
As a gamer, what is your personal reaction to Switch?
It was great to see it finally announced, after all the months of speculation. I've always loved handheld platforms, and a lot of my fondest gaming memories have come from those devices. I’m thinking Tetris on GameBoy, F-Zero on the GBA, even Lumines on PSP. So even though you can play the Switch at home, a lot of the excitement for me comes in having a dedicated gaming device that is completely portable.
As someone who makes games, what excites you about the Switch?
Nintendo have done well in terms of creating a development environment that’s friendly and systematic. That sounds a bit limp, but as a developer you’re always looking to remove barriers to efficiency. We’ve been really happy on the Switch so far. Beyond that we’re absolutely sold on the concept. The controllers are very cool, and the possibilities they open up for local multiplayer experiences are really interesting.
Tantalus have a history of developing games for Nintendo platforms, with the recent release of The Legends of Zelda Twilight Princess HD, so how do you think your fans will react to Switch?
We’ve always worked on Nintendo platforms and now of course after Twilight Princess HD our relationship with Nintendo is stronger than ever. I expect fans will look back through Nintendo’s catalogue and think about which titles they’d like us to bring to Switch. Everyone should feel free to make suggestions on our FaceBook page
Of course, a new console excites a lot of people, how has the reaction to Switch been in the studio?
It’s true, we love playing around with every new console. It’s one of the really extraordinary things about working in this industry: one day a box arrives with new hardware inside and you take it out and think, “well, I wonder what this thing does?” Then you think about bringing your engine across to it, along with your tool chain, all the while trying to design new content that leverages the stuff that makes that particular platform unique. It’s a tremendously fun ride.
Given your studios history with Nintendo, can you say anything about any potential Switch games you are working on?
I can confirm that we’re working on Switch, and have been for some time. Our titles haven’t been announced as yet, but keep an eye out for more news soon.
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