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Nintendo News: Summon Up a Nintendo Switch Bundle with Diablo III: Eternal Collection Starting November 2

The devil is literally in the details of a new Nintendo Switch bundle featuring Blizzard’s legendary game Diablo III: Eternal Collection, launching exclusively at GameStop on Nov. 2. Fans who pick up the devilish bundle will receive a Nintendo Switch system and dock featuring Diablo III artwork, a download code for the Diablo III: Eternal Collection game and a themed carrying case, all at a suggested retail price of $359.99.

Diablo III: Eternal Collection contains the full classic game, as well as all of its expansion content: Rise of the Necromancer and Reaper of Souls. In addition, fans who play the Nintendo Switch version will receive in-game items that are only available on Nintendo’s hit console. These in-game bonuses include a variety of items from The Legend of Zelda series, including Ganondorf Transmog Armor, a companion Cucco pet and a Golden Triforce Portrait Frame.

In Diablo III: Eternal Collection, players choose between one of seven classes, including Barbarian, Crusader, Demon Hunter, Monk, Necromancer, Witch Doctor and Wizard, to set off on a dark and memorable adventure to destroy demons and discover loot. The critically acclaimed game is hailed for its style and gameplay, which is perfect for playing on the TV or on the go using Nintendo Switch.

For more information about Diablo III: Eternal Collection, visit nintendo.com/diablo-3-switch.

uuuuh Dibalo 3 + mobiles Switch gameplay + kalte herbst & winter tage = perfekt gemütliche kombination zum jahresende:lbp:
danke Switch ^^ ich glaube ich probiere die serie mal aus (:
muss nur noch kälter werden, aber kann ja noch ....ja ich mag den herbst (auch) sehr, lang lebe der herbst :alt:
So... ich hab jetzt nen potentiellen Kunden alias nem Freund, der mir meine Switch vielleicht abkaufen wird... dann werd ich mir doch die CE von D3 holen... :v:

Hab das Spiel zwar schon im eShop vorbestellt, aber den Code schenk ich dann meiner Freundin xD
Ich nehm eine neue Zelda CE mit OOT/MM/TP/XXX :)
Wenn wir dabei sind, auch ne Tales of CE mit ToS und co.
ToV kommt ja zum Glück im Januar :D
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