I have signed back on to gamespot under the same username dont know for how long though. Anyway just wanted to present the full picture of what the Nintendo Revolution will be. Take into account everything I have mentioned an advanced dev. Tool, the spec, the controller, Stereoscopic 3-D, Wi-Fi connectivity, and the addition of the ON peripheral will allow something never before seen. As for the spec the three PPU and AI chips are not regular large accelerator cards but small custom chips that have dedicated specific jobs. This decision makes the chips very inexpensive since they are all done to Nintendo specifications and are all new tech. This frees up needed power, lowers price and gives an easy development process. A lot of this has to do with space compensation where it appears they have taken the basic idea of nanotechnology and basically super sized it cutting down power consumption and increasing power in an inexpensive way, not to mention a dramatic drop in heat dissipation. It is not nano but it takes that basic idea of compacting everything close together to get huge optimum performance on low power consumption.
Combined with the controller everything falls into place if you think about it allowing and forcing innovation in a practical way. The controller will have the option to connect the two pads if youd like and you will not have to necessarily do unorthodox movement in most games it is all in how you combine and complement all the features together that will create the Revolution.
The ON peripheral will not turn every game to first-person perspective you will see the character just the same as on T.V. just in a more immersed virtualized reality. And the ON will be able to capture your environment and use that as the basis for the game environment or actually capture the room that your in into the game world as the projector will not be capable of doing. I dont think the dev. Tool at launch will be capable of giving you all the features that the Rev.s controller and the On will have to work with and put in other games. But I wouldnt doubt they will be made available at some time for a fee through Nintendos Wi-Fi connection. Stereoscopic 3-D and the flat-panel 20in. projection will also be amazing feature that the new games will be able to present, it will be a very high-fidelity LCD inexpensive projector created in Japan. The heat/cool sensors wont be able to burn or freeze your hand probably only a 15 degree room tempature difference at max.
There seems to be this false notion that Nintendo just cant afford all this but all who believe this are fools, Nintendo makes only profits and is just as rich as Sony only through gaming technology, they are HUGELY rich. A multi-billion dollar company that has not seen debt since the Virtual Boy trust me when I say that Nintendo is not hurting for money. I hope developers implement the dev. Tool into some sort of actual gameplay. And the dev. Tool alone with the controller features and customization gives the entire back library an infinite replay value, just think about it. I was messing around with the dev. Tool and was playing through Ocarina of time with Leon with a shotgun, Rocket Lancher, boomerang, and hookshot with cel-shaded deaths for the NPCs and I had it playing like a dream in about 20 minutes. With rag doll physics and everything and whats great is anybody can do it us developers will be working with the same thing to make the games for Rev. as the consumer can play around with. And the controller adds all new depth and features to old games as you can customize it to your liking.
As to the Rogue Squadron game Im working with to my knowledge it will be on all three platforms, I am working on the Xbox 360 version and let me tell you from first hand experience that the 360 dev. Tool sucks!!!!!!! All it is is a souped up xbox with more online features that I dont even care about. The games will have to be at least $80 for premire blockbusters since it is grueling trying to map out and detail everything and takes so much time and there are so many bugs to work out. That is what makes the Rev. a supreme system since it supports dedicated cube-mapping and other patented techniques that allow extremely detailed environments and characters with little work and lets you focus more on gameplay and controller complementation. I really hope that Epic and Carmack allow their engines to be dedicated at least for developers because the performance and ease of development that the Rev. will allow will crush Xbox 360s complicated and piece of junk dev. Kit, and PS3s is WAY worse it will take at least two years to even match what was seen in the PS3 trailers at E3 just in the visuals department. Although you will have to purchase a broadband wireless adapter to connect to Wi-Fi without a hotspot but it gives online multiplayer a whole new kind of fun and eliminates all the bs that revolves around xbox live. The visor with the ON with feature 5.1 surround sound and present games in 720p. This move to HD makes sense because not everybody owns an HDTV instead they are bundling it with that add-on in an inexpensive way so everyone can enjoy it I presume. The Rev. system itself will snap into place in the ON component to be compatible with the visor.
Whereas the part where the projector is on the Rev. will go directly into the ON and now you will be able to play in virtual reality. The visor may or may not have built-in gyroscopes for turning your head but I think that is still being debated, it wasnt in the prototype that I used anyway. The only game that was on the list I sent you guys that I have doubts about making it to the US is Ichi the Killer it is based on a Japanese film from the director of movies Audition, Visitor Q, and Dead or Alive and from what I saw it will be EXTREMELY violent. The game has to do with torture and the Ya Kuza mafia and plays into the violence and torture with the controller features. I have never seen the movie but I can imagine from what I saw from the game that it is gut-wrenching. Anyway I hope I could give you a more in-depth idea of what the Rev. will actually be. My real excitement comes from being able to see what people are going to do with it and being able to develop for it, the dev. Tool and controllers with the ON add-on has me really stoked to say the least.
Anyways well be in touch and take care.