Nintendo Rev.

Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
ni_no schrieb:
Duncan schrieb:
Wiesenlooser schrieb:
Das musst du mir aber erklären, duncan!

Mijamoto oder wer auch immer sagte das sie z.b den Touchscreen vom DS nicht für den Controller übernehmen werden. Ein Touchpad ist doch fast das gleiche wenn ich mich nicht irre. Nur das du da keinen Stick benutzt.

Ein Touchpad ist super. Hat man auch in Laptops. Die Dinger funktionieren gut mit dem nackten Finger, während man beim DS einen Hut braucht.-

Trotzdem wäre es im Endeffekt das selbe und sowas würden sie ja nicht für den Controller benutzen. :)
Das weiß ich auch Nur hat nicht jeder ein Cube, oder es muss sich jeder ein Pad holen, um die alten Spiele zu spielen. Ne ne, es muss anders gelöst werden.

Das muss nicht anders gelöst werden, dass ist schon anders gelöst.
IMO passen hier ein paar Leute "etwas" zu wenig auf.
Reggie hat selbst gesagt, dass man auf dem neuen Controller alle Alten "unterbringen" müsse, und mehr muss ich jetz dazu wohl nicht sagen.
TM schrieb:
Rolyet schrieb:
Wiesenlooser schrieb:
Mario Skateboarding:

Nun hat Mario zusammen mit Luigi eine coole Skatergang gegründet. YEAAAH. Um euch Respekt zu verdienen müsst ihr die coolsten Tricks und Combos machen.

Was?!??!!!! Und wo bleibt Mario Tischfussball 1024?!:-?

Freu dich lieber auf Mario Seilspringen 2007 ;) :P

Mario Nasenpopeln World Championship 2019 Special "555-Nase" Edition, anyone? ;-)

Das bringt mich auf eine tolle idee... wäre es nicht genial wenn Nintendo ein Controler Set anbieten würde? Sagen wir für 50 euro einen NES Funk-Controler, einen SNES und einen N64 Funk Controler. Damit wäre der Revo tatsächlich so nahe an den Klasikern dran wie keine andre Emultationsart jemals sein könnte...
MTC001 schrieb:

Das bringt mich auf eine tolle idee... wäre es nicht genial wenn Nintendo ein Controler Set anbieten würde? Sagen wir für 50 euro einen NES Funk-Controler, einen SNES und einen N64 Funk Controler. Damit wäre der Revo tatsächlich so nahe an den Klasikern dran wie keine andre Emultationsart jemals sein könnte...

Wieso nicht? Bei SONY sinds doch die gleichen kontroler.
Ice schrieb:
Wieso nicht? Bei SONY sinds doch die gleichen kontroler.

Ja das ist aber auch ein Armutszeugnis :lol: -Obwohl der neue Bananencontroller hats ja in sich ^^

Außerdem beziehe ich mich auf Nintendo Emulation.
ich find den bananencontroller auch schrecklich, da war ja sogar der dualshock besser... (ich finde den allein wegen den analogsticks panne)
trotzdem ma sehen ob nintendo wirklich so was tolles auf lager hat, ich hoffe sie enttäuschen uns nicht!!!
- Donkey Konga: Musikantenstadl Edition
GEIL :) Das Game würd ich mir sofort holen 8-) Ach ja, zur NES Edition vom Revolution muss ich sagen das das wirklich sehr nice aussieht! Solte sowas wirklich kommen würd ichs mir holen... Also bitte Nintendo, bring ne NES Edition gleich zum Launch vom Revolution :suprised:
Hey, wenn Nintendo schlau wäre würden sie einen Controler mit einem Button, Steuerkreuz und Startknopf rausbringen, dieser wird dann von Sony kopiert und dann kann Nintendo beruhigt ihren richtigen Controler zeigen!! :D
Rolyet schrieb:
Hey, wenn Nintendo schlau wäre würden sie einen Controler mit einem Button, Steuerkreuz und Startknopf rausbringen, dieser wird dann von Sony kopiert und dann kann Nintendo beruhigt ihren richtigen Controler zeigen!! :D

freu mich schon auf die verärgerten antwortposts der sony clikke :P
Goodplayer schrieb:

Was ist das?! Glaubt ihr, das ist echt?

wie soll man das Ding den Steuern wenn man keine 4 Arme hat :-?

bzw. für mich der schlechteste Fake bis jetzt ;-)
JethroTull schrieb:
MoX schrieb:
wie soll man das Ding den Steuern wenn man keine 4 Arme hat :-?

bzw. für mich der schlechteste Fake bis jetzt ;-)

Wenn die Knöpfe jeweils auf der Rückseite wären, würde es funzen.
Gefallen tut mir das aber nicht.

ach so ja daran hab ich nicht gedacht, aber imo wäre das verdammt dämlich und ziemlich unhandlich. würde mir nicht gefallen.
MoX schrieb:
Goodplayer schrieb:

Was ist das?! Glaubt ihr, das ist echt?

wie soll man das Ding den Steuern wenn man keine 4 Arme hat :-?

bzw. für mich der schlechteste Fake bis jetzt ;-)

Wieso vier Arme? Das ist immer auf der Unterseite ... Naja, hier soll es ein exklusive Ankündigung geben:

Was das wohl sein wird?
Ich habe etwas interessantes im Gamespot-Forum gefunden ... Das hat einscheinend ein Entwickler geschrieben:

As for the controller I don’t think it has been finalized but I have seen and programmed for the official concept controller and used it twice. It is very similar to the “nesvolution” one pad for each hand with weighted gyroscopes and haptic feedback. At first glance it seems kind of weird to think about tactically using it to control certain types of games but once you pick it up its actually very simple and easy to use with any game. I know Nintendo is still working on a way to connect the two controllers at the players will, probably through a magnetic lock system. As for the Nintendo On which it WILL NOT be called once it is confirmed will present a panoramic view to represent a full field on vision as we all have in real life and will be in HD believe it or not. It will probably be confirmed when the spec for the Rev. are made public and will be launched a quarter year after Rev. launches. My only gripe is that the On system at launch will retail for the same amount as the actual Rev. system itself. It will not be a gaming machine unto itself but merely an add-on to the Rev. to allow completely immersive experiences.
Stereoscopic 3-D will also be a prevalent part of the interface but coupled with the visor and controllers will allow something NEVER seen before in gaming. The stereoscoping is still being tweaked to turn whatever room your in into a the game environment effectively rendering your room part of the game. Coupled with the visor this could turn you entire home into a nightmarish landscape. The projector alone with only be able to project a limited no. of NPC’s into your environment at any given time depending on the size of the NPC‘s. Take RE4 for example the projector could probably project about 12 ganados at any given time into your environment but only one El Gigante or boss at a time. When the visor is on though it will allow the entire game to be presented in full virtual reality with no sacrifices whatsoever, and with the environment capturing radar it could effectively turn your own home into the game environment. Imagine Resident Evil zombies busting through your doors and coming after you with their blood and body parts being rendered onto your environment in real-time as you fight them. That is an actual possibility of the On visor.
The controller will be capable of everything past controllers were but much more and the customization that you will have at your hands is unprecedented. It will feature haptic feedback illustrating through vibration whatever your on-screen character is doing or feeling this represents mood, heartbeat, nervousness, adrenaline rushes, tension, being shot or hit with something, jumping from a high place, etc… This haptic force feedback will be mapped into buttons and controller itself. Another controller feature is its ability to heat up and cool down illustrating how the environment temperature feels or it you are having to hold on to something that is hot or cold. Coupled with this is the controller will have built-in mic to talk to things or blow on things in the game to move them or cool them down. The mic will also have voice distortion features to work with the dev. Tool or chat online. The other big feature of the controller is its ability to feel depth and reach out and grab the world so to speak. For example instead of just pressing a button to open a door you would point one of the control pad towards the door twist the knob and pull the door open, or just kick it open with another movement. This depth mapping allows all sorts of actions to be preformed much more realistically and true to life for example: swinging a sword, reloading or firing a weapon, picking something up and turning it over, do melee combat with your own two hands…etc.
An example I saw in action was a character was hanging from a ledge MGS style and you would literally have to squeeze the handles to keep from falling and you could also feel the haptic vibration from his heart and the coolness of the ledge. This was a tech demo showing all of the features working together. Of course all this will be left up to the developer but they promise to be extraordinary features. The projector will also have two options: Stereoscopic 3-D or flat panel projection. This allows Rev. to be a portable system as it can project the game on any wall or flat surface. The stand for Rev. will be a recharger of sorts and will have the angle required to be project Stereoscopic 3-D properly. The only reason for the rechargeable battey is for the projection otherwise when you run out of battery life you can just hook it up to a TV or computer monitor.

Und hier noch:

As to the projector if its on Stereoscopic 3-D and say someone walks into the door of the room your in nothing will happen except the picture might warp a little in that area or fade into a hallway but as soon as the door closes again it should correct itself. But if your on the road or in a car or something I don’t think you will be able to use the stereoscopic 3-D projection because the stand is what gives it the desired angle and I would imagine that it would make the picture or holograms skip or have weird picture flashes as the car moves up and down. You will need a steady non-moving surface for the projector to use stereoscoping properly. As to Bungie I really don’t know whether they are going to sign a contract with Nintendo or not but there was some loose talk from their rep. that it might be a possibility. By the way Microsoft DOES NOT flat out own Bungie, they made Bungie sign a contract to give half creative rights and royalties to Microsoft for a “number of years”, but after those years are over they can opt to make another contract with them or go somewhere else. Now I truly doubt that Halo 3 will be coming to the Rev. since Microsoft would throw a HUGE hissy fit about it but maybe Halo 4 or an original game I hope. Their rep. said that since Microsoft is forcing the development on Halo 3 to match PS3’s launch. They will probably end up releasing a Halo2.5 instead of an actual sequel and that Rev. might see the fully realized Halo 3 a year or so later. But of course nothing is set in stone and it could all change so don’t get your hopes up too high this was just my team talking to a representative from Bungie.

To my knowledge the confirmed and unconfirmed list of games are:

-Mario Kart Revolution = Rev.
-Super Mario 128 = Rev.
- Metroid Prime: Reborn = Rev.
-The Legend of Zelda DS = DS
-The Legend of Kid Icarus = Rev.
-Xenias = Rev.
-Killing Day = Rev.
-Psychopath = Rev.
-Animal Crossing = Rev.
-The Legend of Zelda = Rev.
-Star Wars Rogue Squadron 4 (no title as of yet Q4 2006) = Rev.
-Madden 2007 = Rev., DS
-Eternal Darkness: Insanity Fulfilled = Rev.
-Resident Evil 5 (Q3 2008 ) = Rev.
-Advance Wars: Annihilation = Rev, DS
-Burnout 4 = Rev.
-Flat Out 2 = Rev.
-F.E.A.R.: Everything Objective Foretold = Rev.
-Stalker: Shadow of the Chernobyl = Rev.
-Guts N’ Glory = Rev.
-Umehas Ookieyara = Rev.
-Ichi the Killer (slated for Japan possible U.S. release) = Rev.

These are the games that I know for sure are going to be released at some point on Rev. although it does not mean all of them will be exclusive to the Rev. although many of them will. Many people have thought I lied about this or that but I assure you wait until everything about Rev. and its games are made public and see if I’m not right. The Rogue Squadron game I’m working with now we is focusing on giving the flying combat more hi-res action and depth with great replay value, but also trying to flesh out the on-foot missions that the last game failed on. As for Retro Studios they have two teams which are working on two games right now Metroid Prime: Reborn, and Xenias. I was hoping that Xenias was going to be kept a secret but unfortunately Nintendo let that out of the bag. Needless to say it will no doubt put Rev. in the top spot next-gen. I’m not going to say anything else about it though because I believe some things just shouldn’t be spoiled. Anyway I will keep in touch if you have any other questions please feel free to ask.

P.S. To those who wanted me to sketch out the controller I would love to but I’m just not a good artist and I wouldn’t do it any justice. A concept of the concept photo has already been leaked somewhere it is the “nesvolution” one pad for each hand with weighted gyroscopes, hot and cold sensors, depth-mapping and haptic feedback. Once again that is a VERY early prototype of the finished product and Nintendo is working on a way to connect them at will with a magnetic lock if someone just doesn’t like using them without a two-handed base setup.

Wenn das war ist, dann: WOW!!
Nicht offen für weitere Antworten.
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