Im folgenden Video siehst du, wie du consolewars als Web-App auf dem Startbildschirm deines Smartphones installieren kannst.
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NeSS schrieb:Weil es dem Cell an Features mangelt welche eine normale GPU hat.
Die CPU der X360 ist zB nur wegen dem R500 entwickelt worden.
Dieser errechnet die Vektordaten.
Beim PC muss das noch die GPU machen.
iimpact schrieb:Aber Vektoriesierung von daten macht noch lange kein garfik.t
Rolyet schrieb:Huhu Leute, das Thema ist Nintendo Revolution und nicht PS3! Im Warforum sind wir auchnet!![]()
N-Magazine im Interview
We spoke with Reggie Fils-Aime and George Harrison about the Future of Nintendo!
N-Magazine: I am honoured to talk to you. So let us begin. On the E3, Sony und Microsoft showed their new consoles. But Nintendo just present the Design and the concept of the Revolution. Do you see any advantage or disadvantage? And why don't you say anything about the technical specs.
Harrison: I think we will not have any problems to keep up with Microsoft or Sony. Both are focusing on Hardware and Multimedia Featurs. But we will give more. Technical specs are important, but you need more than good Hardware. The Hardware of the Revolution is not ready. At the moment we are working hard with IBM and ATI to make a great Hardware. At the E3 Nintendo do not want to focus on a new console that isn't ready. This is the reason why we weren't show the Hardware. Microsoft and Sony fight at the moment about the Hardware. We are now the impartial Third. The only thing you saw, is the way which we want to go.
You saw the Design, but you just saw a very little piece of the Revolution concept.
Fils-Aime: That's right. Revolution wants to give more than an update of the current consoles. Nintendo is going to creat a new gaming experience. But this won't exclude the old and classical method of gaming.
N-Magazine: Could you tell us anything about the Hardware of the Revolution?
Fils-Aime: Yes, I Could. *laugh*
N-Magazine: Would you? *smile*
Fils-Aime: If you ask in this form, I cannot give any informations.
N-Magazine: So can you tell us any new information about the Revolution? Maybe the Hardware?
Fils-Aime and Harrison laugh-
Fils-Aime: You have to be very interessted in the hardware. Maybe we can give you little details.
We will be competitive to the other Manufacturer. It would be a big failure if we aren't at the same level as Sony or Microsoft. The technical aspect is important for the developer. But the Customer is interessted in what he is seeing.
N-Magazine: But how will you reach the power in this little Revolution?
Fils-Aime: This is top secret. The only thing I can say is, that ATI and IBM are developing a new revolutionary Hardwaredesign which is also a part of the Revolution. The names are not in vain "Hollywood" and "Broadway". Both chips are completely interacting together to reach enormous power. The Hardware is really fantastic. But ,as Mr. Harrison said, we aren't finished yet. The Hardware will be optimized at the moment. The Revolution shall be a small and powerful Hardware, which you can take everywhere.
N-Magazine: Wow, that is interessting. A short question: What is the Revolution?
Fils-Aime: As I said, the Hardware and the Controller. You know, there are some games which are very difficult to play. An example is the Shooter Genre. With the Revolution it shall be very easy to play every Genre. Also the Player shall have a new feeling of gaming. But we cannot say anything about the Revolution Controller.
N-Magazine: Okay. Mr. Harrison, what are the futur plans of Nintendo? Like the Online Feature concerning Revolution and NintendoDS.
Harrison: Nintendo is in a big change. The NintendoDS was the first step in a new era. We wants to go a modern way. Our aim is to reach more people. In a short time we will start the Online Portal of Nintendo. The Players shall have the chance to play worldwide Nintendo Games against other people without any costs. The players also need no extra devices or software. I believe with this feature we can convince more players to play online. The Online Portal will include more than just gaming. Communicating, Online Demos, are some examples. We have many ideas. Maybe you can send a mail from the Revolution at home and the Receiver can read your mail via NintendoDS in a train. The Revolution will extend the Online Portal of Nintendo.
Fils-Aime: We saw on the E3 that many people are surprised and happy to play the first time Mario Kart online. So I believe many NintendoDS owners are going to use the online feature.
Harrison: And the online Support is raising. The developers are inspired to make so easily an online game. You will see the Online Portal in Fall.
N-Magazine: I am also happy to play Mario Kart and Animal Crossing online. Can you say which games are planned for the Revolution?
Harrison: Many games are planned. We are also planing to make new Heros. Smash Brothers Revolution, Metroid Prime: Reborn, Pilotwings: Time to Fly, Sky of Eternity: The Legend of Kid Icarus, Donkey Kong World are classic games. But at the moment we are also working on new games. One is called "Xenias". We need Games like GTA, Halo, Gran Turismo if we want to be succesful.
N-Magazine: What is "Xenias"?
Fils-Aime: It's a great game. Xenias is a new kind of shooter. You play in the Future during the Galactical Wars and the main character is a futuristic soldier with his hightech suit called Xenias. The Single Player has a great Story. The Game also have an online Multiplayer. You can solve the Missions together or fight against other players for example Capture the flag. In the Headquarter (a space station) you can choice what you wanna do. Go to the Arena to fight in Cups or go to the Bridge to chose your mission and the world which you want to visit. In the Game you can level up your suit with new power ups. This could be armors, weapons, movement abilities etc. You can also exchange this Power Ups with other Players. It is like an Online RPG in Shooter Form.
This is just one new Game. We are testing some projects. We do not know which projects become final games.
But in this year you get more informations about the Revolution.
N-Magazine: Now, I think our time is up. I am very very happy that you answer my questions. Thank you.
Fils-Aime: You are welcome.
Harrison: No Problem.
N-Magazine: Goodbye
Fils-Aime: It's a great game. Xenias is a new kind of shooter. You play in the Future during the Galactical Wars and the main character is a futuristic soldier with his hightech suit called Xenias. The Single Player has a great Story. The Game also have an online Multiplayer. You can solve the Missions together or fight against other players for example Capture the flag. In the Headquarter (a space station) you can choice what you wanna do. Go to the Arena to fight in Cups or go to the Bridge to chose your mission and the world which you want to visit. In the Game you can level up your suit with new power ups. This could be armors, weapons, movement abilities etc. You can also exchange this Power Ups with other Players. It is like an Online RPG in Shooter Form.
Starlord schrieb:Also es hört sich schon sehr Fakig an.
Aber keiner ist sich sicher ob es nun tatsächlich einer ist oder nicht.
Aber die games wären echt der Hammer, wobei Metroid, Donkey Kong, Super Smash Brothers beakannt waren.
Sahasrahla schrieb:Sicher ist das ein Fake. Reggie würde niemals ein Gespräch mit "You are welcome" beenden. Eher mit "Fuck you".
Sahasrahla schrieb:Sicher ist das ein Fake. Reggie würde niemals ein Gespräch mit "You are welcome" beenden. Eher mit "Fuck you".
NeSS schrieb:Zu 100% ein Fake!
Wäre ja zu schön um Wahr zu sein...![]()
Duncan schrieb:Wenn dieses Interview kein Fake ist, dann weiss ich überhaupt nicht was ich sagen soll. *g*