NDS Nintendo DS Spiele - Wertungen, Rang- und Releaseliste

Weiß jemand, ob und wann "one-line puzzle"/"Chokkan Hitofude" in den USA oder Europa erscheint?
Ja, sonst würds wohl kaum als "one-line-puzzle" in den Release Listen für die USA rumdümpeln ;)

Aber für die 22 Euro die es mich kostet, wirst du es hier in ein paar monaten vergeblich suchen können ;)
22 Euro? Kann ich das auch irgendwo so billig herkriegen? *auchhabenwill* :neutral:
Hat seinen Grund warum ich dies hier poste:

Japan: Media Create meldet 171.963 verkaufte PSP

13.12.04 - Sony hat bei der gestrigen Markteinführung von PSP in Japan 171.963 PSP durchverkauft. Das meldet das Marktforschungsinstitut Media Create in einem Fax an Bloomberg - eine Stunde ging Bloomberg in einem ersten Update noch von einer Durchverkaufsmenge von 200.000 Einheiten aus, was der in den Handel gekommenen Menge entsprochen hätte.

Wie Media Create schreibt, entsprechen die 171.963 Einheiten einer Durchverkaufsrate von 85 %.

Der Handheld war innerhalb weniger Stunden bei Geschäften wie Yodobashi Camera Co. und Bic Camera Co. vergriffen. Wie gestern gemeldet, entstanden Warteschlangen mit bis zu 1.300 Menschen. 'Das sind die meisten Leute, die wir in der letzten Zeit beim Anstehen gesehen haben', sagt Herr Kawahara von Bic Camera.

tja, der DS soll sich doch in Japanien doch 500.000x verkauft haben!
hat das was mit dem Thema hier zu tun, nebenbei: Möchte sehn ob sich die PSP auch in 2 wochen 1.500.000 mal verkaufen kann, ich sehe da eher 250.000 mal kommen :P
Zurück zum Thema:

Sprung wurde getestet...

Gamerz-Edge schrieb:
Overall Comment

I’d never played one of these dating sims before, so when I picked up Sprung to give it a whirl, I was curious to see what the craze was all about. Now that I’ve finished with it, I’m convinced that there has got to be more to it than this. If not, perhaps this is just an outdated style of game… but while Sprung does have its moments of charm, there just isn’t enough there to really make it stand out. The fact is, once you’ve played for an hour, you experienced pretty much all that the game has to offer you. As you progress further, conversations become more complicated and you’ll have to pay more attention than before, but that’s all there is to it. I suppose if you’re a dating sim nut you might appreciate this game, but for the price, it just feels so barren.

Gameplay: 3.0/10.0
Graphics: 8.5/10.0
Sound: 7.5/10.0
Fun Factor: 5.0/10.0
Depth: 4.5/10.0
Final Score: 5.7

Und weiter gehts:

IGN hat Sprung und Ping Pals getestet:


Rating Description

4.0 Presentation
Though the system uses the two screens and touch screen capabilities to their bare minimum abilities, there's no real reason Sprung couldn't have been done on lesser hardware.
7.5 Graphics
Well drawn stills and decently animated character poses throughout this "text" adventure.
7.0 Sound
The music's meant to get lost among the "action," and though there's not much action to be had in this game, the soundtrack accompanies it well.
1.0 Gameplay
Selecting dialog in a set conversation tree isn't "playing" anything.
5.0 Lasting Appeal
Two characters means two ways to play the field. If you really wanted to, that is.
(out of 10 / not an average)

Ping Pals

Rating Description

4.0 Presentation
It tries to out-PictoChat PictoChat, and while it offers customization, its interface isn't nearly as clean or intuitive.
5.0 Graphics
The background rewards are decently drawn, but with the ability to change up colors, it literally makes text vanish completely unreadable.
5.0 Sound
Every IM program I ever use, I turn off the "send/receive" sound, and it's the case with Ping Pals. As cool as it is to be able to change the sound files, I don't want to hear them.
2.0 Gameplay
Other than a Pictionary and Hot Potato mini-game, there's not much "play" in this product.
2.0 Lasting Appeal
When you realize that PictoChat gets more mileage than this 20 dollar program, it'll be over.
(out of 10 / not an average)

Dann noch ein Test bei Gamespot:


Gameplay - 5
Graphics - 6
Sound - 6
Value - 6
Tilt - 7

Score: 6.0 (fair)

In der Rangliste belegen die beiden "Spiele" den vorletzten und den letzten Platz.

16. Sprung                  US --     4.0  6.0  5.7  -.-  -.-  3.3  --  --%    47,5 %
17. Ping Pals (Chat)        US --     3.5  -.-  -.-  -.-  -.-  0.5  --  --%    20,0 %

Gesamte Rangliste: siehe Seite 1
Gamespot hat jetzt ebenfalls Ping Pals getestet, und findet deutliche Worte über den Sinn bzw. Unsinn des Chatprogrammes:

For those of you who might not know, when you buy a Nintendo DS, PictoChat is included in the package. PictoChat is a form of chat software that takes advantage of the system's wireless network capabilities by letting you exchange text messages and drawn pictures with your friends. While it's not the most full featured of chat programs, it certainly does its job. So why, then, would anybody want to spend $30 on the same exact thing...but with a bunch of lame collectible items and bad minigames? Well, that's just what THQ wants you to do with Ping Pals, its first offering for the DS. In essence, Ping Pals is PictoChat with a lousy personality, and there's absolutely no reason why you should waste your time with it.

In the end, it's impossible to rationalize Ping Pals' very existence to any satisfactory degree. Why make a game just like PictoChat when PictoChat already exists on the DS itself? After playing Ping Pals, you're unlikely to come up with any acceptable answers to this question, because none of the extra content it provides is worth paying for. Chalk this one up to poor decision making, lousy timing, or a combination of both. Just don't chalk this one up as a game you should play.

Gameplay - 3
Graphics - 5
Sound - 6
Value - 3
Tilt - 2

Score: 3.3 (bad)

Tja... nach dem NDS-Lauch in den USA gibt es erst mal keinen sinnvollen Nachschub. Sprung oder PingPals braucht keiner... bleiben also nur noch EA's (wenn ich den Namen schon höre) PGA Tour Golf (... und Golf mag ich eh schon nicht) und eine Umsetzung das JP-Lauchgame Zoo Keeper (welches ich zwar interessant finde, aber noch nicht weis ob ich 30 Euro dafür zahlen will). Und das war's dann auch schon für 2004...
naja, mit mario bin ich noch ne ganze weile bschäftigt ;)
also brauche noch nicht so dringend was neues.

aber die wertungen sind doch etwas zu übel :oops:
Ich sag nur, Wario Ware und Hito Fude, sowie Ridge Racer importieren, dann ist man bis zum Euro-Launch zufrieden mit dem DS :)
... und da ist er auch schon: Der erste Tiger Woods PGA Tour Golf Test (IGN)!

Rating Description
5.0 Presentation
There's a good amount of features, but far fewer than the current generation of the series on other platforms.
7.0 Graphics
Solid and smooth 3D engine for the upper screen, well-drawn 2D for the lower screen. It's just a bit on the dark side.
4.5 Sound
Clearly audio wasn't on the development team's priority list. There are sound samples but they're far too overpowering for the calm golf experience. Menu music is just downright atrocious.
6.0 Gameplay
Touch screen golf is okay, but it could be so much better. Perhaps it needs another year to get it totally right?
8.0 Lasting Appeal
Despite the game's quirks, it does eventually get enjoyable, and has a ton of courses, gameplay modes, and challenges to keep the experience going.
(out of 10 / not an average)
ist doch nur logisch dass jetzt nix mehr kommt! nintendo arbeitet bestimmt an hammer titeln die zur E3 gezeigt werden!^^
Vorallem hat Nintendo über die Entwickler ne Ankündigungssperre verhängt ich glaube ab März werden wir nur so überflutet mit screens und videos zu:

Final Fantasy CC
Final Fantasy III
Secret of Mana 3
Boktai III
Harvest Moon DS
Viewtiful Joe
Xenosaga DS
Baten Kaitos DS
Advance Wars
Vandal Hearts
Harvest Moon

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