L16: Sensei
shenmue2005 schrieb:Glaubt hier denn das spiele wie MP nur 1 Stunde lang dauert??
nein, aber auch nicht viel länger
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shenmue2005 schrieb:Glaubt hier denn das spiele wie MP nur 1 Stunde lang dauert??
DarthGogeta schrieb:shenmue2005 schrieb:Glaubt hier denn das spiele wie MP nur 1 Stunde lang dauert??
nein, aber auch nicht viel länger
Ratings: Description:
out of 10 click here for ratings guide
5.0 Presentation
A GBA game that's been spread out to cover two screens instead of one. The touch screen element works, but it's inconsistent throughtout the design.
7.0 Graphics
Solid 2D graphics with a slight improvement over the GBA game. But the DS is made to do more than this, so the "port" feels somewhat cheap.
8.0 Sound
A great GBA soundtrack sounds great on the Nintendo DS, but considering the system has stronger capabilities in this
8.0 Gameplay
Even with the GBA look and feel, the DS version is still a good design with plenty of mini-games and challenges throughout.
8.0 Lasting Appeal
It's still a huge game with an enormous amount of replay value, with lots to do even after the main adventure's through.
(out of 10 / not an average)
Titel IGN GSP GED GHO Durchschnitt
1. Super Mario 64 DS 8.9 8.4 9.3 9.3 9.0
2. Feel the Magic: XY/XX 7.8 7.7 8.1 7.8 7.9
3. Spider Man 2 7.5 6.0 7.7 -.- 7.1
4. The Urbz: Sims in the City 7.0 -.- 7.2 6.8 7.0
5. Asphalt: Urban GT 5.5 7.5 -.- 7.8 6.9
6. Madden NFL 2005 -.- 7.2 -.- 5.9 6.6
frames60 schrieb:Nein muß man nicht. Aber die Hauptbefürchtung, dass das ganze "neue" nur kurzfristig motiviert und fesselt, scheint sich zumindest zum Launch zu bestätigen...
MTC001 schrieb:Für den Launch des DS hatten diese Spiele grademal 5-6 Monate Entwicklungszeit auf einer für die Entwickler neuen Hardware und neuen Arbeitsumgebung.
nightelve schrieb:wayne : ähnliche Spiele gibs ja auch - Gratis!
random2000 schrieb:nightelve schrieb:wayne : ähnliche Spiele gibs ja auch - Gratis!
Ratings: Description:
out of 10 click here for ratings guide
5.0 Presentation
The touch-screen, dual-screen ideas are strong, but their implementations are just a little too half-assed due to the limited development schedule.
6.5 Graphics
Smooth 3D game engine with blocky low polygon, low resolution character. They don't animate anywhere near as naturally or fluidly as the console athletes do.
6.0 Sound
Handheld gamers once again get the least amount of audio presentation. Barely any noise other than the on-going crowd cheer and one or two generic Madden quotes.
7.5 Gameplay
The Nintendo DS version gets the basics down pretty well, offering a solid representation of the Madden franchise. Only two player wireless support, though, and you need a copy per system.
8.0 Lasting Appeal
Football fans will enjoy the season mode and individual player stat tracking, and two players can easily link up as long as they own a copy.
(out of 10 / not an average)
The Urbz is ultimately an unusual game for a variety of reasons. It's the first cross-platform port from the Game Boy Advance to the DS, and, hopefully, it's also going to be one of the last. After all, from a technical standpoint, it's perfectly clear that the DS is capable of a much more impressive presentation, both in terms of creative uses of the touch screen and in terms of sheer technical prowess. On the other hand, The Urbz is a fairly unique and interesting little role-playing game in its own right, which should appeal to fans of similarly themed games like The Sims, Animal Crossing, or Harvest Moon.
Gameplay - 7
Graphics - 6
Sound - 7
Value - 8
Tilt - 8
GameSpot Score: 7.3 (good)
Overall Comment
Asphalt: Urban GT is a good example of a game that gets a lot of things right but executes them in the wrong way. The customization offers a bit of depth, but that is offset by the shallow nature of the racing gameplay and the limited number of tracks. It isnt hard to tell that the game was rushed to meet Nintendo DS system launch, and thats a shame, because judging by what Gameloft has started here, this could have been an excellent racing title. However, in its current state, Asphalt is hardly more than a competent arcade racing game, with a decent selection of vehicles and customization options, that is frayed at the ends and begging for a tune-up.
Gameplay: 5.5/10.0
Graphics: 9.0/10.0
Sound: 6.5/10.0
Fun Factor: 6.0/10.0
Depth: 6.0/10.0
Final Score: 6.6
Titel IGN GSP GED GHO Durchschnitt
1. (1.) Super Mario 64 DS 8.9 8.4 9.3 9.3 9.0
2. (2.) Feel the Magic: XY/XX 7.8 7.7 8.1 7.8 7.9
3. (4.) Spider Man 2 7.5 6.0 7.7 -.- 7.1
4. (3.) The Urbz: Sims in the City 7.0 7.3 7.2 6.8 7.1
5. (5.) Asphalt: Urban GT 5.5 7.5 6.6 7.8 6.9
6. (6.) Madden NFL 2005 7.0 7.2 -.- 5.9 6.7
shenmue2005 schrieb:DarthGogeta schrieb:shenmue2005 schrieb:Glaubt hier denn das spiele wie MP nur 1 Stunde lang dauert??
nein, aber auch nicht viel länger
Okay dann freu ich mich auf das erste Metriod spiel das 1 Stunde und 10 Minuten geht![]()
millimil schrieb:@Verplant:
Pack die doch mit in Deine Übersicht (natürlich separat-> 40er-Schema)
Titel Land IGN GSP GED GHO FAM Schnitt
1. (NEU) Touch! Made in Wario -- JP -.- -.- -.- -.- 36 90 %
2. ( 1.) Super Mario 64 DS US JP 8.9 8.4 9.3 9.3 30 87 %
3. (NEU) Daigasso! Band Broth.. -- JP -.- -.- -.- -.- 32 80 %
4. ( 2.) Feel the Magic: XY/XX US JP 7.8 7.7 8.1 7.8 33 79 %
5. (NEU) Chokkan Hitofude -- JP -.- -.- -.- -.- 31 78 %
(NEU) Pokemon Dash -- JP -.- -.- -.- -.- 31 78 %
7. (NEU) Mr. Driller Drill Sp.. -- JP -.- -.- -.- -.- 29 73 %
(NEU) Tendo Dokuta -- JP -.- -.- -.- -.- 29 73 %
9. ( 3.) Spider Man 2 US -- 7.5 6.0 7.7 -.- -- 71 %
10. ( 4.) The Urbz: Sims in th.. US JP 7.0 7.3 7.2 6.8 28 71 %
11. (NEU) Zoo Keeper US JP -.- -.- -.- -.- 28 70 %
12. ( 5.) Asphalt: Urban GT US -- 5.5 7.5 6.6 7.8 -- 69 %
13. ( 6.) Madden NFL 2005 US -- 7.0 7.2 -.- 5.9 -- 67 %
14. (NEU) Cool 104 Joker & Set.. -- JP -.- -.- -.- -.- 21 53 %
Mahjong Taikai -- JP -.- -.- -.- -.- -- -- %
Mario Kart DS -- JP -.- -.- -.- -.- -- -- %
Puyo Puyo Fever -- JP -.- -.- -.- -.- -- -- %
Sprung US -- -.- -.- -.- -.- -- -- %
Ping Pals US -- -.- -.- -.- -.- -- -- %
Tiger Woods PGA Tour.. US -- -.- -.- -.- -.- -- -- %
max. 10 Pkt: (IGN) / (G)ame(SP)ot / (G)amerz-(ED)ge / (G)aming (HO)rizon
max. 40 Pkt: (FAM)itsu