At this year’s PAX East, Square Enix brought NieR: Automata director Yoko Taro, producer Yosuke Saito, and composer Keiichi Okabe for a panel celebrating the game’s one-year anniversary. During the panel the staff discussed the soundtrack, Yoko Taro’s mysterious helmet snacks, and various other topics. Of note though is a comment from producer Saito:
“I do think that we might be able to actually open another door in the NieR universe. I don’t know how long it might take but I do want you to look forward to that.”
The NieR universe extends itself through 2010’s NIER and the Drakengard series, so it’s hard to say what this new door would look like. Yoko Taro mentioned during the panel that he would like to create a vertical shooter and that he didn’t have an intrest in a sequel to Automata unless he could make there characters into bugs that fight.
Later, he shared his appreciation for the game’s fans:
“I think the NieR series as a whole is a very weird and niche. The game is ours until we release the game. From thereon it lives and is supported and nurtured by the support of the fans. Because this game is a weird and niche title that everyone who loves this game are weirdos and I’m very thankful for all the weirdos out there in the world.”
Composer Keiichi Okabe also asked the audience if they’d like to see another NieR concert in America and asked the audience to let Square Enix know.