PS3 Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Storm

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dieser Motion Blur Effekt sucht seines gleichen^^

Ah ja was mir erst jetzt einfällt ^^
ist, dass man wie in normalen Bemus jetzt auch zur Seite gehen kann also wie Sasuke es macht :-)
Ich Narutimate Hero und Accel konnte man in 2 "Ebenen" kämpfen im Vordergrund oder im Hintergrund ^^ Ihr versteht schon :-P
(Zumindest die diese Games gespielt haben) ^^
check ich nicht... wie jetzt links ist ingame und das von letzter woche ausm anime?

wenn ja finde ich den naruto links abnormal hässlich

nein. Das linke ist ein screncap aus dem neuen Naruto trailer. und das rechte einer der Direct feed screenshos die letze woche veröffentlicht wurden.

PS: Noch ca 2 stunden un die Naruto seite geht online^^
shit mit abstand das beste anime game bis jetzt :aargh:

thx für info darji

Ultimate Ninja Storm will primarily be a fighting game that features one-on-one battles in a fully 3D battlefield. However, the mentality behind CyberConnect2's previous efforts is still apparent: this will be a very approachable fighting game that uses a basic control scheme. Matsuyama commented (through a translator): "the number one point obviously is that we have to satisfy the Naruto fans out there, but at the same time we want to make the game casual enough so that those who are not aware of the Naruto license can jump in, pick up the controller and play the game very easily. I believe the game itself encompasses a very wide audience."

Matsuyama started off the demo by explaining the game as a whole: "one of the goals or themes that we had when we decided to make the PS3 product was to get rid of the barrier between the anime and what the game actually offers, so that we meld them together in a very natural sense. So users have the experience as if they're partaking directly in the anime series." Although we only got to see a few normal style battles, the content looked like a lot of fun. Characters moved quickly and could dash, flip and jump with ninja-esque grace. The build that was presented to us had a very straight-forward layout: the circle button was used for attacks and the X button was for jumping. But basic combat wasn't the only thing going on in Ultimate Ninja Storm.

We were also impressed and excited when Matsuyama knocked his opponent back and he went flying against the wall -- only to flip around and run along the wall to escape. Matsuyama's character did the same and thus the battle took place on an entirely new plane, and the camera kept track of the action quite nicely.

But battles aren't the only experiences you'll have with Ultimate Ninja Storm. The primary story mode will feature Konoha village as a primary hub and give players the ability to select missions ranging from battles to mini-games -- even boss fights will be accessible. We were impressed to learn from Matsuyama that the game will loosely follow the events of the first 135 episodes of the anime and touch upon key plot points contained within.

The demo ended with Matsuyama showing us one of the game's first boss encounters: Naruto facing off against Gaara and a massive sand beast. The scale of this battle was incredible and Naruto had to leap out of the way of tremendous strikes from the creature. The battle was broken up between free-roaming sections and quick-button events similar to God of War. However, the implementation of these events was excellent and seemed to vary the action perfectly as opposed to detract from it. Naruto even summoned his own creature to face his enemy, and the results were spectacular. We can't wait to see what's in store for us later in the game.

scheinen sehr begeistert zu sein. Leider wird es keinen onlinemdus geben.;title;1
WARUM GIBTS KEIN ONLINE PLAY somit ist das game für mich gestorben ich bin nicht bereit 60-70€ für ein game zu zahlen das kein online feature hat :)

somit leih ich es mir aus der videothek zocks einmal durch und gut ist^^
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